Generic Subutex/buprenorphine. Ranking From Best To Worst. (Page 9)
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This is for people who actually take Subutex for the intended purpose for which it is used. So if you actually take the medication sublingually, this thread will help you. I have been taking buprenorphine for three and a half years now. This is what I have found: (8mg)

Best: Actavis 153/half moon (orange)
Middle: Roxanne 54/411 (white)
Worst: Hi-Tech 8/arrow

Again, this is for people who take medication as prescribed. You can actually break the medication in half and put it and the front of your lip like dip & chewing tobacco. It will take longer for it to dissolve like this but you will get much much more of the bupe.

215 Replies (11 Pages)

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Rhodes by Purdue which came put in October 2017 are by far the best and activas are garbage blah. gice them a try youbwont be let down. and the 54 411 have been bougjt oitbagain by himka recently so follow the money

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Re: James (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hi James! So Suboxone strips & whether you mean Subutex sublingual tablets or Suboxone sublingual tablets (not sure) are virtually the same & provide the same effect & reaction. The only difference with Subutex is that it doesn’t have the added component of Nalexone which Suboxone does contain. Both carry Buprenorphine equally. Since you asked about which one would be better for pain, I’m wondering if you’ve ever heard of Butrans? It’s Buprenorphine in a patch form & strictly prescribed for people with around-the-clock pain. Maybe worth looking into.

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Re: Jessica (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I started on the ones from sun pharmacies and I had horrible reactions to it. I now am on the small one and seem to be doing ok

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Subutex saved my life. The issue is the pharmacists. They treat me like a drug addict stll. Just to show u that ignorance is rampid with those who claim to be educated. I di not accept their judgment. We r recoverying!!!! F them!

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Re: Laura (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Laura, thanks for the reply, I'm on the sublingual strips right now , for my opiate addiction problem and chronic pain, question is are the pills better or same for use for chronic pain , and curious as to the differences in the two if any , which is better

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Re: Steph88 (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Honestly, I've tried the whole putting it under my tongue & letting it dissolve ... not talking, not swallowing my spit for at least 30 mins ... not drinking anything for 30 mins route ... but it just DOES NOT work for me whatsoever..

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Re: James (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Hi James! So I didn’t see your original question. Are you referring to Suboxone pills or Subutex pills & then the Suboxone strips?

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Hello, I guess nobody is going to answer my question about whether the pill or strips work better for pain. I'm on the strips and I take them "the correct way", correct enough that I have 925 days of clean U/A's, miss no meetings, stopped my progression in my program and purposely kept myself in phase 2, meaning I continue on a weekly basis. I feel more comfortable like this. I have the option to switch over to just pain management but I have an opiate addiction so this keeps me honest. Has anybody had experience with both? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: bupeODorol (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

So having cotton mouth after cleaning mouth, tounge etc (even the toothbrush again after tounge and using floss 1-2 hours prior, plus and important for smokers and eating gargling warm water. Warm opens the glands absorption as running opens a lungs capillaries. Most people dissolve an 8mg Suboxone in 20 min so they say. I generally take 45 min without moving and gargle because 20 min after brushing teeth often food mixed with floride comes back up throat via lugy and compromises your absorption by calling extra flem down the mouth to be swallowed. 1/5 of bupe is said to absorb swallowed. I've never felt it, if so it has a really slowwwww action of effect so u already absorb another one under the tounge and don't notice. As for Subutex, it's more effective for me. Yet strips are far better absorbed than pills. Subutex strips aren't around. Although I've been overdosed on nalaxone/narcan by paramedics and had major instant migraines from them. Subutex works better. I feel clear headed, also less anxious and less chronic pain which if not mindful can cause injury because of the fake security the body feels. Plus as opioid addicts we tend to be hyper aware of our feelings. Uhhm methadone sort of tears that away.......I've had a few minor seizures mostly due to sleep paralysis due to over stressed environments and lack of sleeping catching up. Never on Subutex.

One, only after taking Adderall either with Suboxone and it was extremely large stress with exhaustion. Dopamine, gaba and epinephrine, norepinephrine and seratonin all are working together. When dopamine's depleted the other chemicals especially epinephrine takes over and imbalances over time cause shrinhypocampul region enlarging amygdala. If your extreme your not going to fall into Dr categories much talked about. You'll notice nurses not having a clue and Drs also not getting you. I recommend studying nih studies and journals through Google about case studies that helps confidence in non confirmation bias type ways. IN SHORT, DON'T TAKE SUBLINGUAL MEDS WITH OVERLY WET OR DIRTY MOUTHS, BAD TEETH NEED TREATING THEY LEAK ACIDIC CHEMICALS THAT DEMOLISH SUB MED. IF COTTON MOUTHING, MAKE UP LATER in water intake. Also, grapefruit works well even though it's said not to by assuming people who are dogmatic thinkers to need to eat the pills, but pills go through the blood stream building up in the liver where the extra potential enzyme in grapefruit juices lies. Don't use if have low tolerance or benzos especially. I'm a guy who defies the dogmatic laws of physiology, hence nerdy. Also extract of the grapefruit (white) will do better on pH in blood than having to pound too much juice. Hunter Thompson saved money but was he happy at age 65?

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Re: Kai (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Kai! I know your message wasn’t directed to me but I thought I might offer a suggestion. There is a site I found that helps you find a provider. I read a little info on it & found out that a person can actually make a request to a provider for them to become certified in prescribing Subutex/Suboxone (literally an 8 hour online certification process) though not sure how many drs would be willing to do that. Nurses as well as PA’s are also able to get certified. This site not only has a dr locator link but a link to a matching system where drs contact you (you can submit your info anonymously) once they have available openings. You can read further info about it if you choose to but that’s the specifics. Even though I am a recovering addict, I understand your frustration with having chronic pain & the difficulties with finding a dr who will prescribe you with Subutex/Suboxone for that when it is most commonly prescribed for addiction. My thinking is because it is a partial-agonist unlike regular opiates that are full agonists, many drs might presume that for patients with chronic pain, these drugs can only relieve your pain to a certain cutoff level as they block pain receptors but the plus side is that they are less likely to cause a person to become addicted upon taking them. However, if it has worked for you (& I’m sure many others since it use to be commonly prescribed for pain) I don’t see the problem. Methadone has similarities as far as being used primarily in treating addiction & having been originally manufactured for pain management. I went to a clinic for several years (about 5 or so years ago) & tons of ppl went there specifically for pain management. So I don’t see how that isn’t a problem but providing Subutex/Suboxone for pain is? Have you looked into the other forms of Subs like Butrans which is solely for the treatment of around-the-clock pain & comes in a patch form?

*FYI* I believe you said you have been taking Klonopin for a long time for a condition you have. I, as well take it & have on/off for years but if you’re not aware, any benzodiazepine is warned not to be taken in combination with Buprenorphine because of the lethal interaction it can cause. Because of that, my assumption is that many drs will not prescribe Buprenorphine if a patient tells them they take a Benzodiazepine. So having said all that, check out the site that I mentioned above [] & it will give you the links to the other major sites for locating a dr, getting matched to one, & even clinical trials. Lastly, I read about how there are promotional Co-pay cards for Suboxone & for Zubsolv (another form of Buprenorphine) where you can save $50 & $75 a month, respectively. Oh!! On the link to the site I gave you, at the bottom of page there’s a paragraph that states any dr can prescribe a 3 days dose of whichever form of Buprenorphine for an emergency basis whether they have a license or not. Thought that was interesting to know. More resources are listed as well but I really think it’s worth you checking out. I hope the info helps & you are able to find a resolution. Praying for you & if you need any more help, I will do what I can!

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Re: bupeODorol (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

If you don’t mind me asking, what state do you live in? I was on Subutex for about 6-7 years for chronic pain, after trying every opioid pain medication and not getting relief just withdrawals, and my pain doctor had no problem with prescribing me Subutex. Sadly, he passed away in 2016 and every doctor I’ve seen since only prescribes Suboxone, and they are saying now that it’s illegal to prescribe Subutex to anyone except for pregnant or nursing women! I realize that there is a true opioid problem in the US, but it’s very unfair that I am now treated like an addict because of that. I have never abused drugs. I’m not saying anything negative about people who have or had a problem, I know people who have battled addiction, and I understand. It’s just really sad that people with chronic pain are now paying for the bad choices others make. I’m now seeing a new doctor because I have Dysautonomia, and I have been on Klonopin for well over half my life for that, and my last doctor wouldn’t prescribe that for me. He was actually weaning me off though he said he knew I needed it for the Dysautonomia and said I could see another physician in his practice and pay another $80 per month just to get a fraction of what the dosage that I started on so many years ago. He did put on my records that he was prescribing the Suboxone for pain. So now I’m seeing a doctor who knows that I’m on it for pain, but he says he doesn’t prescribe it for pain and he requires that I go to meetings! I’m looking to move to another state, but I don’t know where to even begin looking for a place where doctors can help me. Thank you!

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Hey all. Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I am currently on Subutex (as of recently) 8mg & was previously on Suboxone (have been on both before a number of years ago). When I was switched to Subutex, I didn’t pay attention to the manufacturer as it didn’t really occur to me to do so. My first prescription contained the arrow pills. I just got my second script filled today & realized they were different pills. So I looked them up (hence, how I came across this message board) & they are the Roxanne 54 411’s. So yes, they do still make them. Both scripts I had filled @ Giant Pharmacy (don’t think anyone has mentioned getting their scripts there). I’m in Virginia so just wanted to let those of you who prefer this brand &/or live in the MD/Va/DC/Metro area, Giant does in fact supply the 54 411’s. Just taking my first 1 so don’t know how I feel about them yet but we will see. Also, ppl are going to have different preferences so there’s no reason to lash out @ another if they prefer a brand that you might not. This is about supporting one another by offering advice through personal experiences guys so let’s keep it civil. Life is hard enough on its own. Just saying.

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Re: BigDaddy8484 (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry for the confusion but there are 2 Mike's. Mike 35 and Mike 37 are 2 different people. I am the Mike that agrees with you. I think the antacid pills are the best.

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Re: Texpert (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry for the wrong info. The Sun pharmaceutical the imprint 460 we're terrible!!! I called Westward as many others. They informed me that there brand was equivalent to the former Roxane. Even sent a analysis which was equal. I'm still on them yet very hard to find them. Finally got them at Walmart 20 mls. away. Good luck God bless

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Re: Mike (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

You began this whole name calling thing by saying I was a shill for preferring the Actavis brand. Then, I reply to you by calling you out... and then you say everyone has their own preference... It is abundantly clear that you have the brainpower of an amoeba. So, I need to get a life huh? I started this thread to try to help people... based on MY PREFERENCE... and then along comes Mike running his mouth. Do everyone a favor... and try to formulate intelligent thoughts before you embarrass yourself again.

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Wow you assume a lot for not even knowing me. Just because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't mean you should name call them. Grow up and get a life. Everyone has personal preferences no matter what it is food, movies, brands ect...

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Re: Mike (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

So let me get this right... Because the actavis brand works for me but not you, I'm a shill? That's pretty impressive logic coming from a small-minded little **** like yourself. Do yourself a favor and stay off of threads like this if you don't have anything to contribute.

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Seems to me some if you ppl don't know the difference between subutex and suboxone.. SUBOXONE has an opiate blocker, naloxone.. While SUBUTEX does NOT.. subutex is mostly prescribed for pregnant women.. Its close to impossible to get prescribed subutex In my area unless your pregnant or nursing

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Re: Mike (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

You're either insane or a shill from Activis. Their buprenorphine is absolute garbage.

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Activis is STILL garbage that DOES NOT WORK. Idk how you can seriously recommend this with SO MUCH evidence to the contrary that is all over the internet, and recently at that. I was on Activis, it was nothing but problems, and my doctor told me to try to get Mylan if possible, but I was only able to find 1/2 a months supply. They worked wonders, though.
Now I'm on Roxannes, and they're ALMOST as good. But nobody should pay a nickel for Actavis bupes: they're worse than worthless.

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