Georgia Female Needs Pain Management Doctor That Will Write 8 30mg Oxycodone A Day I Have All The Mri Ct Scan Bone Density And Some Really Psychatric (Top voted first)


I have been trying to live a productive life since my cancer back 5 years ago and have been doing pretty welll until I had an emotional setback and kinda got of hand on my medicine well the docotor I was seeing I was also employed by him-well In June I lost my 40 yr old neice to mestholima only living 6 months from diagnosis well I DID MESS up but hey not only going through my depression was also seeing patients while DR went out of town just was too high or trying to get there due to not wanting to deal with the pain Well he fired me now telling me I need to find a new doctor the only problem all doctor I talk too look at me like a fool with the amount of medicine I take I NEED DOCTOR IN GEORGIA THAT WILL GIVE ME MY OXYCODONE-JUST so all ayou will understand I got my 28 yr old son in for his pain and the nurse being the docotrs fiancee is now with my son and I am kicked out. Hard to admit but my son will do what it takes to get his medicine so therefore he just give this docotor ammunition to discharge me I WILL PAY ANYONE 200 FOR A REFERRAL I wanta live and at the moment this is how I do best PLEASE HELP Promise I will help u out- I am a 50 yr old female that has a dependency and I am scared

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Has anyone has any luck in Ky finding a doctor who will write pain meds. I have years worth of documentation I am injured and the doctors either can't or won't help me? I have been a responsible patient for years without any repercussions of being on pain medication. Now I abruptly get cut off cuz my doctor retired or got shut down! I can no longer work and will be homeless in a couple weeks. I am losing everything I have little by little. You wouldn't take away a heart patients meds, why is someone with real injuries with years of documentation of medical treatments treated like they are no better than a junkie, an addict? It's discrimination to the fullest!!! I will not stop telling my story until someone listens to me. I hope to get laws changed and be a voice for us real patients that just want somewhat of a normal life. I never wanted pain meds to begin with I have begged to be fixed. I'm told I can't be fixed so what's left, out here begging for help like a junkie!!! Makes u feel less than human? Like u don't matter a messed up neck n back is not a real medical problem?? Why is that?? I plan to go to the lawmakers n hopefully get some things changed and be a voice for us real patients that get treated like a junkie! Please send me your story if u are a real responsible patient that has never had a drug charge n truly need help because the docs can't fix u so u have no other choice. Where do we go from here?? Cuz I'm less than human should I just put a bullet to my head and give up because of what society says I am, a junkie an addict cuz I need the almighty pain pill to have a normal life? I didn't sign up for any of this, I had a car accident and left mangled. What r real patients supposed to do? If there is a doctor out there that wants to use me as a guinea pig for an experimental procedure, let's get started, sign me up for that!! People need to be educated especially the doctors and lawmakers and put a system In place to differentiate the real responsible patients from the junkies!! Not all ppl on pain Meds are addicts or junkies, but unfortunately they are in society's eyes!! Discrimination at it's best and nothing can ve some about it!! The junkies will continue to get their fix elsewhere but the real patients fall to the wayside. Watch the suicide rate triple!!! I'm not giving in nor giving up, will fight this battle with everything in me!! Let me hear your story. Hang I'm there fellow patients, I'm trying!!

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To the original poster, you can no longer get that many doses prescribed each month under the new laws. The maximum you can get is 180 tablets, with would be 6 a day for 30 days.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

And if you are a chronic pain patient, you will have to go to a pain management specialist, as regular doctors will no longer be able to prescribe these types of drugs for long-term use.

That, plus the fact that your other doctor dismissed you may be why you're having trouble getting treated anywhere else. In this case, your best bet is to set up an appointment, without asking for any specific medication, since they consider that to be drug seeking behavior.

And Kim, they are changing the laws to try to differentiate, but right now they've just started to be enforced and that's made for a bit more chaos.

Just as I've already stated, chronic pain patients that require long-term treatment will have to see a pain management specialist.

Learn more pain management details here.

Does anyone know of a doctor they can recommend in the area?

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That is going to be a tough one. Ive heard of people getting amt. like that before in Florida but it is rare. Ive also heard that up North yall still have the Oxycontin but I think you are only allowed one every 12 hrs and even if you got 80mg that would only be 160 per day versus the 240 you were taking. They could always supplement it with the ROXY or Percocet or even OXY IR or OXYFAST but that is extreme. If you don't give up youll find someone to at least give you half but you might want to consider suboxone because of the withdrawal, you are right to be afraid. I don't know if the sub will help with your pain in the long run, but the down side to that is that once you are treated with that drug you will be labeled as an addict receiving treatment and you will automatically be rejected from most pain management doctors because now you are labeled. If you are forced into that route then make sure the prescribing physician writes up the order for the drug as treatment for pain instead of opioid addiction, in which case they may use subutex, same drug without the naloxone.

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To VERWON: I have always been prescribed my pain medication by my general physician (many years now) and continue to get them from him (Oxycontin and Dilaudid.) Not sure why you think I'm required to go to a pain specialist for this.

To BARRY: You state that a patient is now allowed only one Oxy every 12 hours. My prescription is for TWO - 60 mg Oxycontin twice a day. That's because of what my insurance will pay. If my doctor wanted to raise my dose, he could prescribe TWO - 80 mg Oxycontin every 12 hours. If we decided I needed less, I could be prescribed TWO 40 mg tablets every 12 hours--or ONE of any strength every 12 hours. You may want to be more well-informed in regard to ALL the information you put in your post before you put it "out there."

To RICK: Stop all of WHAT? Obamacare has nothing to do with what's going on with the prescribing of Oxycontin. It is related more to the fact that drug addicts have misused and abused this medication, not using it for pain relief but to get a buzz, taking it in inappropriate doses, using inappropriate methods (injection) rather than taking it because they have a legitimate prescription due to a legitimate medical reason. Who the president is now and who the president was when oxycodone was less controlled is irrelevant. Besides the addicts and abusers, the DEA and insurance companies also make it difficult for legitimate pain patients--it's sort of a "you're guilty until you can prove you're innocent" issue. That is, one is assumed to be an addict and abuser. I understand it's convenient to be able to blame a politician who probably isn't your cup of tea but it's really more important to get the facts right.

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Lulu and all posters,

Odumma is behind all of this as a health care professional I do know. I also will not hesitate to say that the FDA implication for 120 mg. morphine equivalent is the same Odumma originated.

There are multiple serious chemical issues such as bleach being taken off the market (regular bleach now for over 5 years) and Maalox brand name (real magnesium) for over 5 years.

There are also physician incentives (huge and financial) being paid to stop treating patients for chronic illnesses in order you are written off--all of his crazy notions of reducing costs in this country by disallowing life for those who are chronically ill are part of his health care mandates.

You will not get treated if your "dirty doc aka QUACK" gets busted; watch your back because the DEA also arrests patients who frequent pill mills. Try to realize there are some (such as myself) who are rare cases; who literally progress to "Central Pain Syndrome" and due to abusers of prescription medications where the ACTUAL OVERDOSES OR DEATHS OCCUR IN THOSE WHO WERE NOT WRITTEN MEDICATIONS USING ABUSING AND THEN DYING we suffer, we die.

I've been forced when seeing Dr. Famous in California the past five years since my high level specialist of 10 years died in Houston, TX to like 30 other out of state patients be put into house bound status and only because Dr. Famous taught us to put aside a percentage of medication live through this recent LOSS of him with no proper referral to live like a RAT without proper ability to live.

For shame physicians do not call yourself crap if you take incentives and watch patients you treat for years and who pay you plenty anyhow DIE due to your greed, and more so those physicians who are chicken SHAT (get a diaper) for you have no integrity and for those of you in the latter category I wish you RSD, stones in both ureters, and a happy ER nurse giving you an aspirin and telling you to see your PCP for a referral!!


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That's because Obama wants everyone to hit the streets and buy heroin. He wants people to die because Social Security went bust. Obama is killing people. He wants the middle class to die off. He should be impeached and arrested for high treason.

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I went to St. Mary's last night in Athen's GA and they wrote me a script for 30 10 mg oxycodone's. I have a bunch of issues but the main one right now is gallbladder problems. Anyway, only one pharmacy in the area has the prescription so I am trying to find the money to get it- having no insurance sucks. None the less, maybe a dr at that hospital will prescribe you a few until you get to a pain specialist. Hope this helps. :)

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Did you ever find a good pain doctor in KY?

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Pain Treatment Center in Lexington,Ky and there is one in London another is in Berea another is in Pikeville PaintsvilleKy usually where there is a hospital there will be pain managment centers and the drs have at least 4places they have cause they make the money.I tried to find one for my daughter in law after knee surgery and there is so many all you have to do is put in pain managment in Ky and you will find one cause I did for her.They do have at least 4 clinics in different counties good luck.

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What part of the state are you in?

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I have the same issue !! If you find one let me know .. And I will reciprocate I've been in oxycodone for 7 heads and have legit paper work

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I am looking for a pain Managment doctor in savannah ha just for norco . Relocated here and having a hard time finding a new doctor

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The DEA won't let any doctors write for that much anymore. I would get back at the dr by contacting the DEA or tell him that... I bet he will continue supplying you then.

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Re: Kim (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

A doctor will always give U Methadone. Take only as much as U need to quell pain. Methadone is used for pain AND addiction. I used it in very high doses 17 yrs ago but now I need only 5mgs 3 x a day to help with 8 major ailments. Methadone will ALWAYS be available because it helps w/ addiction AND PAIN. Oh, and it blocks anything else U try to take to feel euphoria, except marijuana.

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I could hardly even interpret what you're trying to say in your post. I don't know if you're high or sleepy or just a bad writer but my gut feeling with you is that you don't need anywhere NEAR that much medication, if any at all. Between how much medicine you say you're seeking, your willingness to pay someone to refer you, the fact that you appear to have an addict son, and the way you write, I just can't get myself to believe you are currently a legit patient in that much pain. But best of luck to you and, if I'm wrong, sincerest apologies. Seriously. I mean no disrespect. Addiction is an awful, scary disease. {{{Hugs}}} to you.

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