Generic Xanax 2mg Bars With 11 On Them (Top voted first)


I got these generic xanax 2mg bars with 11 on them - do they work like real xanax?

3 Replies

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Generic Alprazolam is technically "the real deal" before they gave the drug a brand name called Xanax. Being that they are made of the same active ingredient, I would imagine that they work just as they are intended to work for anti-anxiety purposes. The major differences in peoples reaction to the drug are largely due to different body chemistry and different inactive ingredients in each brand of Alprazolam.

That aside, no one can really honestly tell you how this drug is going to affect you, as they are not you. Not even "you" know how it's going to affect you until you take it, so how could someone else know who doesn't even know your medical history or current state of health?

I know it's a bit suggestive, but it goes without saying that medications can and do end up affecting everyone differently, to the point where not even doctors are making wise decisions about the drugs they choose to prescribe people.

Would anyone else care to chime in on this?

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Mine are normally mint-green bars with 3 score lines so I can take less than 2mgs if I want. They are better than yellow bars and the white ones. But there may be better ones that are stronger which I myself would like to know too!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

True, but the yellow definately are not very good.

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