Generic Subutex/buprenorphine. Ranking From Best To Worst. (Page 3) (Top voted first)


This is for people who actually take Subutex for the intended purpose for which it is used. So if you actually take the medication sublingually, this thread will help you. I have been taking buprenorphine for three and a half years now. This is what I have found: (8mg) Best: Actavis 153/half moon (orange) Middle: Roxanne 54/411 (white) Worst: Hi-Tech 8/arrow Again, this is for people who take medication as prescribed. You can actually break the medication in half and put it and the front of your lip like dip & chewing tobacco. It will take longer for it to dissolve like this but you will get much much more of the bupe.

215 Replies (11 Pages)

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Re: James (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Hey James! So Suboxone strips & sublingual pills are the same. There is no difference in them whatsoever other than what form they come in. I have been on both in the past & no difference, I promise. I tried to look up a little bit of info for you on Butrans. Mind you, you can find a ton of info on the internet. It seems to be solely prescribed for people with mild to major chronic pain that tends to be around-the-clock. What I found interesting is that a dr doesn’t have to have a certain qualification &/or waiver to prescribe it as the FDA has not classed it as a drug for treating opioid dependence. As long as a dr can prescribe class 3 controlled substances, any healthcare provider can write a written script or even call it into a pharmacy for a patient. There are 4 doses & each patch is worn for a period of 7 days. Usually, when trying to find the correct dosage for the patient, adjustments will be made based on if the patient is having break-through pain or what not. The patch contains regular Buprenorphine like Suboxone & Subutex. It’s just specifically prescribed for pain management & again, has not been approved to treat opioid abuse. Also read that there are 2 unique savings plans offered for the medication, one being some sort of trial period & I think the other a discount card for Butrans specifically. I think it could be worth looking into for you. Given, I don’t have all the answers as I am relaying a lot of info I read on the internet. But maybe this would be something important to discuss with your dr & who knows, it could be the right medication for you in the long run!?? if you need any more help, please don’t hesitate to ask as I will do whatever I can.

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Re: James (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

You are so very welcome! I do think if buprenorphine works for a person’s pain, then it’s a much better bet than taking any number of the opiates as they are full agonists while Suboxone & Subutex are partial so the tendency for physical dependency as well as feeling the symptoms of euphoria (the high) that so many ppl begin to crave is not nearly as evident or effective compared to full agonists. I think Butrans could be a good alternative for you & I hope you’re able to get a resolution. If you need anything else or help finding more info, please lmk as I will do what I can to support you through this trying time. God bless!

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Re: Roxanne56 (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

I don't get what your saying here..the reason I ask is I've taken buprenorphine (subuex) and for some reason been having trouble with it working..I nothing first your talking about cotton mouth. Then wet clean mouth. Brushing, teeth, adderall?? What's that all about? Are you trying to say adderall may interfere with buprenorphine and the mouth having something to do with it. Please explain again and in short detail..I'm all over with this huge speach and I still don't get what your trying to say. Thx

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Re: Laura (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I'm not sure if everyone knows this but it may have been Roxanne at one time wayy back when ..but it now Roxanne is out. And westward-now hikma..there is absolutely NO ROXANNE, AT ALL IT IS NOW HIKMA 54 411 SAME IMPRINT AND A CHANGE IN INACTIVE INGREDIENTS

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Re: Charlene (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

how is himka compared to Rhodes or westward? the Rhodes is best imo

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Re: Charlene (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

that is so wonderful to hear! it took my from October 2017 when they came out til February 2018 to get mine solid and yes it took a lot of leg work with those jerks as you say but love the feedback and so happy for you. people don't understand just how badly an insufficient or type of generic can mess with you so bad. so happy you found the best and most preferred generic. best wishes keep feedback coming. God bless

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ok so it is 2018 now and there is a new generic from Purdue dispenses by Rhodes the pill is imprinted R B b 8. my question is what do people think about and compare to the teva generic. i have not seen much feedback on teva especially compared to the Rhodes. can anyone help with this feedback. as of now Rhodes is my preferred and best in my opinion but some feedback on teva generic would be great

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Re: Goozer (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

Rhodes and teva are closes to brand name and Rhodes and teva generic have the same active and inactive ingredients where as Rhodes has tri sodium citrate dyhydrate teva has sodium citrate. it is funny because Rhodes and teva are almost identical to brand name subutex in their active and inactive ingredients making them the best next to brand name.

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Re: Roxanne56 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Do not go back to Suboxone. It actually has Naxolone in it that is really narcon. I could not understand after being on the small Subutex but got switched to Suboxone because I moved why I was hurting worse. Especially in my lower back. I looked it up and called my former doctor and he knew I don't take it 4 addiction because I have severe degenerative arthritis and was in bad car accident that almost killed me. However they did not discover I had actually crushed nerves in my neck and spine. I now drive 100 miles every 3 months to my former doctor and get the small ones cause I do not care for the bigger ones. I was actually offered Fetnayl patches at a pain med clinic but I have no desire to be high around my grandchildren. I hope this helped some.

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Re: Charlene (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Well it is nice to connect with others that take the Bupes too. It really has been a life saver for me amongst other positive results since actually staying on it. My Pharmacy gets them from Cardinal health, not McKesson (I work downtown San Francisco) walk by their building daily or Amerisource Bergen the other big distributors. So the cost varies I'm sure and Rhodes is really pushing their generic now. Ironic how they started the whole epidemic and now trying to clean up after it. Fine with me. They have millions in lawsuits too. Oxycontin turned them from a multi million company to multi billion dolkar conpany. Either way I am so happy not going through all the madness of addiction. Its maintenance medicine for me and hard to accept the apples to oranges thinking since my life is normal now . Oxys never made me feel normal. Only good temporarily and broke permanently. A lot of people still give us the sly eye but I understand if they do. Addiction ain't nuttin nice. I do hope this country can make buperenorphine/Suboxone readily availabke and affordable like they did with that awful methadone. I think so. It is the only way successfully, quickest and most affordable way to beat this epidemic we have. Or people will keep going to heroin and fentanyl themselves to death. and

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

Oh very interesting reading material..yes I went to the site to a while ago. And read that. I was so worried about looking for good new generic Rhodes out of this whole deal..its nice they are giving help to the clinics and all..but...what about us the ones also struggling to pay and then pay the doctors to get out scripts for those. Well most that go to clinics, half of them have no money and we pay taxes. My sister goes to a methadone clinic and pays not a dime. Can go to any doctor for free and all her meds are free too... In my eye I think what about us..if your going to share and help out, you help all out..oh boy please stop me now I can go on and on..thanks for the info. I look forward to another chat.

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Re: Charlene (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I submitted a month or so ago seperate post with a topic about the hell I went through with the Sun Pharma 460 made in India and all the side effects. Mylan I had before the Sun 460 from CVS were fairly good, but never burned under my tongue. It was the Sun Pharma 460 tablets. Many of us contacted CVS and tbe FDA about Sun . If you want to see my experience with them type in Sun Pharma and it will come up. Worst generic sub ever made and many pharmacies now filling scripts with that garbage.

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Pain no good (# 99) --

Yes, teva b 799 you will never find now, I remember them well. I to have taken subutex started in 2005, the only two generics to never cross my path are Mylan, and sun but from what I hear about them no problem thank you very Mylan has the lowest amount of bup in their dosages and sun well tell their own story.for me it's only hikma 54s or Rhodes even if I have to go out of my way I do. You would think with all 7 generics out there more of them would be good instead it's the other way around. We suffered from the addiction to pills the opioid epidemic going on now and paid a large price for this addiction you'd think they would help us more but nope that's not so they say they care but dont really

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Re: Benzos 4 Us (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Hi i found a Pharmacy in San Francisco that does compounding that orxers the Rhodes RPb8 buprenorphine for me. Best generic out there and great price. Glad you found somewhere up here too.

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Re: BenzoNo (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

Most definitely get the Rhodes over actavis orange..Rhodes are 2x better and actually have more bup

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Re: Charlene (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the advice!
It says I have to make my message longer but I have to leave as I am late for an appointment.

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Re: Charlene (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

I disagree I have been on bup for 6 years and I think actavis is the best by far but like you say everyone is different so there isn't a right or wrong answer you just have to find out yourself

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Re: Kotosmikel23 (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

What I like about this group is we all agree that it really is an individual decision for what works best for the individual. Some of us take 32 mg a day some 8 mg and some even less. So like we all can agree on is if one works best for you then stay with it. If not you may have to try a few others, like myself, until you find a generic that works best for you. Female, male, weight, past usage, dosage all things to consider. I believe most manufacturers try to make a product that meets FDA standards and supports the patient's needs. I recall at one time I preferred Mylan, then I had to take Westward because Mylan was back ordered and liked them even better. So you never know. My hope always is for all of us that we are able to consistently get a medication we are satisfied with regularly. I have had Actavis and they were ok but for myself I prefer either Westward/Hikma or Rhodes that I take now. Best wishes for peace and happiness always to everyone.

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Re: Kotosmikel23 (# 113) Expand Referenced Message

Yes you are absolutely true, everyone is different and meds react differently in us all.i just never heard anyone else say the like actavis the best ever in my 14 years of using bup. But if you like it,, yours lol. Take care

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Re: Davidjw1 (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

I like the way you said that. To the guy asking humm what to choose actavis or said the same as I did but I like yours better you said actavis is not even in the same true but also funny. Kinda like comparing apples to oranges. There is no comparison at least with me I hate everything about actavis the taste, the way it melts I just do not have one good thing to say other than if it happens to be the only bup lelf I'd have to take was just fun humor

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