Getting Off Of Methadone (Page 6)


There are two of us males, early thirties. One of us underwent major back surgery three years ago and has been addicted to pain medication for a total of five years. I have been addicted for about three years just from simply being his main caretaker and dipping into the cookie jar a few to many times like an idiot. We went back to our general doctor (same guy) and explained that we are both full fledged addicts. We told him we have been obtaining Methadone off the street as is seems to be the only thing that works. He asked us what we where getting off the street and we told him Methadone. His response was, "Well that's the smartest thing you have done so far, because of its extremely long effect on the body". We told him we need his help, that we just have no money left and our livers are just a mess and we can't move on with life. He decided to put us both on 100 mgs of Methadone to keep us comfortable until he could make some contacts with the proper addiction specialists that he new. We went for an appointment to his office once every week. We made various contact to different areas, inpatient/outpatient programs, who would not even touch us because we were at too high of a dosage of Methadone. They told us they only work with Suboxone which means we would need to be down to around 20 mgs of Methadone to make the transition to Suboxone. What a nightmare. The doctor also did not have any luck with programs because they where either the scum of the earth clinics, not to mention everyone's famous new drug Suboxone that could be treated in the privacy of a doctors office. About 3 months ago our doctor fell, he herniated a disc or something, all of a sudden was going to be out of the office indefinitely! He never referred us over to another doctor or anything. He just simply CUT US OFF the most potent and dangerous drug out there. Now we are back a square one and no one will touch us because our dosage is too high and there really is nothing they could do. If we could just get us a general doctor to write for pain to get us down to 45 - 50mg, then all these options could open up. A detox would be my first choice, but there is no way in hell we can both come off 100 mgs of Methadone that fast. Anyone know a general doctor in the state of MA that can write for Methadone for pain. That would just help us greatly, but I'm starting to think that there is no hope for us, but I know I cant think like that. Desperate in MA here.

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I drink a glass of wine and I take 1 to 2 mg of my clozepens for anxiety and. So no I guess u can say I'm not totally clean cause I'm still self medicating but I work everyday and I got to go to work I just want off this methadone it is like liquid handcuffs!!!! I'm from the midwest and my clinic I think caused a lot of of my anxiety it is getting so strict it reminds me of being on parole!!

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@ndoggy dogg
Good luck to you!! I know if I can kick methadone, anybody can! Tomorrow will be one year clean for me. You can do it.. :)

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I agree with the clinic causing xtra anxiety. I commend the glass of wine and medication, I do the same on occasion. Methadone is the worst to detox. I'm on 30mgs and gonna drop 5mgs every 2 weeks. Hope I can get to where you are. Thanks, Mike.

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@Kat im proud of u because I've seen so many people struggle to do it and im trying to get where you are and give up!! I just want to make it threw this hump i have a set of 11 yr old twins and another son on the way anyway now so its time to get my self together and not have to worry about going to a clinic i have other stuff going on for my kids so that even more good motivation!! Im so glad to hear that you are a year clean that what up!!

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And u can bro i haven'vt felt any withdrawals yet but i know it will come but I've got to be strong with the last 15 of my 10 mg pills im only going to take a half only when or if i get sick!!!

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Good luck bro & keep me updated. I'm really encouraged by your situation and attitude!

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I'm wondering how you are ~. You had such big dreams and survived a lot. And you still were staying positive. I'm really hoping you've managed to remain as strong as you were in 2011. Please -- if you get this let me know .... I'm at a crossroad myself and found this particular post out of the hundred I've been reading all night because I can't sleep ( methadone withdrawal,cold turkey,sad face) -- found this post to be the most inspiring. It's such a lonely life getting hooked and the process of getting off .... I think I've made up my mind. I don't want to live
Iike this anymore. I never leave my room and even online I have lost ....too many people. I'm really hoping to hear back from you. You've got a friend in NJ ~ sincerely ~ Kyle

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50ml and you having a hard time with nausea & sleep? maybe you dropped too fast. I was @ 100 for a few years, 80 before that for 8 or 9. My doc told me ayear before that he was giving up his mdone script rights (Canada) so at least I had a yr notice, so I started to taper..rather slowly, 100 to 90, actually was the worst wdrawls I had so far.. I got to about 70ml in a 10 month period... I got comfortable, then I go to pick up a script and my pharmacist tells me that I only have 1 month as the doc is stopping scripts! holly crap, I kicked it intio hi gear, started dropping 5 mls every 3 to 5 to 50 when I seen my doc..told him whats up and he wrote a script for 80 to last a month but with my taper that can last months. I'm @ 25ml now 4th day and so far not much to report..just hot and cold but I can still sleep although I wake up 3 times a night or so..still getting fair sleep. I try to get stable at the last dose then juystr drop, which its that time again, I need to remember that the meds are slowly running out so i'll go to 20 prob tomorrow. I think the key is to get stable at whatever dose and then drop, otherwise your wasting time. its going to get tough, im sure. I take greens rx from enerex 2x a day in a glass of kangen water and drink ionized alkaline water all day every day, I don't know if its helping but from what I hear, many start to feel like s*** @ 25ml I am 6ft6 270lbs and in a wheelchair.. Take mdone for pain management. I just don't want to have to go back to the clinic . I want to be free :) Try to stay positive and not think too much. 50 mls is still a pretty good wack of juice. try to stay there for a week before you drop 5 mls again. I feel that under 50mls is fine to drop 5 mls every 3 or 4 days, I guess it also depends on the individual. My cousin was cut off cold turkey by a pharmacist that just didn't like the increase of his dose from 70 to 105ml he thought it might kill him so he didn't fill it!!!! now hes totally f***ed, did a drastic "taper" if you could call it that...went from taking 40ml a day on a 70ml script (tapering on his own) likme me, to all of a sudden having to take 15ml for 3 days! I gave him some of my meds, 10 days worth to help.hes now at 10ml for 2 days. I feel so bad for him. he HAS to I comment him BIGTIME for dong it hardcore.

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You're not alone dude. Relapse is part of the recovery process too! Methadone is nasty. I would have just kicked H if I knew the difficulty of getting off, and detoxing from other drugs that are needed with methadone. I just got done slamming some H. because I'm trying to get used to 20mgs of methadone, and refuse to take more to feel better, unless last resort. I get 180 norcos, 90 atavan, 30 tamazepam a month & I'm still high anxiety/insomnia!!! Methadone b**** slaps any euphoric relief you used to get except for benzos. Over & out, anr crazy as $*** (feeling).

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I have came off my method i got it down to 4 ml a week ago am still felling not so good I was put on lofexidine for a week. What can I do?

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How many mg's of clonodine did they give you? It's one of the best ways to kick methadone but remember its real purpose. It's a high blood pressure pill, I know because I'm familiar from ingesting & my mom is prescribed it. Just keep hydrated and read up, but this medication helps you sleep into stableness. If you increase your dose just take sips here and there and try to depend on the clonodine cause it's easy to kick, like a placebo.

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What's up everybody im down to 1 10mg pill a day and feel alright i think i shoulder stayed on 15 mg a day because I've been getting stomach cramps and some depression!!!! Even though i just had a newborn son on march would think i would be happy and not as depressed lol!!! But im not with the mother and last week my work gave me a week off so i got to see him in the hospital everyday which was sweet now im depressed cause i didn't see him all weekend!! Being on this stuff makes you so passive and week god i hate it stuff that wouldn't normally bother me does! But im not giving up everybody im gonna try next week and just do a half a 10 mg pill a day!!!

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@ndoggy dogg
Congratulations and Congratulations!!!! You have two major life changing events going on in your life. WoW... Smile, life is good. Again, congratulations! :)

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@Kat thank u from the heart im glad i got on this site because chatting with you all helps me alot!!!

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Ok I've read all your MSGS this crazy first things first ,methadone ,bupe ,suboxone is all addictive doesn't matter if your on 100mg to 1mg or lower the minute you stop taking anything your going to have withdrawals ,and expect atleast 3 days of intense hell to a week ,and a month to get normal but the first week is going to be hell end of storey .Best thing you can do is get some valiums , speed any other kind of drug for the first week to cope with the withdrawals you'll be lucky to sleep maybe from pure exhaustion and pain but it's hell .Once you've done the hard yards for the first week you've basically kicked it your just gonna be s***ting a lot and your body gonna be fixing itself up back to normal .Theres no other way you may want to start reducing down to the lowest possible dose like 1mg and sit on that for a good month before you cut it off so it's only a quick three days in hell .....good luck everyone sorry to say it but that's the truth

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Look for a Methadone clinic nearby. They will dose you daily based on your current tolerance, and wean you down to 20mg at which point you can switch to Subs or simply continue weaning with the Methadone. I insufflated every opiate under the sun and eventually started smoking H....I took 10 months to taper off using Methadone and I am on day 12 being 100% Methadone free. I feel lethargic and restless and have a hard time sleeping still....but if I can remain drug free the side effects will go away and the opiate shackles will be off!! Good luck to you guys!!

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i took mehtadon for 5years started at 40 went up to 80mg,stayed there for a coulple of years.I started the taper my self at 1mg a week till i got to 3mg.I decided to stop at 3mgs,boy was i worng the next day my legs where hurting bad and knew i wouldnt sleep.i started taking those suboxtons,id cut it in half then to quarters,for 27 days,after i ran out of suboxton i was hurting my back no sleep after a week the back pain gone but still no good sleep im going on two weeks.i ask did i prolong the process??they say methadon has an after life after coming off it completly,its in ur fat cell and bones so i ask if any one could suggest how muck longer will i go threw this

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Hello there I. Hope and pray u get read t hism im looking to pay for a rapid detox and can't locate anywhere. I live in NY and checked online. I remember hearing rock stars doing this detox. Where did u go to have this done did u feel much pain after.

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UPDATE.... day 27...bloody hell! I cant sleep and the drymouth is driving me to insanity! since stopping I haven't slept more than 2 hrs at a time with a total of 4 hrs sleep (if im lucky) some nights there is no sleep what so ever. When is this going to stabilize? Im not taking any meds to help with this but am wondering if CLONADINE can help me at this stage? Oh just sneezed 8 times now...forgot about the sneezing..thats nothing compared to the no sleep & drymouth...doesn't matter how much you does NOTHING cept somehow keep u hydrated, thought you don't feel like it is. Bedtime is scary..Oh I did take some Melatonin lastnight...wife got me some earlier in the day and it did make me drowsy..took 2 pills. I don't want to take prescription sleepers...just need to tough this out. I should be close...right? Good luck to all of you, no s*** this isn't easy but it is worth it.

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Is it dangerous to take methodone &
Xanax together?

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