Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 25) (Top voted first)


Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

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I have been in pain management for a year , I am prescribed oxycodone 30mg 4 times a day. I also see a phycologists for mental health meds. A week ago when I saw my pych doc I ask him to prescribe me subutex because I took one of my friends and it helped my depression. My question is I have a pain management appointment coming up in a few days . since subutex is not a narcotic will my pain management , or pharmacy reject my oxycodone because I got one script of subutex??

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Might be doctor shopping but it is definitely not illegal unless you are getting more than the legal amount of one drug.
Many people have several doctors - you aren't in trouble but your lawyer and his doctor might be

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Ed, I can frm my experience tell you, that even if is the same med, as long as only the pain management is doing the perscriptions, the new dr can write on the rx - This is an increase in the strengeth and you really should have no problems. I live in oregon, and they r extremly tough, yet I had no problem. I don't know the laws in your state, so I can't say it is the same here, the only problem, I see is some docs will ask for the unused amount you would hve last. I want you to know Ed, this only happened once, so please don't get worried. The best luck for you!!

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The reason I filled it was because it was because I was afraid my mom wasn't going to make it until her next visit with the PM Doc and I asked the pharmacist prior to filling and he and the insurance didn't have a problem, we only spoke to the PM Doc once for 5 min and none of this was really discussed, I do have the entire bottle unused because I didn't realize that I could call him in 2 weeks instead month to make adjustments, do you think if I took the unused bottle to him along with a copy of the script showing when I actually received and beg to please don't penalize my mom for my mistake, I will stay out of the equation. he understood the extensive surgery she had and more to come and the doc at Stanford will fax over letter stating no longer prescribing after 3 months and date he wrote and gave script,and yes I know now that it doesn't matter when it was written, it matters when it was filled, why didn't someone stop me along the way, we use same pharmacy, same insurance but didn't seem to be a problem for them. and we were never told or signed any contract. plus I'm dealing with 27 other medications between my mom and dad and while these are no real excuses, couldn't one see how maybe the guy just f'd up and deserves another chance? I cant wrap my mind around the fact that I did this to my mother and because of me she's going to be in pain, it took me three months of faxing the referral, finding the docs personal email, being told by secretaries that he only does inj's. but I was never deterred by this, I truly would not have done this had I understood the ramifications. what do you think, should I stay away from blaming pharmacy or insurance? that sounds cowardly doesn't it? Also I feel like we were transitioning as this happened just after our very first visit to the pm doc, it wasn't like we had been going for months and knew it all , we were still in the adjustment phase and I didn't realize mom didn't have to wait a whole month to readjust. all I got is the truth and that's it. cant they look and see my moms history that this has never happened before? I have to go today and plead my case, where I live its him or drive 50 miles and my mom cant take that.

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OK went to docs office he's been on vacation for last week so office manager sent letter. I showed the unused bottle copy of script with note from pharmacist. Swore we never signed contract she disagreed but couldn't produce one which made her mad I don't think they are going to take us back I'm beside myself my mother is hurting because of me I can't live with that I have to make it right

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If the Dr. can't understand your point of view than you don't need him!! Most dr.s dont care about you or your Mom. They have a family to feed and expensive gifts to buy for their wives and kids. I think you should become a Dr. because of the way you love and care about your Mom. Many Dr's cant see that. They have tunnel vision. You should be proud of your self. Dr's can not for some reason put themselves into our shoes. They don't care about you or your Mom. You're a good guy taking care of you'r mom the way you do!! The Dr. should take a lesson from you. You made a small mistake and you'r not abusing drugs just trying to keep mom comfortable and have her life available to you and family. If I were you I wouldn't worry about getting into trouble. These docs need to give up their script pads if they can't help out people like you. I'm sure they are writing scripts for their Dr biddies everyday though!! Keep your chin up and be proud of your self. Forget them!

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Iam anand,am a sleeping pills addiction patient. Now doctor gave valparin300, olanzapine5. My brain toomuch cloudly all the day .so what i do?

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Victor your anger speaks for your addiction.

Leave your mother and her medication in competent hands.

I've seen a thousand of you trust me in professional practice now back off.

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Thanks Administration you are doing a great service to the people I've helped thus far they won't post for I've referred them to physicians and those on medication rarely hang around long enough to continue posting when relief is near. They attempt to get their lives back. You do have a few either blasting or doing the same thing as I do give support.

But in kind if sending my information is not enough for you can we remove the reference or inference. I think you might when this other party who is stalking posts and is posting on other names to add that little "notice" to his or her posts.

I'm close enough to Louisiana to know something is wrong with a piss poor attitude attacking those indigent in the state for no reason and acting as if this soul controls the state. As Joey mentioned even a one time Governor of Louisiana was a mental case released from the state bin on good behavior..

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I think some tenet of 12-Step therapy can be successfully adapted, but Ill never send a pt to AA/NA "Cult City". I learned my lesson during one of my Residencies. You're intelligent enough t separate the wheat from the chaff in group tx," but sometimes people are too frazzled to to that, even if they're educated and intelligent. I also hear and see more reports of Predation in AA/NA and that;s NEVER A GOOD SIGN. I was tricked once; I returned to turn that AAgroup upside down when my mentor asked me to accompany a patient being harassed for taking a non-addicting drug called TRIAVIL (pherphenazine and amitriptyline). The Doc primarily treating her couldn't believe his ears; patients exaggerate unknowingly snd there's psychic reality and all that — but this you lady told the truth. These people, including on GP were out of control. I was there and I identified myself stating that the doc was violating the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Medicine by interfering with another doc's case. I added that anonymous is NOTHING compared to attorney-client or physician-patient privilege, regardless of what they believe, and we knew the full names of enough witnesses and commenters to place them all on a formal complaint. What this GP jerk didn't know is that my escort was we of the Chief of Staff to the governor or our fair state and he liked her very much. He told me that she;s brilliant in her own right and this s*** needs to stop. I think there were many painful individual and collective bowel movements when they learned who her husband was, that the governor knew all about it and issued a public statement of support for her actions against the group and her doc was probably the best shrink in the state.One loudmouth whose only red was 15 years of sobriety tried to stop me from writing down names. You cab remove your hand, or I'll break your wrist and charge you with assault, interfering with an official investigation. (It was OK'd by the gov!)

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Victor I am sorry to tell you this once any discs have moved to stenosis which is fibrotic tissue and immobile surgery will not reduce the pain. At best she will have some decreased neurologic issues, and perhaps reduce cervical headaches BUT will she have pain YES.

In today's government DEA FDA witch hunt physicians will tell you whatever it takes to move forward. We have a stigma rule on FDA 120 mg. morphine equivalent, and you do realize that patients these days get arrested not just physicians.

Physicians and nurse of my caliber in America (Western Medicine) have an education for a reason so that we can do what is needed to give quality of life. Well even when Odumma rows his banana boat downstream we still will have several years with an aggressive leader who believes in profit motive and world leadership not simpering "I am the first this or that let's stir some fecal product and ruin lives" so Victor she will and already has chronic pain.

Stenosis is not curable.

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BL and Jenifer and Victor it will not work. None of you can articulate and coordinate anything more then petty commentary and hits.

Frankly I'm amazed the Owner of this site allows all of you to post other than he is getting a huge laugh out of seeing NON pain clients fight with addicts, and inferential criminal elements.

Have I forgotten anything you need like perhaps a sense of decency no certainly not.

Those with bipolar disorder, and borderline cannot comprehend and trolling is a methodology they do understand further alienating them from the real people who may no longer post here.

Clearly you lack of humanity three don't realize that both Dr. J. and myself are posting you are just being protected for a brief moment from the truth. I am quite sure though you face it every day.

BL WC regulations differ in every state. Let me tell you something Mr. Louisiana your state has crap I have a 100% medical award for life and that MUST pay my medications and care including surgery first. My injury is almost 20 years ago and therefore yes there are two processes but wait you are one of the rectums who voted for ODUMMA that should really increase your popularity here.

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if I needed Psych Meds,I would know whom (or more than one whom) to consult. et' see — I've never need possible psych illness as a excuse for illiteracy. Charts of medical abbreviations are all over the place. TID = three times daily; q12h = every 12 hours; BID = twice daily. I knew these before I was finished with undergrad, They aren't difficult. There's no caveat that anyone must write to the comprehension level of the lowest common denominator. The ability to change Levels of Discourse is important in the practice of medicine — and I aced all my grad (PhD level)Linguistics courses.

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Sgtcholo, unless you live in a place where law enforcement is so bored that they want something to do, you won't see any police. If you had forged any scripts or bought or sold drugs, then you could expect more than just a visit from the police. It is highly doubtful that anyone at VA or in the private sector will give you anything else for pain.

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Sgtcholo, I know the laws.

Keikee, times have changed. If a patient alters a prescription it is tampering and/or forgery and there are laws against this. Many, many yrs ago, a pharmacist might have just called the dr and informed him and then the dr would decide what to do. It is Not this way any longer. A pharmacist is breaking the law if he fills a prescription that he knows has been altered and/or forged.

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So have i would should i need the meds im addicted to them and I take more than I should I see 3 different doctors and I get three scripts of oxy 15s a month ive been doing it over 3years now and i pay cash and go to three different pharmacy but i use my medical insurance for all visit and i dont no if the dea is watching me or not my ex call my pharmacy and told them im doctor shopping i live i phila pa so whats should i do like im so scared now bc i dont want to go to jail and i need my meds im in so much pain every day its crazy someone plz help me and let me no what to do here plz

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Keikee , some ststes require all providers to check the PMP before prescribing a Schedule II drug, this would include dentists. The prescription being filled is what puts it on a patients PMP profile, It doesn't matter how it is paid form although states do require the method of payment as part of the info and it is listed on the profile. A patient does not have to sign a pain contract for a dr to decide to no longer prescribe pain meds if the patient has gotten a pain prescription from another dr. It all depends on the dr.

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Bl, thank you for your response. I don't have unbearable pain everyday and choose advil are 1600 mg about for times a day. 98 percent of time. Only when I have a severe injury so I need something a bit stronger. I do go my pcp regularly along with a orthopedic doc. Bit there is nothing the can do for the dilocations. Jason to be handled under sedation. I know how it looks but my situation severe. Cousin this be looked as doctor shopping?

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Yes, my home group knows that I am on pain meds. Some of them balked, but once they heard what I said then they understood. Some people may not think it is not ok to take pain meds, but that is their problem. As I stated the is a difference in Physical Dependence and addiction. I was told by a M.D. in the program after 15 years in recovery that physical dependence is when you have a prescription you follow as written and do not waiver you will not be come addicted. Abuse then addiction comes when you say to yourself 2 is better than 1. Or even someone that has just got some relief for the first time. Most of the people in recovery around me often send someone to me new in recovery about pain meds. It has worked for me for the past 18 years. I will be celebrating 33 years in recovery on Feb. 10, 2017.

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Does a pharmacy report to your pain Dr. If u present a script from a dentist for an opioid also? Although they didn't fill it I didn't know I did anything wrong.

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