Generic Wellbutrin Xl And Zoloft (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been tapering off Zoloft 100mg and switching to generic Wellbutrin XL 300mg. I gradually went off the Zoloft over a two week period and then started the Wellbutrin XL and I am having bad mood changes and I cry almost everyday. I have picking fights with my husband and being completly unreasonable. I took 15mg of Zoloft and it made me fell a little bit more normal. Has anyone had this experience with genaric Wellbutrin XL? Any advice would help!!
12 Replies
Why don't you do yourselves a favor and not even start generic. If its good one month the same brand may be bad the next. There are a lot of posts regarding this and imo it doesn't pay not to just either go through your insurance and pay less than $50 or if you have no insurance or your insurance costs more than $50 the most you will pay is $50 a month for brand.. Go to Direct Success Pharmacy, search it you'll find the phone number and you'll know exactly what you're getting every month and it never changes and its always what everyone else is trying to copy but fails. I get three bottles every three months for $150 including shipping and everything. Have your doctor just write you a prescription for a year with refills every three months and put your credit card on file and they do it automatically so you'll always have it and never be without it. When you look it up you can read all about the program but let me just say this is brand. I purchased brand for many months for over $300 each month through medicare and I checked and it is identical, the same thing so don't worry that it may not be brand. If this is a drug that you depend on there are too many variations of it on the market with very little quality control on its being the same every batch they run. Brand is what we are supposed to be taking and its worth it, you owe it to yourself to try brand and know what you're getting month to month without question. If it doesn't agree with you which is rare you can go back to getting a different generics every month and spending countless hours chasing down the one you want. I hope this helps and some listen to my advise.
I just quit Zoloft (sertraline) 100mg recently and started a low dose of Wellbutrin XL and will increase the dose each week -I made this switch abruptly and totally regret not tapering. I have been a total wreck, and some might say "scary". I look forward to the benefits of Wellbutrin but man, I should have headed the warnings of tapering off of Zoloft first. I was wired, hyper, hateful, short-tempered, crying, feeling like a failure, and just a total "b". Lesson Learned.
one of the side effects of taking wellbutrin I was told by my doc is that it increases your libido; I do not know if it does or not. I came off of Zoloof and now only take welbutrin xl 300 and 150 one a day. if I dont take them I am in a crying attack everyday until I get back on it.
Just tell yourself (and partner) that it's the medication effects and not you. It is temporary until you get a therapeutic level of the new drug and the body adjusts to the missing zoloft. Most psychiatrists and pharmacists go by text book theoretical reasons to prescribe the way they do. However, in the real world doing it in this fashion may not feel the best for the patient. I don't think there should be any down time or a time taking a low dose of only one and waiting tapering it to off then begin the new one. These can safely be taken at the same time so I would have eased off the zoloft why easing on the wellbutrin. It may not be text book but its your well being and safe to do. Most psychiatrists are fine with the patient taking it in the most comfortable way possible. Read up about all meds you take and you can't do this with the monomine oxidise inhibitors. They are rarely prescribed but MUST be taken exactly as ordered. All the others are safer. Now don't do this with a medical MD and prescriptions. I'm a nurse and even more apt to take these things into my own hands. medical MD's or non psychiatrist don't like any patient manipulation of meds outside of how it is ordered so do remember that. good luck
It seems like lots of people experience these types of effects when changing from one antidepressant to another. I had a simular experence when changing from cymbalta to viibryd . I quit the viibryd and started to taper off cymbalta . I am going 2 start the wellbutrin in a week or so.
I have experienced it and my doctor had to prescribed me an anxiety pill, since one of the side effects of wellbutrin is that. I take Wellbutrin xl 300 mg plus victan and topamax 2/day. To be honest , I still feel the same... Well a bit better inside, but without any sex life . I have no sex appetite .... And it lasts for 1 year... Hope u get better soon.
You are in withdrawl from the zoloft. You need to taper off the zoloft over several months perhaps. Crying, irritability, malaise, fatigue, anxiety, nausea, insomnia are all symptoms of SSRI w/drawl. Start tapering by taking perhaps 25mg of zoloft for 2-3 weeks. Then try going down to 25mg, then 12.5mg etc. 300MG of Wellbutrin XL may be a little too much for you right now. Wellbutrin will stimulate you when you start taking it. Try Wellbutriin SR 150mg or 100mg first and see how you do on it. It may be too much while you taper zoloft. Why the switch??? Take your time getting off zoloft there should be no rush. You can become very uncomfortable with withdrawl. Your Dr. probably does not know about w/drawl from SSRI's, they keep their head in the sand when it comes to this problem. They do not want to admit it exists. Going off a benzo is sometimes easier than coming off zoloft, particularly Paxil, Effexor etc. Good Luck and feel better. Hope you'r depression lifts. I take wellbutrin SR 150mg and Wellbutrin XL 300mg=Total 450mg a day with Adderall XR 10Mg and It has done wonders. I finally feel alive and well. I had trouble coming off Zoloft too. Felt like I had a serious flu, had to taper with Prozac over several weeks. Take Care of you'r self....K.
The program thru Direct Success is no longer available to anyone who has any form of Govt subsidized insurance, including Medicare. This as of Feb 2016.
Who mfg the wellbutrin? Usualy it is a good idea to ramp up your new med. such as 75; 100, 150, 200, 300 . That worked best for me.
YES I HAVE ! Generic wellbutrin is so controversial my doctor will not prescribe it. Name brand is VERY expensive also. Over $800 for a months supply ! I read you can get it from Canada alot cheaper. IDK I trashed mine and want no part of any brand of it.
Re: WillRNMS (# 11)
Thank you for your posts. I've been on Zoloft for 13 years. I have no libido and when i try to cut back i cry a lot. I've steadily gained weight and am depressed all the time again now. I feel like it doesn't work anymore. I've been reading about wellbutrin and am curious if i need a change. Do you think the body just gets used to antidepressants and builds up tolerance after so many years? That's what I'm thinking. Zoloft did help me with grief but now I'm left in an empty shell. I want my libido back.
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