Generic Subutex/buprenorphine - Which Manufacturer Do You Prefer? (Page 6)
UpdatedHello All,
I recently just got changed from suboxone to subutex due to a pretty bad allergic reaction to the naloxone in the suboxone. Basically my question for everyone is which generic do you guys prefer? My pharmacist can order any kind for me so at the moment I just got the Roxanne ones 8mg - they are white round tablets. This is my first day using and am already noticing my migraines are starting to subside, not fully, but starting to. So yeah if anyone has any suggestions please let me know all the ups and downs that you guys have been experiencing, thanks!
Good luck to one and all!
Just wanted to add some helpful info. I have been on Subutex forever, over 10+yrs, I've tried all but continue to prefer the Roxanne brand. Now this is cool. You go to the site with There's also a phone number associated with them. Download an Rx Savings card {edited for policy reasons}. It's up to pharmacies to honor it on controlled substances. All CVS's in my area Atl GA honor it. They carry this brand only but you could take it anywhere. I just know they honor it. My subs went from 347.00 for 90/8mg to 175.00. 60/8mg. We're 99.00. I think it's very cool. Good luck God bless
First time ever taking the Actavis orange subutex and am amazed at the difference – a negative one. 24/7 headache fixated on the bottom right of my head (back of head), dry eyes, grumpy, feel completely "tranquilized", fatigued, and completely unmotivated. It really is quite unbelievable how different this medication can be between one generic and another.
I am only prescribed 1mg as well, and have been for several years. I have always taken the Roxane generic, except for one time I filled at a different pharmacy and was given the Hi-Tech generic. It was a terrible experience as well, but the way I feel from the Actavis is actually scary.
It is terrifying to naturally be a very motivated, driven, and "always happy to work and work hard" person, and to then feel so physically and mentally "beat up" by a medication you have taken for years – albeit a different generic.
It wasn't very hard for me to make a direct correlation between my physical and mental wellbeing, and the change in medication from my "usual" subutex to this brand "Actavis".
Having gone through an unpleasant experience with the "Hi-tech" one in the past, I still told myself I would not make any judgment on the medication until 3-4+ days in.
Well, it was very noticeable the first day. Very. But I continued to tell myself it was too early to make judgement and that the best thing to do was to stick to my usual dosage, time, and normal routine.
I have done that. Now, it is very easy to say with confidence that my genetic makeup does not agree with whatever "inactive" ingredients Actavis uses in any way, shape or form. I truly can't stand the way I feel right now.
I actually feel "drugged", sluggish, cloud head, and very irritated. Thinking about having to go a month feeling the way I have is very depressing.
If I was tapering off subutex and was put on this Actavis medication during the process, there is no doubt in my mind that it would completely ruin that tapering.
This is just my personal experience, personal reaction, and personal thoughts. We are ALL very different in terms of our genetics, health conditions, and influences environmental factors have on us (... there are many...), but if anyone has experienced a similar reaction, I sympathize with you.
The deep, slow breathing and clouded head feeling with on/off headache in the bottom right of my head is just awful. So awful.
I would honestly pay 10x the price of my medication to trade it in for my "usual" brand right now. Hands down. Wouldn't even think twice about it.
That's how drastic of a difference I am experiencing. Very surprised at it as well.
Where would I order online? I don't know of a trustworthy site to order from. I'm having HUGE issues with me generic Suboxone "anneal AN 415" tablets. I'm stuck with these pills because my insurance stopped paying for the Suboxone films. Now I'm having withdrawal symptoms every day.
I live In tri city area of Bristol jc Kingsport I have had my scripts since thurs and cannot get them filled idk if they are small or big where can I fill them I'm not pregnant or nursing I'm a man I'm whining down and Wal-Mart don't have them again today I feel bad anyone know
Hi. I've been taking that exact medication, same manufacturer and dosage. It's my preference although I haven't tried any others. However, my Walmart quit carrying them and I'm having a hard time finding them. I hope they work well for you like they have for me.
I wasn't. I was technically sober (free of opiates) for a month when I started at my Suboxone clinic. However, I was still having obsessive thoughts about opiates, which was causing me physical withdrawal symptoms. I think my doctor just wanted my $200/month. If I were you, I would call the clinic and ask about the requirements needed to be accepted as a patient.
Subutex is way better for you. I was on Suboxone for 10 years and am experiencing kidney problems. I'm currently trying to find a pharmacy that deals with Roxanne Lab or West Ward Labs and carry the 54-411 brand. Anyone have any advice?
Do you know where I could find Mylan or 54-411's? I'll take either I just don't want the really small ones. Any advice appreciated!
Stacey, I'm having the same issue. For some reason every where near me has discontinued the Roxanne brand . I haven't tried the Mylan yet but next Tuesday I run out so I'll get whatever they have. I'm not looking forward to it. I tried calling the manufacturer and they were no help.
I also called the manufacturer. Mylan isn't bad at all. They just don't seem to last quite as long as the ones from Roxanne Labs which is also West Ward Laboratories now. But the small ones that Rite Aid normally carries suck! Hopefully you'll get the Mylan but I live by Pittsburgh Pa and have called everywhere. It's seems hopeless. I'll probably end up with the tiny ones until I get into a pharmacy with a waiting list of 36 people and they only have Mylan.
If you can get them then you better take whatever you can get cause my boyfriend had a script for 6 days and still no luck after calling literally 52 pharmacies. He went today and had to get suboxone which hurts his liver and makes him literally sick, but he is so sick now and the law doesn't say nothing about pharmacies in tenn where we are. It's crap that they say get off opiates then say we're going to make life even harder for ya by restricting you. This is what i call b.s. cause you should be able to get whatever your dr prescribed you.
I as well live in Ohio and my clinic is in Pittsburgh, but I get mine in Ohio.So I agree the m924 aren't bad I actually Luke them
I pay 150 for 56 tab ,8mlg for the M924 .Your paying way to much bro
Can someone please tell me where to get a script filled for subutex in Bristol area on Tennessee side cause all I'm getting is we're out their on back order,no new patients, or some kind of bull.Please help need somewhere to fill subutex around bristol tenn
I live in NJ and have been taking the Mylans for awhile now. Unfortunately, when I went to fill my script where i normally go, the pharmacist told me that they were discontinued and got the Hi-Tech small ones. They definitely suck!! Doesn't feel like I took anything! Plus I've been in a rotten mood and seem to be retaining water in my calves and feet more often than usual. So are they still making the Mylans or Roxanes?
I prefer the Roxanne Labs but some people prefer Mylan. They are both very similar. I live by Pittsburgh Pa and can't find a pharmacy anywhere any chance you're close to me?
check out wal mart for the rox bupe they got it for me today
Thanks very much for the info much appreciated! What state do you live in?
Actually the orange half moon is subutex, not suboxone. While I was in the hospital I was given these & I thought the same thing & I can't have naloxone, so she checked & I looked it up. Besides being a horse pill, I thought they were good. Gote thru labor & delivery without anything else.
Yes they still make both. It's just hard to find. Try a CVS or Walmart and if they don't have them ask if you can order them. Say these new ones are blistering your mouth and not working sublingually. Which they don't work no where near like the Mylan or 54-411's; you have to take like 2 compared to 1. Totally sucks!
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