Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 2)
UpdatedIt's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?
I am not getting any pain relief! I feel labeling and schedule change was not the only change done to the Norco's 10/325. It is as if the narcotic is missing or greatly reduced. Something is not right, I have two chronic conditions that are not being managed by the above and wonder what to do? Everyone thinks you are an addict now, what a shame and a disgrace! I have to believe the truth will come out and the people that truly need pain relief, finally get it!
I don't think they give a damn and frankly don't know what the options are for those of us that suffer from debilitating pain. If you question this subject, you are looked at like a junkie even though you have medical results from MRI's and x-rays. When I told my Dr. about the white M367's not working he told me they are changing the narcotic pills ingredients so they can't be abused. Well hell, what about the majority of us who don't have any thoughts about doing that?
That is all RiteAid carries in Northern CA
I told them that the Mallinkrodt sp? are worthless. They don't give a hoot. Was also told that if we make requests of certain manufacturers, colors etc. that we could end up with nothing. Wouldn't put it past them.
"For example, I can take this same tablet and it really hits me very hard, after taking just one, I have good pain relief and am pretty much tired and groggy for most of the day. "
I just got these last month when I refilled at a different drug store. Never again! They do take the pain away but it is a struggle just to stay awake for hours afterwords.
Watson is now Actavis. Got that from a family who is a Pharmacy Tech. He said patients come into their pharmacy a lot saying that certain brands are not working and request a different one. RiteAid says they won't do special orders. One tech told me that all they have now are the M367s. Gee, maybe we are not being told the truth? (imagine that)
If they have changed the formula to stop abuse then that explains why we are not getting the pain relief. I am going to the doc on Monday to see what my options are about switching to a totally different medicine. I do not care about the "high", I just need effective pain relief and would again appreciate not being vilified as a "drug addict". We are all being let down by the government, the pharmacies and the medical community. In medicine, the golden rule is "Do no harm", well guess what? You are doing harm to people that are begging for your help to relieve their misery and pain!
I have been told Kaiser carries the yellows but that doesn't do anything for us without Kaiser Ins. Ronin, you really are good with getting your thoughts written down and saying it like it is. Now if we could get someone to listen to help get this rectified.
Siglam I usually go to CVS but they said it would be a week or longer so I went to Rite-Aid. That's where I got the M-367's. I took my morning dose at 9am, 2pills, an hour later I had to lay down. The other day I was dizzy for about 3 to 4hrs, I mean bad, and if they are changing the ingredients to stop abuse they may find those who still must work getting hurt on the job. I can't see anyone abusing the M-367's as you can't function, at least I can't. A very unpleasant way to stop pain and if this is their goal they have reached it. I'll go back to CVS and wait them out to see what I get. I am retired but I don't know how anyone who has to drive or work will be able to.
Beagle, you are one of the very few that seem to feel anything when taking the M367. Obviously they have made their changes so abusers can't misuse them. Which is a good idea. But when there are legit people with long chronic pain history and plenty of medical records to prove it and due to conditions that are only going to degenerate and cause more pain with time. It's downright cruel to all of a sudden not care about managing peoples pain. It's true, look at all the posts here on this subject. Think of how many would speak up if they knew who would listen and where to go.
Siglam thank you and others, we need to contact our congressmen and women to show that we are not drug addicts we have legitimate medical conditions and we demand pain relief and let them know that this system is not working. I went to the doc just a n hour ago and got my new Rx. Went to the pharmacy that had filled it the last two months, after having me switch ALL of my prescriptions there, which was ok, now they were out! They do not know when they will get them in again. What? I went to four other pharmacy's so far and again no one has them. I also keep getting sideways looks and I know there is something they are not telling us. I'm tired, in pain and frustrated.
Feel free to copy and paste the message below to email your congressman/woman. Here is the website (below) to find who that may be. If all of us sent them a message, we might actually have a chance for change, to hear our voices, thank you:
then copy and paste the message below, or write in your own words the troubles you have had finding your medicine, being treated like an addict, etc.
Dear Sir, I have had chronic health issues for years and am currently being treated by a doctor that feels that Hydrocodone based medicines work to ease my severe pain. Unfortunately, due to other people's abuse, the DEA has changed the classification two months ago and I find myself enduring shortages and being vilified as a drug addict, going to different pharmacies in an effort to locate said medicine. I feel that there are many people like me out there but are afraid to come forward or are afraid that they don't matter. Here is a post I made on a website set up to help people locate and have questions answered about Hydrocodone medicines (i.e. Norco, Vicidin, etc.) After the drugs being re-labeled to a schedule II, they not only don't relieve the pain effectively, but they are impossible to get month to month... 'If they have changed the formula to stop abuse then that explains why we are not getting the pain relief. I am going to the doc on Monday to see what my options are about switching to a totally different medicine. I do not care about the "high", I just need effective pain relief and would again appreciate not being vilified as a "drug addict". We are all being let down by the government, the pharmacies and the medical community. In medicine, the golden rule is "Do no harm", well guess what? You are doing harm to people that are begging for your help to relieve their misery and pain!' PLEASE SIR, HELP ME TO ENSURE MY MEDICAL CARE IS BETWEEN MY DOCTOR AND MYSELF AND THAT ANY MEDICINE DEEMED ESSENTIAL TO MY CARE SHOULD BE READILY AVAILABLE AND SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, if you can assist or forward to a person that can take up this cause, it would be truly appreciated, thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you, 12-15-2014
Ronin Thank You so much for finding that address. What you wrote says it like it is and I will be finding out today who I need to send it to. Hopefully all of us who are affected by this travesty will help by letting them know that this is a serious issue. Thank you again!
Siglam, I agree and those of us in metro Detroit might do something about it. A gal named Gail is looking into to talking to an attorney and at least finding out what our options are. I hope something can be done. At the very least we may find out why these so called shortages are taking place and what they intend to do. I've been taking Norco for almost 9yrs now and must have them due to past polio and the pain that comes with it. I'm not putting up with being treated as an addict looking for a fix. I don't know if the chain drug stores are doing this on their own or are being told to. I hope we can all find out.
Great! This is a good start. If we sit back and remain silent it will continue. That website Ronin provided is easy to use. I am working on sending John Garamendi our Rep for the 3rd Congressional District. Thanks Beagle, and good luck to your friend Gail, wouldn't it be something if they realized what they are doing is WRONG.
Yes indeed they are so weak they give me this weak atuff all the time if I ask for the ye llow one I'm afraid They will call the police. Ithink they keep it them for themselves
Peanut, I know how you feel when you describe the treatment we get in our pharmacies. I have been with RiteAid for many years. ALL of my prescriptions, not just pain meds. Have always asked questions. Now they look at me like I'm speaking a language they've never heard before and it is only when the subject is the Norcos. I have been telling them (calmly) that the Mallinkrodt white ones aren't keeping the pain tolerable. NOTHING takes it away, but it's better than nothing. Except now those are like nothing. Why keep putting our livers and kidneys in jeopardy for nothing. I keep waiting for a news story about this dilemma to come about.
Ronin, I hope you were able to get that rx problem solved. Does anyone know if we take a pain rx to a different pharmacy, do we have to transfer all of them? That's what I want to do but they have me so paranoid, will they take it and tell me to "hit the road". This whole thing is a nightmare
Sorry for the novel.
Hi Siglam, I have filled my Norco at 2 different pharmacy's for the last two months since this thing started without a problem. The "new" pharmacy stated that I would have to transfer all of my meds from my old one, I told them no problem, I hated to leave them, been with them for seven years, like you, a long time customer, so I moved them. I go to get my new RX filled the other day and they new pharmacy is out and they don't know when they will get more. What? I did what they told me, the pharmacist says I will look out for you, whatever that meant, and when they told me they were out, I said ok, now what am I supposed to do now?? They give you that dumb, I don't know what to tell you, but I know more than I'm telling you look. The more you show worry, they start the sideways looks. I am officially done. I went back to my pharmacy of seven years and as luck would have it, they just got their shipment and I was able to get them, thank God. I don't know how much more I can take every month, so much stress, will they have it? Will I have to find someone who does? I'm already worrying for next month, not good. I would like to send positive thoughts to everyone in hopes that the worst is over and we can get back to attempting to manage our conditions and pain and take care of ourselves and our families, I hope we can all have a wonderful holiday, as pain free as possible.
Peanut, they won't call the police, you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe you can ask to speak to the pharmacist in private and ask him/her about the manufacturer. Let them know that the Mallincroft has not been effective in controlling your pain and you have had a reaction when you took it before (whatever you experienced) and you want to make sure that you have your prescription filled with another manufacturer if they have it. Sometimes it's all in how you approach the situation. I believe that Qualtitest (not sure of the spelling) and Watson are the only other drug manufacturers other than the Mallincroft who mostly everyone can agree that it either is not effective or it has side effects. Wow, it's terrible that we have to worry about how to stand up for what is best for us and worry about looking like an addict! When I asked my new pharmacy about it, they said that raises a red flag when someone asks about filling their prescription with a certain brand! Good luck to you.
I have been on Norco 10/325 (by Watson) for pain management, successfully for years. I have to drive 2 hours each way now to pick up an original prescription because of the new drug classification laws. I was wondering why I was feeling sick to my stomach and light headed, so decided to go on the internet and check out the Mallinckrodt brand of generic Norco, and came across this site. I called the pharmacy that filled my prescription and they said they are only able to get that brand, no longer get Watson brand. This is manipulation by our government to take over control of the medicines we take. This month, since starting the Mallinckrodt brand, I have more physical side effects than the good that the meds are supposed to do. I am so frustrated right now, and I will be discussing this with my pain physician.
Hi Sandy, we all feel you pain and frustration because we are all experiencing similar issues. I invite you to read our posts as many others have posted helpful things to ease our suffering. I also have posted (#31) a link to determine your congressman and to report what you have been going through in hopes of someone being able to help all of us. I wish you better health with less pain and if you have any questions that any of us can answer, we will do our best. Happy New Year to everyone, take care of yourselves and know that we will all get through this, 2015 is going to be great :)
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