Generic Norco M367 10/325 (Page 23)
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It's no good. I have to take three at a time for 1 hour of pain relief. Anybody else have this problem with M367 - 10/325? Has anyone else noticed that meds from certain manufacturers do not work as well for them?

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Bri, thank you so much for the info. I will have to look into it. What is the active ingredient in it that is not an opiod? I was on pain patches about 10 years ago and was very allergic to the glue they used. This may well be different.

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Ask your doctor about the 'Butrans transdermal patch'. You have to be patient with it, as it will take you some time to figure out how to get it to stay on for a week, and the medication itself takes a bit more time before it's actually effective. My doctor and I have been experimenting with it for almost a year now, as a safer alternative to the Norco, and just in the past month has it really started working properly...I'm currently (successfully) tapering off the hydrocodone, but still having my pain managed, and best of all: I've experienced ZERO side-effects from the Butrans. Furthermore, I actually can sleep through the night, and I don't wake up in disabling pain. Personally, I don't know why this isn't used more for those of us who are actually in pain, because every doctor and pharmacist I've spoken with believes it to be a safer alternative for CHRONIC pain! Hope this helps!

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I agree i ve been taking them for years at first. The yello norcos wpulf make dose off while driving . Then the second stage is u get immune. To them so i stop taking any norco for 3days even two . Know because. There. All white m367 and M366. I feel them better as of every day usage it helps better than taking more than u really need they say they just took the dye out . I believe. The white ones are weak!:)dan

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I use 4 10/325 generic Norco per day. I've been using them for over 8yrs now. I don't abuse them because they work and I don't want to have to move up to anything stronger. Can you notice a difference between brands of generic Norco's? Yes you can and I'm not lying to you. I almost always had the Watson yellow 10/325 until they were bought out. I've been using yellow ones with a check mark on them, qualitest? I believe. One time I got the white M-367 and they relieved my pain just like the others but I noticed they did not last as long and made me a bit woosy. I have trouble with my legs and balance is everything with me. There is a very noticable difference to some folks. Why, not sure as there could be many reasons on any given day.

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Patty, I agree with you totally. I suffer from chronic pain also, and have depression because of it. We do become dependent on those pain meds that help us, but to insinuate that we are junkies is just a cold and hurtful remark from someone who obviously doesn't know what she is talking about (Nikki). This post is supposed to be helpful to those who are in need of advice and there is no room for criticism from the illiterate out there. Thanks for your common sense reply and I hope you can get some relief from your pain. Hang in there.

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HI NIKKI, Even though there is supposed to be the same amount of meds in the generics, there is a variance allowed for when making them. the effectivness of some makers is just less.Its the same with my albuterol inhaler, if I get the generic I get no relief at all, but when I use the name brand I definetly feel the difference. My heart races and I can breathe within minutes. With the generic I get no relief at all. Not good. Also the price of generics has skyrocketed, so I just get the name brand anyway. If Im going to pay for it I want it to work.

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Nikki I guess you are a expert in the field of regulations and pain medications. Thats nice but what you do not know is that everyone reacts differently to all meds and you probably do not know what chronic pain is. I hope you never have to experience it. You should not be on this site and calling people junkies if you do not know them. please educate yourself before you make any cruel remarks. people who are in pain usually suffer from depression because they are in constant pain, and we know our body's. I do know there are alot of people that abuse this med but it is the responsibility of the doctors to know who is abusing it and who really needs it. Please keep rude comments to yourself thank you. I will be reporting your post

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Norco simply has less acetaminophen . the ten mg is the same. If it's not working the same bc of a color its all in your head and you need to ween yourself of the meds. FDA regulates these companies and your prescription gets exactly what is suppose to be put in it. Generics have the same effect as the name brand insurances would prefer you use generic bc of cost. Your pill doesn't work as good bc its white and not yellow??

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Ok, I will try this first next time. But until then, I can not take them at all!

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From my past experience, there is a big difference between the yellow hydrocodone and then white Norco.the from my past experience, there is a big difference between the yellow hydrocodone and then white Norco. Norco is not the same, neither the 5/325 or the 10/325.

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Judy, I am sorry for your pain issues. If you scroll down on the posts in this section, you will find my reply about generic Norco made by Qualitest. Reading that may shed some light on your problem with the meds. Best of luck!

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I am having that very same problem? It is really frustrating. And I just do not know what to do no pain relief. Please help, in total pain all the time!

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You are lucky your pain levels are such that you don't need to take more...sounds like you have it under control. Best of luck for continued success, Arlene.

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i've been taking norco 325/10 for years. i looked at my pill. it says 367 and is white. haven't had any problems. i'm prescribed 2 a day but break them in half and take 1/2 at a time. i usually don't need pain meds while i'm sleeping so 4 halves is enough for me.

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It must depend on your insurance company. Mine is excellent (thank goodness) and they allow the 90-days at $$10.

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Wow..I surprised u get urs filled thru Express Scripts.. I do not get get any of my meds filled thru them from pain management.. I get mine every 30 days.. Dr won't do 90 day..Express Scripts charges me $50 co pay for all 3 of my inhalers monthly...Drug Emporium charges $30 each for 2 and 1 free with coupon. I do not like Express Scripts. Fortunately I've been able to keep filling all my prescriptions through Drug Emporium.. Much cheaper..have a nice day

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Thank you for answering. There really is no improvement with all of the tests.
Two siblings had spinal surgery for herniated discs and they are in the same amount of pain as before the surgery. You are fortunate you have a doctor that cares about you. The new laws have scared many doctors away.

I plan to see my family doctor and ask him what I can do. I worry because he is retirement age.

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I see my doctor every 6 months. She does not do epidural injections, nor have I had any for the type of pain I endure-fibromyalgia, degenerative disc and bone disease and osteo-arthritis. It is body-wide pain. I would change doctors if I were you. Seems like the number of epidurals, and what they don't do for you, would be a reason to change. Good luck to you.

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Sandy I know nothing about mail order. But I do know about epidurals. I was told by several of my other specialty doc's rheum. G.i. primary and if you look it up you are supposed to only get three of these a year. I have had at least ten. They cause more problems if you get to many. so yes these doctors are getting rich off injections. I chose to stop getting them yes I am suffering but I cannot afford to have any more health problems so ask your pain specialist and see what he says. Please be careful

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Using Express Scripts do you still have to see your pain Dr every month? The Dr I quit seeing made me go in every month for 90 a month and he also wanted to repeat my MRI's and even though I had a very severe reaction to the epidurals he insisted I have more. The epidurals provided no pain relief. I don't think he knew where to inject. The new laws are making many dishonest Drs rich.

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