Generics For 135mg Trilipix Other Than Fenofibric Acid
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I had been taking 135mg Trilipix for several years, before being prescribed Fenofibric acid. Now, I have been informed by my Medicare Part D, ( for prescription meds ) provider that, beginning January 1, 2015, Fenofibric acid will no longer be on their formulary, and that I either must find a suitable substitute, or stop taking the medication altogether...OR, find a different Part D provider.
The latter is not really an alternative for me, only due to the fact that my provider carries every other medication that I am prescribed, ( 17 of them altogether ), in their formulary. At the present time, I have not asked my primary care physician about a suitable substitue. WHY should I? From everything that I have been reading about Fenofibric acid, OR Trilipix, one should not be taking the medication if they are also taking Metformin OR any low thyroid medication. I TAKE BOTH, and my primary care doctor hasn't even mentioned these facts to me!! It sounds to me like I need to find another primary care physician,but, living in such a small town as where I live, that is certainly no easy feat. I've tried, and cannot locate one, that is both taking on new patients, AND that accepts Medicare.
Is there any other suitable substitute(s) for Fenofibric acid, that isn't unsafe to be taking, in conjunction with both Metformin, AND Levothyroxine?
3 Replies
My husband is having the same problem trying to find a suitable substitute for fenofibric acid which according to pharmacy plan will be moved to a tier 4 in January 2016. Pharmacy plan gave a couple of options but to be honest I doubt the young lady had a medical background. Appeared to be reading out of the new drug plan book. We contacted doctor for suggestions, she replied, " contact your drug plan for a suitable substitute". Trying to do my own research online. It appears fenofibric acid and fenofibrate have to treatment differences. Am I correct?
I didn't have to stop taking Trilipix. I was only switched to the generic, Fenofibric acid, because it is cheaper...only because it's the cheaper generic.
I don't remember where I read about any possible adverse effects from taking Fenofibric acid, in conjunction with Metformin or Levothyroxine.
Here is the bottom line: Fenofibric acid is no longer going to be on my Part D provider's formulary, starting January 1, 2015, and so, I HAVE TO FIND a suitable substitute before then, OR CHANGE Part D provider.
My brother-in-law is on kidney dialysis, 3 times a week, and the minute he found out that I was taking Metformin, SCREAMED AT ME..."YOU HAD BETTER GET OFF THAT RIGHT NOW!!! My doctor told me that Metformin was a major contributing factor in my kidney failure." Obviously,I don't want to acquire kidney failure, and think that it just might be prudent to get off of the Metformin...BUT, I'd need to find suitable substitute for IT AS WELL...OR, just stop taking it altogether. I don't think THAT would be wise, since I am, after all, type 2 diabetic.
Bottom line: I need to find a suitable substitute for Fenofibric acid AND FOR Metformin; the former BEFORE January 1, 2015, and the latter...the sooner, the better.
Hello! How are you?
I haven't found anything about there being any issues between these medications and either Trilipix or Fenofibrate and I checked several databases.
Where did you read about it? That might help me to find it.
But, as far as I can find in the databases I checked, there are no issues between taking either one with Levothyroxine or Metformin.
And before a substitute is suggested, why did you have to stop the Trilipix? If it was due to a bad reaction to it, that could affect your answer.
Most cholesterol lowering medications may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and joint/muscle aches.
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