Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 22)


Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

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Sorry Keikee what BL wrote is relevant because doctor including dentists are required to check prescription monitoring board each time they fill a prescription in most states. Those states that leave it up to the doctor will not longer have that choice when some of these new laws are put into effect. Also just because they did not do it every single time does not means that they won't in the future. If someone is asking a question on whether or not something is considered doctor shopping then they most likely can use the information that BL provided. Maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and is a little testy today?

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I am worried because I go to a pain doc to be treated for endometriosis in Denver. I only take the meds for a week out of the month and my doctor gives me a few extra in case my cycle starts early. Well I travel constantly for work and ended up hospitalized in Portland for a kidney infection. I used up my extras because the infection was causing extreme pain in my back. The doctor in OR gave me a small amount to help me get through when I finally went to the hospital till the infection cleared. I just recently woke up with a recurrent infection in Kansas City and had to go to the urgent care because I needed antibiotics and 3 pain meds to help till the pain stopped and the antibiotics locked in. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning. My doctor yelled at me the last time I went to the hospital out of state because I didn't have them with me and I guess your not allowed to be prescribed additional meds. I have always been completely honest with her. I'm scared that I will get in trouble for filling two additional small scripts even though they were for a completely different issue. Since I wasn't in Denver I had no way to be seen or call her office for a script because it has to be a written prescription in the state you're in. I'm scared if I tell her she will fire me as a patient. I really need the narcotics when I'm on my period and cannot function without them. Do I tell her the truth. I filled both through my insurance although in different states. I know they check the state registry but do they check insurance records as well? I would prefer to be honest but I'm scared she will fire me as a patient. What do I do? Is it illegal to be treated for a seperate issue out of state and get a small script? I'm not trying to be shady but was extremely sick.

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Concerned patient , many states are connected to other states Prescription Monitoring Programs now. So you don't have to get a prescription filled in your state for your dr to find out about it.

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Ok I went through the same thing. My pain med doctor prescribe me a two months supply of pain meds but I went to my dentist and he gave me 15 pills on something called oxycodone. Then I have a pinched nerve in my back and that dr have me 15 Tylenol w/codeine not all in the same month though. I never heard of this before so I was very confused. So I asked my pharmacist who told me I was good because they're different meds for different things is that true?

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needtoknow, it is up to your dr is he wants to continue writting your pain meds. If you signed a Pain Contract agreeing to not have any other dr treat your pain, chance are you will be dismissed and you will find it difficult if not impossiible to find another dr to manage your pain. The pharmacist has no way of knowing what your dr will do. All the pharmacist can tell you is if you can get a prescription filled.

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But our pharmacist here will not fill an rx of scripts if they are to soon to fill so yes here where I live will tell you I cant fill it. Also if the rx is from a different dr for a different situation and it's only for a short amount of time they will fill it

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Different meds from diff doctors for a diff thing are ok unless U go to a pain management dr. Idk about that. I get pain meds Percocet from my family dr for fibromyalgia but recently had oral surgery done and was able to fill a vicodin script from the oral surgeon with no problems. Different doctors for a different situation and different meds.

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Right. I got percocets for my tooth which the doctor literally went in and seen it was infected and gave me antibotics and Percocet. Then I went into urgent care because my legs was killing me and I couldn't move them they did xrays and discovered I have a pinched nerve in my power back so she gave me cyclobenxine and tylenol 3

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Needtoknow, it is up to the dr that is writting your pain meds how he deals with this situation. A pharmacist filling a prescription and/or an insurance company paying for it does not mean that your dr won't have a problem with it. If you are given a prescription by your regular dr for pain and you are suppose to take it every day and it is for a 30 day period, you should not be taking two prescriptions of pain meds by two different drs. SInce your dr is not a pain management dr, he may refer you to one.

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I've never experienced that with a doctor. Mine have been reputable. Well, except for the one who originally got me hooked on narcotics and benzo's. At least my current doctor of about 8 years monitors everything I take very closely and won't give me something because I want it. Oxycodone would relieve my pain much better considering how long I've been on hydrocodone, but they still work and I'm not pushing it. NOW, if I could oxycontin and a needle, well I'm getting off topic now.

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That Pharmacy is wrong. You need to find a new pharmacist. This is much different when you have an injury then Doctor shopping with no injury.

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Yes the pharmacy can do that but just stay with one pain med.This is a different world now and the government is controlling us and our meds.

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Yes the pharmacy can do that but just stay with one pain med.This is a different world now and the government is controlling us and our meds....u only need one med I know that pharmacies,doctors and dea are watching.They will report you.

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No it's from 2 different Drs are abusing the law.

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Yeah Uncle Sam has his nose up our ass and nobody can do anything. They will cause you more problems than you need. Doctors hands are tied now.

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No you did the right thing by telling the Dr what was going on. They will most likely send you to a pain management Dr and he will give you the meds.

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Ya off topic at the lest. Hope the other guy don't go what a good idea. Hope you don't ether. Too many of us get cut off and find an answer on the streets. PLEASE DON'T GO THERE

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Two doctors equals 5 years. Your doing what I tell my son
If you have to think twice about it then DON'T DO IT
It show that you know the the answer, you just want someone to say go ahead no problem.
It is a problem I'll bet you even tried to have your insurance pay

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I think you already know the answer. Maybe you justify it to yourself saying "they sent me to two different doctors"....but it was then your responsibility to inform the second doctor that you were already being prescribed pain meds by the first doctor. I doubt anything will happen to you, but you won't be able to do it again.

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I have been on pain meds for years. I'm on disability. I fell and broke my shoulder and fractured my foot. The ambulance picked me up and took me troo the er. They referred me to an orthopedic doctor. He have me a lower dose of pain meds to use for break through pain, because I was taking the others every 8 hours. There's no way I could go 8 hours without pain medication. He was told I had pain meds from my primary doctor. My doctor told me she couldn't give me pain meds anymore, because I was considered a doctor shopper. I have never abused my rights to my medication. I did not hide anything. I was really upset she chose to do this. But I found another doctor, needless to say I don't use my primary doctor anymore because I felt like she labeled me as something I wasn't and she knew this. I am 68 years old. The pain was unbearable. Thank God the new doctor understood my situation. I am still under the care of my orthopedic doctor. People do abuse the pain meds , but I was upfront about everything. He knew I had pain meds, but it wasn't enough to get me through the pain I was in. I am " NOT a DOCTOR SHOPPER "!!!!. I have never lied or abused my pain meds rights.

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