Generic Buprenorphine 54 411 Vs M 924 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been going to a clinic for almost a year now and each time I get prescribed 8mg Subutex. When I would fill my prescription I would receive 54 411 white tablets. Today when I picked it up I got M 924 white tablets. The only difference I've found is the manufacturer. The manufacturer for the 54 411 is ROXANE and for the M 924 is MYLAN. Are they pretty much the same pill just different imprint/manufacturer?

221 Replies (12 Pages)

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Get the card this website you are posting on offers and you will notice a huge difference in price at Wal-Mart. Mine went from $239 to like $130.

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You get off then by being in a treatment program and working with your doctor to slowly wean down as you are able/comfortable to do so no you can't just stop but with the right mix of counseling and Dr vists you can eventually get off them and be safe about it and not relapse.

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There is no difference between the 54 elevens and the little ones they both contain 8 milligrams of buprenorphine the only difference is the big ones have starch and fillers and them they are both the same strength this is coming from a 28-year experienced doctor of mine

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Hi I'm new to this page as of today my first time here also, I am dealing with the same thing, Its been a two years now and i cant go a day without taking one or more to feel normal, it was told that it would fix me but yet again I feel like i am fighting with my addition and will ever go back to normal, The days I would jump out of bed and not have to take anything to live my life, i felt good and pills was never on my mind, I really want those days back, but i feel stuck

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I completely agree. They seem so very different to me. I like the 54 411's the best.

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It's easy for some, harder for others. The disease of addiction is complex. It is treatable as with any disease like diabetes... Treating the disease of addiction with Subutex, Suboxone Methadone, Vivitrol, etc is what helps keep those who want to be in recovery stay away from opiates & typically those are the people who stay in recovery, like myself for quite awhile until they're comfortable with tapering off the meds & only when that individual is completely stable and comfortable with coming off the medication. It is not easy for those of us who have a diseased brain, (don't produce enough dopamine, etc..), as with me. I've found my only way is Subs and without them, I'd be back out buying opiates and on that horribly terrifying downward spiral, knocking on deaths door. Some people can just enjoy the euphoria from opiates and CAN come off easily with no problem, but w/some withdrawals of course (then they take Subs to ease the withdrawal and boom, they can be clean never touching an opiate again) those are the ones who don't necessarily have the disease of addiction (they're brain produces the chemicals properly) unlike some of us including myself. I've been in & out of recovery for 12yrs, but completely stable for 2yrs. For skeptics, utilize Google. God bless and well wishes to everyone in recovery and for those of you trying to break free from the chains of addiction. Keep your head up, it gets better.

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They have stopped making the 54 411's because they can be abused. Not good! You will see they will change all your rxs to the other generics because they are replacing the 54 411s with the Mylans which SUCK. They all suck compared to the 54 411s. They work the best, hands down. No naloxone, no headaches, and now are only available through certain clinics. If you have these THANK THE STARS! If you don't get these, TRY! The 54-411s are the real deal and anyone who takes bup will tell you the same. The Mylans and the rest are crap. They better not take away my 54 411s.

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I agree 100% man with your statement..going on 8 years of being on this drug and i feel like I never honna be able to get off..I pray everyday tho and hope for the of luck with trying to get to your sobriety

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I've been on the 8mg 144's for a couple of years and just today it changed to the M's. There is a noticeable difference in the two pills even though they are identified as the exact same medications only differing in the brand or the company that manufacturers the pills. The M's, I feel and this is only my personal opinion, seem to have a much quicker effect, lifetime and more intense effect as well. The M-924 can be taken the same exact way as the prior 144's.

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You actually can go to any cvs and ask them to make a special order in for the Roxanne ones because the other ones you have issues with the fillers my cvs just did this for me.

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Work in pharmacy southeastern NC-several months ago started having some lil problems getting in Roxane 54 411. Then 4 weeks ago we have been unable to get them. Started getting another manufacturer. And it has been extremely hard in the past 2 weeks to get ANY manufacturer that we try to order. We are lucky to get any in for our customers. There are 8-10 different manufacturers listed @ warehouse. Last day that I worked when tried ordering-we were only able to place order for 4 bottles (30 count bottles-normally how supplied)

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Yeah the Mylan are good but I think the 54-411's the best made by Roxanne Labs.

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Ok boys and girls here's the answer. I just spoke with Roxanne labs. They went through a merger recently with West Ward pharma. This is what the customer service representative told me verbatim: "We can't make the pharmacies buy from us. For some reason they are telling people that the product is no longer available but it is 100% a free flowing product and still available". That's what she said and I told her that NO pharmacies anywhere in the 50 mile radius, which covers parts of two states, has them. She said she has no idea why and that it is definitely available and being shipped. She said there was a 2 day delay because of the merger but that it is 100% still available.

My hope is that she maybe is exaggerating the delay and that it was probably longer than that so the pharmacies had to go with another option for now. If that's true they should be available again by next month or so. That's my hope at least anyway because all the other generics I have tried do nothing for me and I have to take 2-3 times the amount I usually do. I read on another thread that someone found the 54 411 at their local hospital pharmacy but none of the hospitals in my area have an outpatient pharmacy.

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The mylan ones are terrible and I have my Dr write Roxanne on the Rx from now on. They are different. I hope Roxanne is not discontinuing their version

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They merged with a company called West-Ward. The Walmart in my town has them again but the pharmacist told me yesterday that per the DEA when my doc faxes my script he needed to include a care plan stating when I started seeing him, if we're working on tapering, do I attend all apts & pass my UA's etc. Also they said they are not excepting ANY new Subutex patients. Idk if this is some new DEA policy for any pharmacy with the Roxane/West-Ward(54's) kind or if it's a Walmart policy. Either way I'm just glad there back cuz the Mylan(M924's) are HORRIBLE!!!

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Re: Meghann (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

They still make 54 411. I've been on them for years but this time the pharmacy gave me m924 and I don't like them very much.

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That's going to make the illicit drugs come back strong. They're already making a come back. So sad, the world we live in...

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Re: T (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with that..after taking the 54 411...these M94 don't seem to do anything

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Illymae (# 20)

I've tried several generics. I stuck with the M 924. For me, they are consistently the best.

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Re: john boy (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Mylan is the one I was put on in California. When I came home to the MidWest it wasn’t available in the pharmacies. I have to take the generic brand of buprenorphine which is the Actavis brand. It messes with my asthma. Not nearly as bad as WestWard or Hi-Tech, Arkorn. Mylan is the best working for me. That’s the only generic form of buprenorphine I can take that doesn’t cause my asthma to get worse. I hope Mylan gets their buprenorphine out soon. Otherwise I have to remain on prednisone for the rest of my life, like the pain medication too. I have 5 crippling diseases and they are progressed to far for me to go without pain medication. The doctor I had in California figured that out very quickly. Here’s a little insight for you about other people, everybody has different body chemistry, so you can’t go by the way some medication reacts with one person to the next. It’s going to be different with every person. The only people that may have the same reactions with all the same medications as you take will be blood, parents, grandparents or siblings and children. That’s it. I’m saying this from all the issues I've had as well as my children going through the same ones. I hope everything works for you. God bless.

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