Generic Subutex/buprenorphine. Ranking From Best To Worst. (Page 3)
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This is for people who actually take Subutex for the intended purpose for which it is used. So if you actually take the medication sublingually, this thread will help you. I have been taking buprenorphine for three and a half years now. This is what I have found: (8mg)

Best: Actavis 153/half moon (orange)
Middle: Roxanne 54/411 (white)
Worst: Hi-Tech 8/arrow

Again, this is for people who take medication as prescribed. You can actually break the medication in half and put it and the front of your lip like dip & chewing tobacco. It will take longer for it to dissolve like this but you will get much much more of the bupe.

215 Replies (11 Pages)

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Well I beg to disagree. I've been on these since 2005. Tried all. Prefer only Westward Hikma. Cheers

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Re: Charlene (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Are the Teva b 799 any good

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Re: Timk4539 (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Subutex does come in strips.

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Re: Skyzdalimit (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

The half moon orange ones are terrible , the 54 411 and the Rps, and the 8 with the arrow are way better than the half moon orange ones

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I totally agree with Bigdaddy8485. Im prescribed 2 x 8mg tablets daily an with the hitech (itty-bitty white with arrow) i would have to take 4 -6 sumtimes to feel better. The orange with halfmom are deff top dog and the other with 54 411 following right behind. I had to switch pharmacies an go to town 45 mins away to get better brand as i live in rural area an only 2 maw an pa pharmacies to choice from. Glad i found this cause i thought i was goin crazy. I told my doctor about it but shes didnt know anything bout which brand is better.

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Re: Mr Tee (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

Yes indeed!!! I mean really! The mind is a powerful thing. And just as addicts do when using we all wanted the best. I'm with you ??. Thanks

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Re: Always looking for the best (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on Westward Hikma since Roxane sold out. My pharmacy is awesome. They order each month for me no problem. Been on suboxone 5yrs, then subutex since 2005 which saved my life. I'll be on it all my life. I stick with Westward.

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Re: Goozer (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

Hey bud I don't know how to follow you but I stumbled on this page. I'm definitely interested in being involved in the talk. I take Rhodes now but today my CVS called and said it's on back order and don't know when they will be back in stock. Plus they said they can't get Roxanne 54111. Please share any info you have on this. Appreciated. Have a great day.

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Re: Charlene (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

Hey I get Rhodes but they today told me it's on back order. Are you saying hikma is horrible ? I don't know how to follow these blogs I stumbled on it ill keep it open. Ty

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How are the Rhodes. And how do I get my pharmacy to order a specific brand

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Re: Charlene (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

What’s the new Rhodes one does it have an arrow on it?

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I don't know man I think you guys are all looking too much into this. I've had every different brand Under the Sun and they all seem to do the same. It's definitely in your head which that's kind of how addicts react to different brand medications. Hi-Tech are very concentrated and they're very strong. Purdue Pharma came out with a Subutex within the last year and I think those are the best but I don't want to support a company that put me in the position that I am in. Maybe just take the medication and stop thinking too much about it and reading all this junk online. I'm just saying!

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Re: Don ravis (# 158) Expand Referenced Message

I will stick with Hikma formerly Roxane. Most CVS stock that or activis. I've been on subs 8mg x 3a day since 2005. Saved my life,!

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Re: bupeODorol (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it does. The longer you dissolve it the longer it will last. I was able to make one strip into 16 pieces last 16 days by dissolving for over an hour under my tongue

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Re: James (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

Subutex doesn't make strips. Strips are suboxone. This thread is asking people to say which subutex generic works best for them. Since it's subutex, you don't hear anything about soboxone strips. I hope the best for you and glad you got your life back on track

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Here's current info you can take to the bank. On generic subutex tabs for about 3 yrs. All obtained from local W.Greens in S. Fla. Originally on orange by actavis. No complaints and able to reduce from two 8 mg sublingual to one per day during a year and half. Then pharmacy switched to Rhodes/ Purdue. Again no complaints and was able to reduce to about 6 mg per day. Then on or about Sept 2021 everything changed. The Rhodes apparently and in retrospect got much weaker. I went through hell trying to figure out why I couldn't sleep, had the yawns, was depressed, etc.. It took months and help from friends to substantiate the weaker formulation. I finally changed pharmacies to try a different generic. I did have to get extras (the small ones by hitech). They were better than the modified Rhodes but I'm hoping for better since hitech are the least expensive to buy and I have excellent insurance. Trust me, it's no fluke, I'm very in tune w/ my body, and 3 others have confirmed. The Rhodes are garbage. A mean fast one has been perpetrated on patients prescribed sublingual generic subutex using the Rhodes brand as manufactured by Purdue.

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Why are the ones with the number 8 and the arrow the worst just got prescribed these ones and I'm worried that they are not going to work

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Why is the one with the 8 and the arrow are rated the worst. I used to be prescribed the ones that had RP on the I'd take a about a quarter a day and it would last all day. Now they gave me the 8 with the arrow. Im imfraid it won't work. And detoxing from my meds.

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Re: regpharm22 (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Today is 3-5-2020 I just got my 54/411 generic subutex filled, again, just like the last year and a half every month, I had a different brand of suboxone with the naloxone crap in it at first but it was very expensive and my insurance wouldn't pay for it anymore (but they pay for the generic subutex without the naloxone crap in it). I'm on it for both opiate addiction and chronic pain, I noticed in about the first 5 minutes after the first 8mg pill started to melt that the pain relief quality was much better and lasted longer, I'm prescribed 8mg twice a day and some days when the chronic pain is not as bad as some days I don't have to take the other one later in the day, I actually have extra pills at the end of the month, have you EVER Heard of a junkie who has pills left over at the end of the month? I didn't think so, having the extra pills came in handy last summer when my insurance got screwed up one month and couldn't get it filled, I had enough to get me thru the month.

Between the two reasons why I take it, opiate addiction and chronic pain management I'm batting better than 500 and knocking it out of the park every day with the way I feel and how this drug, buprenorphine, has turned my life around, I'm not a walking refried warmed over death looking dopey doped up zombie. In Minnesota there is about 5 doctors in the whole state that are licensed to prescribe buprenorphine, mine is a psychiatrist I see at a mental health clinic, if anyone from Minnesota in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area needs to find a doctor who is licensed to prescribe it you can try ACP associated clinic of psychology, they have a few clinics in the area but only the one in Minneapolis on county road 25 next to St. Louis Park has the right doctor, I'm not going to guarantee that anyone can get in because the doctor can only have a certain number of patients who he can legally prescribe for and I don't have any of that information.

Please don't go get on methadone because it is the worst hell x 10 to get off of it if on for more than a year. Methadone clinics are prescribers now too, but the methadone clinic is not a fun place to be in trying to kick dope because of the "clientele" I was at one and it did help but I would rather go to the clinic I'm at now for mental health and addiction, haven't had anyone try to sell me dope or ask me for dope, doesn't remind me of a scene from The Walking Dead either like the methadone clinic does.

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Re: Staci Burnett (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I hit a deer on my motorcycle 11 years ago and became an instant junkie in the ambulance on the way to the hospital with that first shot of morphine, I never did a pain pill in my life before the accident, I went from feeling and thinking I'm going to die in 30 seconds to "this ain't so bad" and the Nightmare Began, I learned really fast how to doctor shop, this was right at the end of doctor shopping and I learned really fast that generic #4 Dilaudid suck compared to Name Brand #4 Dilaudid. I got on methadone to get off the opiates and was abusing the methadone and still had cravings, even after I was up to 180mg daily. Then I found the coolest doctor on earth, a psychiatrist woman my age, she was a hippie before becoming a doctor, we would talk for hours and she approved me for medical marijuana after she got me off methadone and on buprenorphine subutex 54/411 for both opiate addiction and chronic pain. Thank God my insurance would only pay for a few months of suboxone with the crap in it and would then only pay for the generic buprenorphine subutex. I found out that the generic subutex works better for chronic pain management than the suboxone with the crap in it. I'm no scientist or anything like that although I'm thinking it has something to do with the naloxone crap.

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