Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 3)


It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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Hi Sandy, I as well as others are curious I'm sure, to see what your Drs solution will be. I told my Dr of 9 yrs the same about the Mallinkrodt not working for my pain. Was pretty much told that to make waves about this could end up with me getting nothing. So not right. I have not ever caused a problem with early refills, going to another Dr or pharmacy. I go see mine tomorrow and still don't quite know what to say anymore. Used to be able to approach him about anything and now don't appreciate being treated the way a lot of us are now.
Happy New Year to All! Think positive thoughts if you can.

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Yes, it is lousy. I am not sure about having to transfer all of your prescriptions to one pharmacy, but our local pharmacy said they no longer would fill it for me as they are not making enough $$$ on it. I live in a small town with one pharmacy...the closest one 1 1/2 hours away. They know they have a monopoly. Now, I have to drive 2 hours each way to pick up the prescription each month, so I get it filled in town. I think it is terrible the way we are being manipulated with this government control/medical and prescriptions. So much for freedom.

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Wow...this whole situation is just so unbelievable. With each post I read it really brings it home that this could be done to us in this day and age. My Dr told me today that companies making the "real" medications that we have been legally prescribed and taking and that helped us to function in everyday life no longer exist because of others abusing them. This solution they have stupidly come with is harebrained and not very well thought out.

I called the pharmacy that has been filling all my prescriptions for years to see if the Norcos were in stock. Never had to do it in the past but after being on this site and hearing what so many of you have been going through, I thought I best do it. Glad I did too. They told me they were in stock at that moment but they couldn't promise me that tomorrow they would. Asked them to please hold them and I would be there in 15 min. Luckily I was that close. We all have to contact our Congress people and pray that someone can and will open their damn eyes. Kind of hard to get a Happy New Year out but there it is anyway. All Take Care

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I did write to my Congressman, Duncan Hunter. He has always come through for me with issues I have had in the past. I will let you all know when he replies and what he suggests. Have a great New Year, all. Let's hope that 2015 will be the year of resolutions to all our woes, including the Norco issue.

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Walmart in Myrtle Beach has the M367 and i have been having to take pain meds for 25yrs and i don't find any difference. But i also don't take them recreationally. I take them for my pain and they do help me and that's even with the tolerance i have built up.

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Saw my rheumatologist and she told me she has had many patient complaints about it and that she will write on my prescription "Qualitest" only. That is the brand that works and I am sticking with it. I just hope the pharmacy has it when I go to town to pick it up. Otherwise, I have to drive around and try to find one that does, unless the pharmacy clerk will call ahead for me, which she has done before. Best wishes to all of you that your pain will be handled.

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Sometimes I feel the pharmacies do it on purpose. I took a friend with me once to pick up my script, and he said they made me feel like a drug addict.. and it's true, RITE AID in LA BREA, CA constantly tells me they dont have my script, then once, they stated that, then they filled it the same day! hmmmmm... and the manager wont accept that, said it was my error, yea, i'm fd on pills i dont remember stuff, bs.. i remember s***, esp when it comes to my meds.. lol

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I still have a problem here in Michigan. A pharmacy told me that whether you go to one pharmacy or the other, if no one has it you will still go into withdrawals, so you might as well wait for me to get it, then proceeds to charge me double of what I paid last month, this should be criminalized as price gouging and intimidation. I have been told that the pharmacy's have quotas, or a certain amount they are allotted and then they can't get anymore for a while. So I see that this will continue to happen. When a pharmacy is out, people go to the next one they hear that has it, then they run out and so on and so on... a vicious cycle that will never end unless someone with some intelligence intervenes! I want to go to one pharmacy, as this hopping is not good for my health, neither is this stress!

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Here is something weird... The first time i filled my scrip at Walmart, they gave me the M367. the next time they gave me the V yellow 10/325 Hydro.
Anyway, as of now my PM put me on Butrans and I still get the 10/325's so that will work just fine.

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I wonder why this never was a problem in the past with the quota thing. People who are abusing pills will always find a way to get them. The chronic pain sufferers who by no fault of their own are the ones this is hurting. The M367's are giving me a rash, sores on my scalp and my hair is falling out. They also make my throat itch. I am going to talk to a different pharmacist. Some just don't give a damn, they are the ones that get pissed when you interrupt them for a consult. Thank God not all of them are like that. A friend who works in a pharmacy told me they order the yellow Norcos when someone is having a allergic reaction to another brand. Guess I will find out.

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Pharmacy says they order the generic and never know what "brand" they will get until it gets there. The acronym "FDA" has a different meaning to me, but I can't say it here for fear of being thrown off the thread. Best case scenario, ask your Dr. to add: "Qualitest only, no substitutions" to your prescription.

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Great idea Sandy, but what I am concerned about is that if no Qualitest is available then it limits your option to get another manufacturer in the meantime?? I inform the pharmacy that I experience reactions for the Mallincroft (sp)( which is 100% true and they are not effective for me) Has anyone else's cost went up (who do not have Rx insurance)??

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yes brother you right i agree with you i used to take the yellow pill when i was in Michigan from at Meijer Pharmacy but move to Tennessee so i get my pills from kroger they was white m367 but i feel this is not same the yellow last more and more stronger, do you know if cvs or any other have the yellow one so i can get it next time i live in nashville tn thnak you for your concern .

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These medications are made in China for very very cheap. After any generic medication is validated as equal to the brand it is never again checked for quality. The inactive ingredients are often cheap fillers that in some cases make people sick. If someone has a medical condition the brand of medication can impact their quality of life. If you prefer a particular generic go to the pharmacy that carries that generic and be sure to call them ahead of time to be sure its in stock. Dont be shy when it comes to your health, its your responsibility to take care of your body. Pharmacist know which generics are garbage and which arent but they are trained to tell you otherwise. They are a company that wants to buy as cheap as possible to make the most profit. If they try to intimidate you with weird looks or say they cant tell you....MOVE ON! You can and are entitled to make those types of choices. I stick to the generics that work for my body and refuse to pay for some of the garbage they are pushing on us. If we all do this pharmacies will be forced to change their unethical business practicies and choose our welfare over their pockets. If you are to shy to speak up for yourself have your dr. write on your perscription you can only take a particular generic. They are there to help you.

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I agree with everything Taylor said. I finally had to get something to replace the Norco (supposedly) M367. Six months of the side effects of those garbage pills was all my body could take. I discussed that with my Dr. and was told if I started asking questions and making demands at the pharmacy I could end up with nothing. When I did talk to the pharmacy who I have been with over six years it didn't get me anywhere. I know how to talk to people and I called more than one pharmacy. They all said they couldn't get anything different. So I was prescribed Tramadol which I was told is not as strong as Norco. Well, I have been taking it a month and I feel better than I did while on those crappy M367's. I feel like they were making me feel worse than the original reason I was prescribed them for. Don't feel high, sleepy just feel better. Hope some of what I was trying to get across did. Dealing with the fight for our right to get what we deserve and what we pay for and when all we want is some pain relief and I'm talking PAIN. It just felt like I wasn't going to get anywhere. Especially after reading the posts on this site from my fellow sufferers. Hopefully this will change some day. Because there are a lot of us.

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I used to be shy and scared of being labeled a drug addict. I learned very quick you can find a phatmacy who does have and will sell you yellow norcos.... complain. demand. I never have a problem. I've called 25 pharmacies before. It's my body, my responsibility.

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You are all so correct regarding the bad side effects from the M367s. They made me so sick and didn't help the pain. My pharmacist told me to ask for Qualitest brand, and she writes that on the prescription. The problem is when I check to see if a particular pharmacy has it in stock, they won't tell me, as they consider this "pill shopping." Unfortunately, there is only one pharmacy in the town where I live and they won't fill it for me. Lame excuses that make no sense, like that is too big a quantity for one person-they aren't making enough money on it, being another. I have to drive 2 hours each way to pick up my script and spent several hours this past month trying to find a pharmacy with Qualitest generic. The only luck I had was for a smaller dose (7.5 instead of 10). Finally, I have worked it out with my doctor and the mail order pharmacy my insurance is now requiring me to use to write it for a 90-day supply. I still have to drive to pick up the script, and the doctor puts "Qualitest brand substitutions" on it, so i hope all goes well. I will let you know later on this month when it is time to be filled. I still think government regulations now in effect are the reason for all these problems.

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Telee, I doubt the majority of people on this site are taking these pain meds recreationally. It is rather an insult to insinuate that. I, for one, have been in chronic pain for a number of years and the meds I take are the only ones that work so that I can lead a near-normal life.

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Sandy, You can get pain medications in the mail? There's a mail order co. trying to get me to use them. They would fill prescriptions for water pills etc. Also, my Dr told me pain scripts could only be written for a months supply. Why can't these supposed professionals get on the same page?

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In Mi I use ezscripts,(medco) for all my drugs. I got a 90 day supply of an off the wall generic norco and switched back to my local drug store but quick. With the new law in place I could not do that again. I must go to the doctors office once a month for a script. Every third month I see my doctor. I still use ezscripts for all my other drugs.

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