Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 25)
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It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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Yeah i was taking the 10/325 yellow one and they worked pretty well. Now went to a different pharmacy and gave me the white ones. Does not do nothing. My wife never had to take any of these. Her back was hurt I gave her just one she says it did nothing. Waste of money

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Interpharm, Malncroft & anneal pills do work!!! If I've seen anything not work its these new aurobindo norco.

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the one with the specs in the pill is called lortab aspirin and vicodin that's why it might be upsetting your stomachViko profen is the bestbut it also cost the most that is vicodin and ibuprofen325 tylenol 500 Tylenol which contains 5 7.5 and 10 milligram vicodinif your insurance pays try the vicoprofen 7.5 very expensive but the best best regards

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Sometimes if you take a smaller dose of Tylenol with the m367 it will help amplify pain relief doctors do advise against it because of the Tylenol epidemic and people taking to much of it but it will help you when you get these bad cheap generic pills that don't come close to touching the pain

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Unfortunately, our small local pharmacy refused to fill it because of the amount that I have to take, and because they weren't making enough money on it. Well, now all my scripts are sent mail order and they have lost my business 100%.

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I know where you're coming from. The big chain store pharmacies have to turn a buck I guess but at whose expense? Some doctor this week told my daughter that she would get better prices and service at small family owned pharmacies. If my store stops with the Qualitest I will go to a smaller store and ask for the generic I want. The big chain stores would degrade you or turn you in for pharmacy shopping. The thought of having the government tell me how much pain I will endure and when makes me sick. Good luck to you.

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The pharmacies get whatever comes from their supplier. I was able to get Qualitest up until around Feb. That is when they started getting different generics and most especially, the one that made me sick. The pharmacies make more money on the cheaper generic, so once again, it boils down to money. I am so tired of having the one part of our lives we can somewhat control (the pain part) stolen away from usl This whole thing just smells of too much government!

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I'm curious as to who discontinued your Qualitest yellow Norcos? I just got some last week here in Mich.

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No, mail order is not exempted, as far as I know because my insurance company ran through a sample order for 90 days and said they would cover it. Not only that, but it is only $10 copay and free express delivery (signature required). I got the pkg. today and because my doctor wrote "Qualitest brand only, no substitutions" that is exactly what I got. You have to allow about 2 weeks from the time you send in the prescription to the time you get it, so plan ahead. I am most pleased. Our local pharmacy indicated they would no longer fill my script for Norco because they were not making enough money on it. Now, all my scripts are mail order, so the local pharmacy is SOL, so to speak. I actually wrote an op-ed for the local paper about our (only) pharmacy and how they pick and choose who and how they want to serve us. Apparently, I am not alone, as other people are jumping on the op-ed bandwagon. Also, major insurance carrier Blue Cross (Anthem), which is who we have, is now requiring that we use Express Scripts only. Looks like our local pharmacy may be singing a different tune now. Also, re: Watson brand, a friend of mine just got his Norco filled at Costco in San Diego, CA and he did get Watson. The reclassification of this and other drugs has made life miserable for those of us who actually need the medication to function because of the illegal drug use of many. Seems that we have enough to deal with having the pain issues, let alone trying to find a pharmacy who will fill the brand and strength we need.

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Ayashi, thank you for your post, while entertaining, it was inaccurate. This is not my first rodeo. I have multiple chronic diseases, have for many years, that I can only hope to find solutions to take the edge off of the pain.You express that calling a pharmacy would have "saved me from my scenario", many if not most pharmacy's in my area do not give out information over the phone regarding controlled substances. Not regarding its availability, brand or quantity. I am being my own advocate as no one else is willing to take on that role, doctor nor pharmacist. The problem is not of advocacy, it is laws that are enacted in order to protect people from abuse but are not necessary, rushed to a vote, and drafted by lay persons without knowledge in medicine, substance abuse or pain management. Look at Sudafed, did Methamphetamine producers use it to cut Methamphetamine in its production, Yes. How did our government deal with the Methamphetamine problem? By having us sign for it at the pharmacy, show ID and only be able to purchase a very small amount. If anyone has year round allergies, they know what I'm talking about. The law is overkill, Methamphetamine makers have found another substance and we innocents pay the price, as we do now in this new schedule change for Hydrocodone. I wish you all of the best in your pain management and I'm glad to hear you have found something that works for you. My only wish in posting on this site, is finding this for myself and others with words of encouragement and possible solutions. Many people here feel they do not have a voice, hopefully they can find it within themselves or through the inspiration from others, peace.

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So you can get a 90 day supply via mail order with Norco 10/325? I thought a new script was needed each month, or is mail order exempt from this rule?

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I spoke with a friend who has chronic pain and takes generic Norco. He found that Costco carries the Watson brand and he says it works fine. I am using our mail order pharmacy now for a 90-day supply and it is due to arrive today. We will see....

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This might be worth reading. The time-line seems to accompany the scenario as well:

I have had both positive and negative experiences with Mallinckrodt 10's, the negative being about 8 months ago and the positive beginning and persisting around two months ago..

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Well my doc moved me from 2 10/325 norcos a day to 2 MSContin 30 mg a day. Haven't taken the MS yet. Anyone have any info on them? Experiance?Thanks - Flats

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Siglam, the best way I can pierce the stigma that weaves the line between recreational and medicinal/legit is this:

There is nothing wrong with a chronic pain patient becoming dependent on a painkilling drug so long as that dependency doesn't morph into a euphoria-seeking addiction.

That is the lens I try to get skeptics to look through. I am also agreeing with the post you agreed with.

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Ronin, one thing I have discovered over the last year and dealing with chronic pain entering my life is that we are our own advocates from a medicinal sense. I take the infamous M367's (I have no complaints aside from it being shorter acting than my 'discontinued' Qualitest yellow Norcos), and a rather controversial drug called ZoHydro since I have chronic TMD and am otherwise forced to wake up and dose at night.

When I say "our own advocates" I mean take responsibility and while it is atrocious, do your doctor's job and the pharmacy's job before doing YOUR job. Doctor's used to call pharmacies to confirm inventory before sending a patient there with a script--they no longer do this. Now I call a week before I am to pick up my scripts to make sure they have the right amount. So you have to make a phone call or two, so what, it would have completely saved you from your scenario. As for comments like Peanut's, I think you aren't being truthful in that "you're afraid to ask for the yellow ones cuz they will call the cops" but the easiest 'tactic' that is also truthful in asking to try other brands is stating that you've found that you have had adverse reactions to a particular brand, but you aren't allergic to the medicine since you've been on others that worked just fine.

I also recommend anyone seeing a pain specialist who has pain above an "8" to inquire about ZoHydro, because it is the antithesis of what has been done to Norcos: pure hydrocodone with no APAP in an extended release capsule filled with beads that are of different thicknesses to dissolve and release it into your system over the course of 12 hours. I would say it lasts 8 to 10 but it not only removes the 'abusers' from the equation (no doctor in their right mind would prescribe ZoHydro to a potential abuser), it is tremendously powerful. I'm also in Illinois like a few of you and use Jewel/Osco's pharmacy--they (mine) have no qualms with ordering alternative brands or letting you fill a script with two different generics. The point is you have to take matters into your own hands when that is the furthest thing from 'right' there could be. Do I enjoy calling pharmacies to check inventory? I enjoy it a LOT more than two or three days into withdrawal, wrestling with the mere THOUGHT of driving to a pharmacy to pick them up. Sorry for the length but I saw a lot that needed coverage.

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Watson is no longer its now Actavis and they are horrible not the same anymore the pills don't work like they did they claim they only took out the dye I swear they took more then the dye out cause they don't work just taking one. So try to find a Pharmacist that doesn't deal with Actavis I know Walgreens here in Tn. deals with them. Good Luck

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Sandy I 2nd what you said and totally agree. Those of us who are dealing with chronic pain and HAVE to take the pills we do would much rather not. It is not because we want to feel high. Unfortunately because of the recreational users and abusers, our lives are now impacted even more. Having to jump through all these damn hoops and for some of us it's turned our lives upside-down. Then we have all of the short sighted thinkers who lump us all into one group. Addict junkies and that irks me to no end. All we want is to be able to function without the pain that use to keep us in tears and hardly able to move. That is not a life.

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I'm in Mi. and have medicare and it's backed up with bcbs. I've gotten these before like I said but perhaps I still could if you have any luck with it. I also like the Qualitest and get it from cvs once a month. Please let me know how it goes. It would save me from having to go out to get the paper script every month. I'd go back to express if I could do what your doctor is doing for you. I like the idea of telling them the brand you want because I'd be to afraid to rock the boat at the drug store I go to.

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My doctor can write a 90-day supply and the ExpressScripts will fill 90-days. My insurance is requiring all my meds be filled by ExpressScripts. The prescription will say Qualitest substitutions so we will see how that goes. Fingers crossed.

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