Generic Subutex/buprenorphine - Which Manufacturer Do You Prefer? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hello All,

I recently just got changed from suboxone to subutex due to a pretty bad allergic reaction to the naloxone in the suboxone. Basically my question for everyone is which generic do you guys prefer? My pharmacist can order any kind for me so at the moment I just got the Roxanne ones 8mg - they are white round tablets. This is my first day using and am already noticing my migraines are starting to subside, not fully, but starting to. So yeah if anyone has any suggestions please let me know all the ups and downs that you guys have been experiencing, thanks!

Good luck to one and all!


286 Replies (15 Pages)

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Re: Bedtime for Benzo (# 230) Expand Referenced Message

Who in the world would race about the orange half moon??., they are one of the worst generics we have to choose from, the best is Rhodes and hikma,..I will avoid the orange at all cost..

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SG (# 245) --

Roxanne is gone and the 54 411 have been changed drastically since like 3 times. 54 411 are longer roxanne ..I wish. Roxanne made the best bup but the 54 411 now are cheap generics

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Re: Vic (# 250) Expand Referenced Message

They are gone at least the original and only good 54 411 tabs. The changed the 54 411 formula and has not been good ever since roxanne left.

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I have been taking 54 411 tabs for years and there is a distinct kind of bitter taste to them. I actually don't mind it. Recently I got a brand with M 924 stamped on them and there is a distinctly different taste to them and the have a scent which the 54 411's do not. Has anyone noticed this? It is not bitter but tastes and smells kinf of like what scented detergent might smell like. Fruity? I can't put my finger on it. They seem to work it's just the taste and scent is so diffrent to the 54 411's.

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What exactly do the mylan brand subutex look like? We take the big white round 54/411 and I believe its the roxanne brand. I do like the small round white ones with 8/arrow imprint and I've also taken the new orange oblong half-moon ones and I like them as well but they have a lot of fillers vs the small round white ones. In confused on all the brands though...

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Hey Roxanne56 are you really finding the Mylan brand to be superior to the Roxanne Brand? I have been on Roxanne Long term as well so I definitely fear the day I cant fill Roxanne Labs anymore... But i keep hearing from more and more people that the Mylan brand seems to be doing pretty good. I know one thing, the month I got stuck with the new orange Actavis Brand was TRAGIC. NO ENERGY, dragged myself to and from everywhere for 30 days. This cannot happen again.... I know everyone is different but as of right now Its either Roxanne for me or the Small Whites (HI-TECH) worse comes to worse.

I guess it will be worth seeing whats up with Mylan sooner than later...

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I referred to those as surfboards. Didnt care for them at all. Also i believe ive spoken too soon in regard to Mylan vs Roxane. I must AGREE! yes the Roxane last longer or maybe the bioability is better. I have only been on the mylan a short time. My pharmacy is great. I was just honest and explained my concerns. Thank God id only gotten 10 tablets as my refill is due and running short. So my vote is recanted. Roxane hands down. Ive been craving more since i got them filled really just without noticing. I see now. Thanks for the feedback. Oh btw. Hi techs are worthless. I was able to return my refill. Really bad. God bless

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ABSOLUTELY. Im with yall after my initial post and more time. Ill stuck with the Roxane brand. Not because thats my real name!!! Lol but 13+yrs on them.

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Just when I was starting to think that the "naloxone is the blocker" misinformation was finally squashed, someone comes along and posts it again. Search THIS SITE even and you will find several posts that put that misinformation to sleep. Some people who are sensitive to Naloxone will have issues with it, but only because it affects other systems, nothing to do with the opioid receptors. They only way I can feel anything right away on straight bupe or Suboxone is if I take ungodly amounts of ops, 30mgs+ oxycodone or 10mgs+ or opana, 16mgs+ of dilaudid. Amounts that would damn near kill anyone without a tolerance. The amounts and waiting times make no difference if its Suboxone or Subutex. Because in both cases the bupe fills all the receptor, blocking everything else. Including and especially the naloxone.

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I just got my script today and I got something different than normal which is roxanne brand 54 411 big white which I liked the best. Well today I just noticed I got mylan M 924. They seem stronger in flavor and seem to be lasting longer in the day. I think i might stick with these.

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Have been on Buprenorphine 8mg sublingual since early 2011 (Almost 6 years) have had generics dispensed from several different manufacturers, one of whom eludes me right now but was manufactured by a company whose' manufacturing facilities where out of Georgia and South Carolina, that was manufacturing fraudulent pills,
Have never had an issue with pill made by Roxanne Labs and actually have found them to perform better than most others

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Teva bupe has been discontinued. Idk why, as it was by far the best generic. Teva now makes a generic bupe/naloxone, but no straight bupe anymore. Alot of people were disappointed because it was hands down the best generic.

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I agree. I went to the CVS pharmacy to pick up my Subutex and was treated like a human being and not a junkie. Which is the way I think it should be Everywhere. I went to the methadone clinic for three years and it was humiliating. It was all about the money for them. I I quit cold turkey after I realized that I had traded the Oxsee cotton any type of painkiller I could get my hands on for another drug withdrawals were 10 times worse from the methadone than anything I've ever experienced after taking 120 mg a day for 3 1/2 years to nothing I thought I was going to die. .I was three years clean and then I heard the voices again saying I can control the pain killers and just take enough to take away the pain in my back and I was just kidding myself so I found myself in the same boat I was lucky enough to find a doctor and I've been on the Subutex half a year with great results. That your original point though yes I agree with you it was a pleasant experience from the other pharmacies that I got my Subutex felt from prior. I would recommend CVS to anyone who feels uncomfortable picking up their prescriptions they shouldn't have to deal with that kind of treatment from a pharmacy. Godspeed to all of you.

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Absolutly not mylan. I would never take them again. Ive been on subutex 24mg for 16yrs.I take the Roxane brand.white with 514 .. They are the best.

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This is funny my real name is Roxanne. But I liike you have been on this brand many yrs. My pharmacy told me yesterday they are replacing with v-tech. So I called CVS they have the Roxane brand. In my experience they are the best. Sime pharmacies want stock due to the price and they loose money. Thank God they are still plentiful. I havent heard anything about this brand being discontinued.

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I am in ATL.GA.all CVS carry Roxane brand.good luck.

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Hi, cucupuffs, you're the first person I've seen that's had a similar reaction to Suboxone that I have. First, I have Bipolar 2 Disorder and more recently a very severe case of Panic Disorder. The PD is slightly the worst problem. Long story short. I used to take massive amounts of Vicodin because I was self-medicating for (at the time an unknown Bipolar 2 Disorder, yet to be diagnosed) BPD. I took it for about 7 years. I went off finally and started Suboxone and switched to Subutex. I took that for about 4 years and I decided I wanted to just stop. Well, I went off and on it a few times, but the last time I went off of it was because it started not working as well. I'd get body aches and pains, my bones would hurt. It felt like withdrawal symptoms. I was taking a pretty low dose at the time, 2.5 mg a day and everyone was saying I'm not taking enough. That seemed to make it worse, so I went back down and it got better for a while. Then, I started having some really weird stuff happening to me. I started getting a heaviness in my chest and trouble breathing. I was having it pretty much all the time. One day, I took a little more than usual, occasionally I'd do that if I was up longer. Also, it's important to know that the way I have always taken Subutex or Suboxone (the short time I was on it) is I use a pill cutter and break it into quarters. At the time I was prescribed down to 2 mg a day, so, just one pill. Before when I was taking 1 1/2 pills a day, that was more than enough, then I started getting those withdrawal like symptoms you had and that's when he dropped it down. So, I break up the Subutex into 4 quarters and take 1/4 at a time, so I started taking 1/4 every 4 hours or so, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. So, that night I started not feeling so hot. I was already not feeling awesome because it seemed like it was not working as well. Anyway, I was probably taking a 5th dose, so I had taken a pill and a 1/4 total, so actually .25 mg over what I usually take. I started feeling nauseous and tired and lethargic. I had some Zofran. I used to take with the Suboxone because it would make me nauseous. So I took that, helped a little, but it felt like I basically took too much medication. So, the next day I got up and I took 1/4 and immediately wasn't feeling good and started getting a panicky sensation. About 4 hours later, I took another (STUPID), but it was only my 2nd dose, remember I'm only taking 1/4 of a pill at a time. When I say another dose, I mean 1/4 of a pill. After the 2nd dose, I was in a full blown panic feeling very sick. I remember taking a nap and feeling better later, but when I took a 3rd dose, it started coming back again, so I only took 3 doses.

It got better, but I was still having a problem with aches and pains and it felt like it wasn't working as well. I went off the Sub cold turkey. It wasn't that bad at all....weird. I think I was hypo-manic at the time (which is rare for me) and that's why I was able to go CT. So, the breathing problems went away along with the panic attacks. But I was taking the Subutex to regulate my BPD. I've taken almost all the antidepressants and mood stabilizers and none of them really help. So Subutex really helped me. So I was fairly depressed and went back on the Sub. As soon as I did, I felt 1000% better for a couple weeks, but at the same time, that heaviness in my chest came back too. Got my heart checked out, it was fine.

So, FF about a year and I was going through the same thing, but this time I was only taking 1.75 mg a day. I was prescribed 2 mg pill a day, and still cutting it into quarters, but only 3 doses a day. Then I went to Vegas and this was as bad as my worst time in my life. It equaled when my BP first hit. I was taking a low dose of Xanax 0.25 mg, which did nothing. I took a dose of my Sub and immediately got sick and felt panicked and so took a Xanax, it seemed to make things worse. I forgot to say that about 6 months to a year before that, they put me on blood pressure meds. I was taking Propranolol. Ironically, I found that Propranolol had the best side effect a drug could have. It's a beta blocker and so it helped my panic attacks the best, but sometimes it didn't help much at all, but still a little. So long story short, for 3 days we were down there and I only took 2 doses of Subutex, so a total of half a 2 mg pill. I slept the whole time, just took sleeping tablets to try to sleep, which was hard because I had bad panic attacks. I would not only feel like I was going to die, but I felt like I wasn't getting any air and had to breathe out of my mouth. You're probably thinking, that's not soo bad, but the thing is, the PA's I was having didn't last minutes or hours, but it lasted 3 days and I'm not exaggerating in the least about that. There were periods where the panic and breathing were better, but on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the best or least amount of panic or pain, I got down to no less than a 5. Most of the time it was around an 8. Yeah, I thought for sure I was going to have to go the ER.

Well, it got better, but then worse again but when it was bad, my PA's lasted as long as a week! So I asked my primary doctor to give me a higher dosage of Xanax, thinking that might help. Well, it did, combined with Propranolol. So, I take the Subutex for my BPD, to keep my Dopamine levels up and I take the Xanax to counteract the Subutex side effects and also the Propranolol to counteract the panic attacks.

The Panic Disorder is much better, but if I change my routine, or if I go out of town or anything that triggers a panic attack, then it gets worse, but still not as bad as Vegas. I had quite a few more attacks like Vegas, went to the ER a few times only to be released and they found nothing. What I don't understand is, I took Subutex for years with no problems and then almost overnight, it suddenly doesn't work. I figured out, the "high blood pressure" was being caused by the extreme amount of stress I was under. At my higher, my BP was 175/140. My Diastolic, the bottom number was really high.

So, now I'm wondering if at some point they switched brands on me and all this is because I was reacting to a different companies filler. I saw that because my last refill a couple weeks ago came with two manufacturers, Mylan (which I've been taking for as long as I can remember) and the new one Hi-tech/Akorn. I remember thinking, this is great, maybe I'll feel better, but I remember taking a dose of the new ones and feeling similar to what I felt like with the Suboxone. I felt sick and it felt like I took something that was blocking the Subutex. I thought, maybe it's a fluke and tried it again after a few days and it did the same thing.

Has anything like what I've experienced happen to you? Any panic attacks like I'm describing and/or breathing problems?

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They need to STOP with HiTech being the ONLY manufacturer of buprenorphone. They are small, and tiny. They get lost in your mouth and that's exactly what happens EVERY time. Can someone please tell me what can I do? Every pharmacy I've called said they can ONLY get them from HiTech. They're awful. I take 8mg twice per day, but its like I'm taking NOTHING now with this HiTech manufacturer. Please, does anyone know what I can do?

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The Roxanne labs are what I've been taking for almost 4yrs. To me they are the best. They say 54 411 and are white and round. The small ones and the new peach one absolutely suck! However there is another company/manufacturer Mylan who's subutex looks exactly like the Roxanne ones except they say M924. I recently had to switch pharmacies and after 4yrs of taking the 54s I was worried because if you've been taking a version of subutex for a long time as I have the binders/fillers that each company uses are different so I was afraid they wouldn't work or my buddy could have an adverse affect to one of the fillers in the Ms. However that is not the case, luckily the 54411 by Roxanne and the M924s are pretty much the same-with no reported or altered feeling from the medication. NOTE IF ANYONE TELLS YOU IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER THEY MUST HAVE 8MG OF BUPH. THEY ARE FULL OF IT AND DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MEDICATION AND THE FILLERS USED! THEY CAN HAVE DIFFERENT EFFECTS ON YOUR BODY! My advice is try to get the 54s, as they seem to be the best and is still what I take. Luckily the one time I got the Ms is because they were on back order supply but if you get the Ms they are just as good! Especially if you take them the RIGHT WAY. Others who take the medication in other ways are stupid and don't realize what they are doing to their veins, nose, you get the picture. So in conclusion stick with the 54s or Ms, you'll be fine and take them under your tongue, don't be an ***** like so many others. THEY ACTUALLY WORK BETTER WHEN TAKEN PROPERLY!

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