Generic Opana-people Speak Up (Page 4)
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They are saying that the new opana works as well as the old. There are so many peoples statements that I have read saying the new don't work as well but yet Endo states their research don't prove that. All people who have a real medical problem that causes pain and takes new opana and it doesn' work as well as the old needs to speak up. One person can't change anything. People who are being treated awful by medical doctors and pain clinics because they have pain also need to speak up.

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I was taking advantis generic as soon as it came out like the old opana formulation I do not abuse i'm 50 and in severe pain. this month cvs would not fill 2 days early as they normally do went to a different cvs because they were out of that brand called this cvs said they had it made me wait an extra day more or less called me a drug very offended.i went the next day to pick them up in a snow storm 35 miles from home and they gave me the global brand for me they do not work near as well.i am going to run out for the first time in 2 and a half years.i have been having to take 3 a day and only prescribed 2 my pain management doctor is very strict on what he prescribes and the amount I wake up in tears every morning life is unbararable and I work 10 straight hours as a server.i cry all the way home have to pick up my one leg to get it in the car to even get home.. a lot of misspelled words I know i'm very tired trying to sleep my first time on angers me that people abuse their meds and some of us leget people have to pay for it by staying in pain and get treated like we are drug addicts.

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Robert, its a damn shame you can't get any help. The reason you can't is the teenagers that are getting into their parent's medicine cabinets and overdosing.(This is not my opinion, its what I was told by the PA at the pain clinic.) Now we that are in pain have to pay the price for negligent parents. Those parents are the ones going to those meetings and complaining about narcotics and trying to get them removed from the market. Wonder how many of them were passed out drunk while their children were stealing their meds? It makes me sick and its not fair! If they didn't want their medicine THEY should have been responsible and destroyed it, not leave it for their kids to take. Now those of us in true pain pay the price. I don't have children getting into my meds and if I had teens around I'd be responsible and keep them locked up. I live in NC so can't help you with a dr, but mine told me its going to get worse. I can't ever get a raise although they don't give me enough now and they won't give me Oxymorphone either. Glad to write my script for Opana ER CR (CRUSH RESITANT) though because its no good anymore. Worthless for pain now. It IS good, however, for stomach pain, constipation, insomnia, making your food taste awful etc etc...

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Why is it a problem that it's flammable? Do you intend to swallow a lit match?

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I would look on the internet to find a pain management doctor in your have to go to your family doctor to send them a referral.u have an mri and proof that i have pain so u should not have a problem.most family doctors won't give u nothing if they do its on a short baseace. There alotyle of pain management doctors and u can find them all on the computer.they even have some in the phone book.

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Yea and do you all realize the "new and improved" Opana Crush Proof Gel balls are flammable????? They expect us to put those in our bodies?? And long term at that!!!!! They need to leave the new generic version by Global alone!! At least they break down and kill pain!! Its all about money though. I can't imagine name brand Opana being safe. Whoever heard of a flammable pill??? I bet Oxycontin by Perdue are flammable too. Same gel ball formula makeup. Don't have one to try it on though. Its disgusting the way they treat all of us pain patients. The doctors treat us like garbage and then the pharmacist give us crusty looks. Its just ridiculous!!!

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Every CPP needs to go to the FDA web site and read what Endo is trying to push FDA to do. I just read a court paper filed by Endo in April 2013 saying they took the original opana of the market for safety reasons as we all know that isn't true. They are trying to bully the FDA into taking the generic opana (oxymorphone of the market. Telling them they have to if they are concerned about the public. You all need to write to Margaret Hamburg of the FDA. She has listened to people who has lost someone to drug abuse. I am very sorry for those people but we CPP have rights also. They are also trying to push on what meds a doctor can prescribe for our pain and how many. Its not just the opan-oxymorphone but for all the pain meds. Ms. Hamburg hasn't hardly heard from any CPP. Does she care that CPP if they can't control their pain and live some kind of life they would rather die if they can't do that? Go to the FDA web site get their address and write to them. Tell them about your pain and what helps and what would happen to you if you couldn't get that help. The cost of meds also. We should be aloud to have meds we can afford and that help us. They keep talking about the abusers. What about us CPP? All these people that have no clue what chronic pain is like are deciding for us. Don't let them do that. Endo has this in the court paper: We applaud FDA Commissioner Hamburg's announcement that the FDA will not approve any abbreviated new drug applications that rely upon the approval of original OxyContin which did not have abuse-deterrent properties. With more than 16,000 Americans dying from opioid drug overdoses each year, Commissioner Hamburg's announcement is a significant step forward in the federal government's effort to reduce opioid drug abuse and protect consumers. For too long, drug abusers have been able to crush or dissolve opioid drug products in order to defeat their time-release mechanisms for snorting or injecting the drugs. This drug abuse has wreaked a terrible human and economic toll on our country's patients, families, and health care system. However, the FDA recognized the merits of certain abuse-deterrent formulations and has also stated the Agency can require future generic opioid drugs to also have abuse-deterrent properties.

This Other document was issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

You aren't going to be able to receive oxymorphone that just became available in Jan. 2013 and you will be limited as to what you can have if you don't start contacting these groups, FDA, Endo and Global etc. and tell them how you feel.Hamburg is the commissioner of the FDA. Let her hear from you.

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Yup, they refused to write my Opana ER prescription for generic. Said their office won't prescribe it, period. EVEN after I told her it caused ulcers in my esophagus & stomach.

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You write to the FDA. They are the ones who will decide if the generic opana (oxymorphone) will be pulled. Also write to Global the company that makes the generic so they know that their product works better than the glue hard plastic meds so they will fight to be able to keep their product. All CPP need to do this so they know. We all need to do this now. They go back to court the end of May. If you want write to Endo and tell them their plastic meds don't work. Maybe they will try to improve them. Right now they only work 1/3 of the orginal. It's not right they they worry more over the druggies getting their hands on them than the patients that really need them. As a CPP person I have the records to prove what is causing my pain but I still have to sign a contract with my doctor, take drug test, etc. etc. etc. The pharmacy orders my meds just before its time for me to fill it, that way they don't have that kind of pain meds in stock for someone to rob them. There are guide lines in place to proctect everyone. If everyone does their part it should be ok. Yes things can happen an slip through the cracks but that happens in everything we do. Nothing is a 100 percent. You can go online and find everyones address or email or phone number tho I think writing to them is better. Phone calls seem to get lost. If you know someone that is a CPP person, tell them to do this.

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I am a cpp and also have acid reflux - I had surgery for it in Feb 2012 and I was starting to feel better for a very short time. This is when they changed the formula of Opana ER - Now, six months later after experiencing severe reflux and stomach problems my doctor performed several tests to find out what was wrong. They found two ulcers! I don't think it's a coincidence that I developed ulcers within 6 months of taking the new glue formula. So I talked to my pain doctor and told her what I thought happened and that I am looking for a doctor to tell me it could have been caused by the glue that sticks to your insides and that I would like to get the old formula back in the generic form. I was told that their office won't prescribe the generic because of the abuse potential, not just by me but people who may break in to steal them, etc. I was told that the court is now involved and most likely all generics will be pulled. I know it's because of ENDO and it makes me sick. The problem is that Opana is the only med that helps my pain so I don't want to switch. I don't know what to do!

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Who can u complain to? I live in NE Ohio and can't find a doc that Will prescribe any pain medicine. I had low back surgery a few years back. After the surgery I was still having pain, mostly in my right buttock and down my right. Leg. They did another MRI that showed scar tissue had formed around my S1 nerve root. Still can't get pain meds. If anyone reads this and knows of a compassionate doctor near Wooster,Ohio please let me know at- rwhjr@live. com, sometimes I feel like I would rather be dead then feel like this every day.

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Thank you Person in Pain. I want Chronic Pain patients to wake up and speak up for them self's because 1 person, no one will listen. I have read everything I could find on line about all of this Opana brand, Endo company, FDA, police DEA. Endo is trying very hard to stop the generic from being produce because they have lost millions of dollars and people have lost their jobs at Endo. Those people were hired when they started making so much money from Opana(the orginal). Endo build a special place for the higher ups. It sounds really nice. Endo made a mistake because they didn't take it off the market because it was harmful to people and could be abused. They didn't say that until other companies wanted to produce the generic. Endo didn't want to lose all that money. They had already said yes to companies making the generic 7.5, 10mg IR etc. because they thought they had all strengths of the ER's to themselfs. I have had 17 operations over the year's from being hit by a car. I was in the hospital for 4 months after my accident and couldn't walk on my one leg for 2 years. I will still need more operations. I have a number of medical problems that cause me great pain. I have been given all the pain meds over the years because after you have been on them for a while they quit working. The original Opana before the new ones they switched to last spring was a great help to me. They helped my pain. I could move around better. I didn't sit in pain 24/7. I could work more like a normal person instead of just sitting there in pain. I could play with my grandkids more etc. then the new ones came out. It is awful. Back to having all that pain again. Not being able to play with my grand-kids. Not being able to do any house work. Not sleeping because I laid awake in pain again, etc, etc. The new ones making my stomach hurt,constipation, what little they do help, they don't last very long which makes me think they don't break up in your system very good. etc. FDA goes back to court the end of this month. Everyone needs to let them know the new opana don't work and chronic pain patients should be allowed to have what helps the best so we can have some kind of life. Its fine if we have to have the records to prove we are in pain.

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You can be sure that all of the new generics will be stomped out of production or will not be allowed to be made again until gelled and ruined. Do you know that the "New and Improved Crush Resistant Opana" is flammable??? Yes!! Flammable!! Try it. Cut a piece off, hold it with tweezers and put a lighter to it. POOF!!!! No wonder the crap hurts your insides so bad! We ought to all ban together and refuse to buy these gel blobs. As long as people are buying them at those ridiculously high prices they are going to make them. My husband got the new generic in April and he felt so much better!! (food tastes awful on gelled Opana, stomach cramps, horrible constipation, etc etc) I bet he won't get the generic in May because endo is whining about it. They are probably gone before some people even got to try them. These anal doctors aren't going to write the scripts for them either though. They make sure they spell it out completely on mine. Crush resistant blah blah. I don't even want the trash. I am so scared about what these "new and improved rubber opanas" are going to do to people long term. The gel that binds them looks like some kind of carpet glue and being that they're flammable, it just may well be.

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This is my first ever post. After building up a tolerance to OxyContin Eric 80s and oxycodone 30s ir, 4 each a day for years, my PM Dr gave me Oxymorphone Er and Ir exactly half the mg of previous. My question is which chain pharmacy has the best price when paying with all cash. I'm paying $10 each for generic 40mg ER at Kroger and thought that was high. LMK plz. PS would getting more of the 15mg ER cost less per mg?

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Thank you, Jamie.

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Actually, if you don't have insurance, some generics still cost almost as much as the brand name drug. Thisis true for opana and oxymorphone. Brand name opana costs around $1600 for 60 pills and the oxymorphone er costs only a few hundred dollars less unless you have insurance!!! You may only have to pay a $5 copay for generics, but your insurance company has to pay around $1300 for the generic oxymorphone er! Same thing if you have insurance for brand name meds. You may have a $120 copay, but your insurance company has to pay $1600 for the brand name opana. That is why some insurance companies won't fill new generic prescriptions. Hope this helps you understand. If you don't believe it, call your pharmacy as say you are paying cash for your generic oxymorphone er and ask how much it costs!!!

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Hello Martha!! The Global/Impax generic oxymorphone is still tamper proof. It will gel up if wet, so it does have some abuse-proofing in it, just not as severe as Opana's reformulated version. It is still an extended release formula, so I don't think that your pm will have any problem writing out the script.

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Ok - I just went searching for the printout I talked about that I showed the pharmacist. I'm looking at my shoes and I apologize! The company was Impax - In my defense I'm getting old and the mind isn't what it used to be. I could have sworn I clicked on Activis. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize and set the record straight. In any event I don't go back to my doctor until April 23rd at which time I will talk to her about getting a script for oxymorphone instead of brand Opana. However, she just works at the pm office and I have a feeling she has to go by the office policy which may be that they can't write prescriptions for pain meds that can be abused. We;ll see. Tim2, I apologize for being so defensive in my last post.

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Also, Martha, you did technically lie. You claimed your pharmacist ordered Actavis generic Opana ER in size 40 mg. That is clearly not true. Furthermore, you asked how you could get your doctor to write you a script for a generic version of Opana ER as well as if anybody knew a way to get Medicare to cover it. If you already knew how to get a script for the generic from the doctor, then why did you inquire about it? So, you did lie, although probably unintentionally. Maybe you should word questions on the future in a more concise logical manner.

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Hi Martha, Timmy2 is right, no one is calling you names. We said that who ever you spoke too doesn't know what they are talking about. That is about as closest either one of us came to calling anyone a name. I know you don't feel good. Its the pits when you are running around trying to find something that relieves your pain and you are having a hard time locating it or someone is giving you a hard time cause of the type of medicine it is etc. I know myself, I get tired of it, every month having to call round and go from pharmacy to pharmacy to find someone that has the meds or order it for me. I finally found a pharmacist that is going to have it there every month for me when it is time to fill it. All the others wanted my prescription first before they would even order it, then it would take 3 to 6 days to be delivered then I was a few days without my med. The FDA, DEA, law enforcement and groups against pain meds because of the drug addicts have made pharmacist and doctors afraid of giving their CPP pain meds. CPP have to jump through hoops to receive pain meds for their pain. Some pharmacies won't even order strong pain meds and keep them in their store because they are afraid of getting robbed.
I hope you have everything that you need to help your pain and no one gives you a hard time.

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