Generic Buprenorphine 54 411 Vs M 924 (Page 6)
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I've been going to a clinic for almost a year now and each time I get prescribed 8mg Subutex. When I would fill my prescription I would receive 54 411 white tablets. Today when I picked it up I got M 924 white tablets. The only difference I've found is the manufacturer. The manufacturer for the 54 411 is ROXANE and for the M 924 is MYLAN. Are they pretty much the same pill just different imprint/manufacturer?

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Where can I find subutex the big white ones 54 411 on them been on 4 2 years now n my pharmacy just gave me these little white ones that are not the same I don't care what anybody says there not

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I too have been taking subutex for 5 yrs and suddenly felt like I was taking nothing when I happened to get the M924 subs any of the others I've ever gotten have always worked. I feel so weak and sick almost like I'm going into withdrawal.

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Hello, I had been on the 54 411s for 3 1/2 years but evwry pharmacy has seemed to switch to something new. Do you know where I could go to get mine filled so I could stay with the same medication I'm used too?

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153s orange taste gross as hell. Feel like it was a blessing they only had 5 day supply. Roxane is the best hands down. And this Comes from the king of Oxy no more. 30mg Oct 4times a day. Major pain. Finally can have a bowel movement in itself is heaven. God bless buprenorpbine

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153s orange taste gross as hell. Feel like it was a blessing they only had 5 day supply. Roxane is the best hands down. And this Comes from the king of Oxy no more.

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Trishia Hull
Jun 10, 2:37 AM

I have been on subtext for years an I have been on recently the 54 411 an they worked for me never had the wanted to use an I habe not relapsed since I have been on the program.. But this last Wensday I went to my pharmacy at cvs an they gave me a different brand an there manufactured by sun pharmaceuticals an there imprint is 460 an I thought the pharmacist messed up an gave me the wrong pills so I called back an asked cause they didn't tell me there was a change an they said no its just a different brand.. So I figured I would give them a try an no they make me feel ugh.. They have a lime taste to them so I thought maybe they messed up an gave me suboxn an they said nope there gross they make me throw up because of the taste an they don't work like the 54 411 at all I feel I need more but I don't take more cause how they make me feel an now my body is going through it.. I want to take them back an go some where else cause I can't do this ugh.. I'm am really upset for real.. If I had to change from the 54 411 I would rather go to the M 924 instead I dont like the 8 -> either cause there ao tiny you can't break them an I take halfs at a time.. Ugh an idk what other pharmacies carry the ms or the 54 either but if you can't an don't like the taste of lime or feel like they do nothing then don't get the 460 note to self always check your medication before leaving the pharmacy...

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The 54 are the very best by far. been on them for many yrs and now I get the M. I know they're the same. I hate them. I pay $6.50 a pill, $356 for the whole damn script, $280 for the 54, so why the hell would I want to pay more for the M if it sucks? I need a new pharmacy and now they're cracking down on them. You either have to be preg or breast feeding and that's bulls***. CVS screwed me over after going to them for 3 yrs and now I go somewhere where I get the 'M' but I want my 54 lol. Where r all the pharmacies at that are taking new people and have the 54 with no bulls***?

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They have the same exact amount of bup in them the only difference is the inactive ingredients they are compounded with. M944 I feel has much harsher cheaper so called inactive ingredients in them versus the 54/144s I feel it's a much more cleaner dissolve than the m944s which they burn my throat alittle bit when dissolving

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How do you know that it has more in it than the 544111 ones?

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I've been on the 8mg 144's for a couple of years and just today it changed to the M's. There is a noticeable difference in the two pills even though they are identified as the exact same medications only differing in the brand or the company that manufacturers the pills. The M's, I feel and this is only my personal opinion, seem to have a much quicker effect, lifetime and more intense effect as well. The M-924 can be taken the same exact way as the prior 144's.

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I disagree and many others do as well the reason those were made was to act as a deterrent for people abusing them...They have a bitter agent in them

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Go to Walgreens cuz they got the orangish yellow Subutex and they are stronger than anyother Subutex on the market.

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Trust me. If your picky about your subutex, go with the 54s. Me personally, I could care less because it all does the trick for me. The 924s feel the same, they just dont seem to last as long. 924s are a little cheaper for me than the 54s. Might i suggest going to marsh pharmacy. They have an orange football shaped subutex. It works for me. I quit the 54s and 924s and switched to the orange subutex for that reason. I'm tapering down. Ultimately, if you want to know the best one if there was a vote in my town, the 54s get 90% of them easy. I'm just different. I don't want to be on them anymore. I hate having to depend on a pill to feel normal.

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I agree. All the others are okay, but HiTech suck. They are as small as baby aspirin and get lost in my mouth. I take 8mg, but HiTech is like taking NOTHING. PLEASE..all my pharmacies are telling me they can only get from HiTech. Os this true? I live in Texas...what can I do?

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A lot of pharmacies switched to Mylan because they are cheaper. I once had a pharmacy owner tell me he stopped getting the Roxanne brand because his cost was like almost $7 a pill and the Mylan was like $2 a pill. I'm assuming tons of pharmacies did this so they could continue to make money, which is what it's always about. My experience of both are that the Mylan was a tad bit stronger and did indeed have a smaller amount of the active ingredient buprenorphine in them but what I did not like was how insanely dry, chalky and terrible they tasted. I still get Roxanne's to this day but I have to request it each month when I refill and also pay a bit extra to have them. I think a lot of it is in our heads. I can also agree with the majority of everybody else that the ones that really suck are the little tiny Hi-Tech ones. Other than that they are pretty similar and it all comes down to money. Mylan is the closest thing you will get to Roxanne but if you go to a Rite Aid pharmacy or I don't know, your local pharmacy you can try to inquire about getting Roxanne still but chances are you will pay almost double to have that brand. It's not up to my doctor what brand I have. It's whatever the pharmacy carries or offers. You just need to call every pharmacy in your area and ask if they are able to get the ones you like and if they can, be willing to pay the price they offer.

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The difference between the two subutex are the inactive ingredients that the pills are mixed with. M 924 are now the go to in most pharmacies bc they are cheaper ...which means the inactive ingredients are cheaper than the ones found in the 54 411.

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How do u save 200 Dollars and do they have 54 411s at publix and is it located Im Tennessee or were

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We're do u get them we can't find a pharmacy anywhere we been on them 3 years now

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I agree 100% man with your statement..going on 8 years of being on this drug and i feel like I never honna be able to get off..I pray everyday tho and hope for the of luck with trying to get to your sobriety

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Your information is inaccurate and misleading. Both Subutex and Suboxone is prescribed for opiate addiction. Doctors who prescribe Suboxone is usually the first treatment they prescribe to patients typically outpatient or private practice. Subutex is prescribed as well but usually is deemed for pregnant women and people who are allergic to the naloxone which is found in the Suboxone. Yes there are some doctors that prescribe both for off label purposes such as pain management....and usually when someone enters an inpatient drug program they typically give the patient subutex for the first few days so the addict does not go into immediate withdrawal due to lingering opiates in thier bloodstream

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