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I am increasingly sensitive to prescription drugs. I have been researching and have found all the ones I have had reactions to have the inactive ingredient MAGNESIUM STEARATE. It is a soy/palm tree derivative. has anyone been successful in finding RX without this? ## The best thing you can do is to let your pharmacy know of the issue, because their computerized database will automatically check for that ingredient in any medication that is prescribed for you. Learn more allergy details here. However, it may not be the magnesium stearate, at all. It is always possible that you're just sensitive to medications. What types of reactions where you having? ## I am having issue also. Results in breaking out in itchy rash symmetrically on my body. If I break out on one leg or arm, the other...
I was suckered into buying these pills to improve my libido. They don't work. Not even a little. They came with a 90 day money back "guarantee" but I have no address to send them back to and request my money returned. Anyone know how to access the company that made these supposedly 'wonder pills'? ## Just got flyer in mail today and the address on the return envelope is: B.H.R.I 350 bay street Suite 81 San francisco, California 94133 Phone: 866-665-8495 Good luck. ## What is address and which kind of gelatin is it? animal source or vegetable? ## Yes I have the address ## Can you share it here please?
I'm seeing on the ingredients for Erovit M Vitamins & Minerals that it contains 'gelatin' . . I would like to know what type of animal the gelatin is made from and if the gelatin is Halaal. Thank you. ## Is this gelatin halal? If it's animal related which animal is used. ## What type of animal is use in this tablet and is it halal for muslims to use?
I'm trying to find out what these pills are. There are no numbers or markings on the capsule ## Hello, Neal! How are you? I'm sorry, but without any markings, it is going to be difficult to determine what they contain with any certainty. We can rule them out as being a U.S. prescription product, since they are all require to have markings to enable their identification. Compounding pharmacies sometimes do specially ordered medications, but they use plain capsules, in most cases. That means that this is most likely and over the counter product, which leaves it open to many possibilities. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this capsule? ## I also have found a zip-loc bag with this type of pill. Green/White capsule conta...
What is the light blue pill marked D26 used for? I have it in one of my pills and don't know what it is for. ## Hello Sue, I hope you are having a great day. I was able to locate a pill that matches your description. According to the NIH the pill you described is a 12.5mg HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE pill which is a water pill used to reduce the amount of salt and water in your body. Below is some additional information as well as a picture of the pill. All information is sourced from the NIH. NDC 65862-113 IMPRINT D;26 NAME Hydrochlorothiazide INGREDIENTS Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg; LABEL AUTHOR Aurobindo Pharma Limited COLOR Blue SIZE 15mm SHAPE Capsule SCORE 1 INACTIVE INGREDIENTS - Silicon Dioxide - Starch, Corn - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Gelatin - Titanium Dioxide - ...
Omega 3 Supplement ## Lovaza is actually the correct spelling for this Omega 3 supplement. NDC: 0173-0884-08 / 0173-0783 Labeler: Glaxosmithkline LLC Size (mm): 24 Active Ingredients: Omega-3-acid Ethyl Esters Dosage: 900mg Inactive Ingredients: -.alpha.-tocopherol -Gelatin -Glycerin -Water Omega 3 has a wide variety of use cases to improve our health. According to, Omega-3s are important components of the membranes that surround each cell in your body. DHA levels are especially high in the retina (eye), brain, and sperm cells. Omega-3s also provide calories to give your body energy and have many functions in your heart, blood vessels, lungs, immune system, and endocrine system (the network of hormone-producing glands). You can also learn more about Lovaza at: dailymed.nlm.nih....
i have a half light blue and white pill with c401 on the light blue side its kinda important to me know what this asap ## Ik this is an oldish thread but the pill you are describing is a nabuilone and is a synthetic THC pill ## On this pill the imprint is c401. Is it still a thc pill? This is what i was told it was. I have been prescribed marijuana for pain and was told this is a better alternative. ## So is the nailbolone synthetic thc pill good or potent? ## Just to confirm, a hard gelatin capsule with an opaque blue cap and white body, with "C401" printed in black ink on the cap, is in fact Nabilone 1 mg; a synthetic cannabinoid (THC). For verification, this is a product of Canada and it's made by Teva Pharmaceuticals. DIN (Drug Identification Number): 02392925 Inactive i...
These pills are large round pills colored orange with nothing on one side and N over 400 on the other. Curious to know what they may be? looked everywhere cant find out ## There's a small chance that I may be wrong on this, but from what I could gather, I may have located a complete description and identification of your pill (see below): "Each orange, opaque cap and body, hard gelatin capsule, with "N" and "400" printed in blue ink on opposing cap and body portions of the capsule, contains Gabapentin (400 mg). Nonmedicinal ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, gelatin, lactose, pregelatinized starch, sodium lauryl sulfate, red iron oxide, talc, titanium dioxide, and yellow iron oxide." This pill is manufactured in Canada, and the brand name of the pill is ...
Duspatalin 135mg tab contains gelatin. From which source is it derived? Animal or vegetal? ## what is duspatalin used for? what are the side effects ## @saliqbal, Gelatin is derived from various animal products including fish bones, calves' hooves, and marrow. Therefore it is not vegan, but they do have some acceptable vegan alternatives to gelatin out there. @deloris, Duspatalin (mebeverine) is in a group of medicines called antispasmodics. This medicine is used as treatment for the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions usually included in this grouping, such as: chronic irritable colon, spastic constipation, mucous colitis, and spastic colitis. The side effects of Duspatalin may include stomach and intestinal disturbances, headache, difficulty in sleeping, loss...
reason to take ## i would like to ask you about Susten 400progesterone and how to use it for regulation of mensis? and postponding the mensis for more than 28 dayes ## I have taken 400susten by mistaken. I am 6months pregnant. Is it safe? ## This is a form of a hormone that is vital to a woman's overall health, as well as her ability to become pregnant, and to carry a baby to full term. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, mood changes, and irregular bleeding. You should take it according to your doctor's instructions. Is there anything else I can help with?
I'm in 25years.I have one child in 2 I'm in irregular period.LST one month period didn' pregnancy test is negative.Dr give this tab strone 200mg for 3days.if i will take this cap in mouth periods surely come or not.pls clear my doubts ## There are no guarantees that it may work and the NIH lists that it may cause side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irregular bleeding, irritability, and PMS-like symptoms. How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?
i have not seen my period since august can take i take progesterone soft gelatin capsule 100mg to bring on my period? ## HOW CAN I USE PROJESTERONE SOFT CAPSULE 100MG, BY INSERTING INTO VIRGINA OR BY ORAL AND DOSAGE ## Hi I m mahanain ,,my periods not come after 3 last month,, I m worried because my body is soling plzzz u help me ucan give advised periods tblt name plzzz plzzz plzzz u hlp m ## Taking Progesterone for a certain time period, then stopping it can induce a period, but you should only do so, if your doctor tells you that it is safe for you. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, irregular bleeding, headache, weight changes, and irritability. Have any of you checked for pregnancy?
i have placed at my vaginal,dr told that it will melt and some amount will come out,by morning,but for me it has not come out,,i m tensed to use it today again. ## There will not always be a discharge of some amount of this product. As long as you are using it as directed, you are fine and have nothing to worry about. Did you consult your doctor on this? ## I heard from some one so i opened it. ## I want to know that susten 200 is useful to oral or vaginal use. which is benefit? ## I am 8 weeks pregnant and getting vaginal discharge(watery discharge). Can you please suggest the cause of this and right treatment? Is Susten Vt the right treatment? ## i am 29 yrs old and i had my IUI 2days ago and my doc given me to take susten 200 veginally twice at night my doubt is what is purpose to us...
ROWA Tenix should be taken for 1 month. the dosage is clearly mentioned on the PACK 2 pills 3 times a day or in case of acute, 3 pills 3 time a day. After a month you need to scan to see the effect on the stones. I have found that Drinking Warm Barley Water with Lemon 6 times a day is also very helpful. ## Hi Ashley, Thank you very much for posting this dosage information for Rowatinex. I'll provide some additional info for this medication below: According to the Rowatinex information packet, "Rowatinex contains essential oils that help to dissolve or break down and remove (disintegrating and eliminating) kidney and urinary tract stones, Rowatinex Relieves muscle spasm thus reducing the pain of kidney and urinary colics. It is also used to relieve the effects associated with mil...
we are jain and not take any capsules of gelatin made by animal product can u pls tell that akt 4 capsule is made of animal gelatin or its a herbal gelatin ## hi i want to know that rowatinex is animal originated capsule or plant originated .as it is soft gelatine capsule ## I just want to understand for food supplements if the ingredients inside the Capsule are 100% veg but the covering of capsules is made up of Gelatin which is derived from an animal source, so it should have a Green dot or Red dot??? I got some capsules with the green dot but is made up of gelatin. So please guide me.
I found a bag full of these clear gelatin like capsules with a liquid inside that has a medicine like smell. Also have no imprint or markings on them what so ever. ## Hi Dizzy, Given the unique anonymity of your pill I would encourage you to try and find a lab who can analyze the liquid contents or maybe even utilize one of those drug panel kits from the store to at least determine if there are any illicit substances present. If that's not possible, it may be best to just discard them for safety reasons. Where did you find them at? In your house?
my wife is now six week pregnant and she is taking progestrone soft gelatin capsules of 200mg per day(as prescribed) she is feeling too much droziness and guiddness( she has a history of first baby as a premature baby) ## Kindly read this article about your tablets prescribed by the illiterate doctors spreading like swine flu virus in India, a banned chemical Called Progesterone supplement to protect the pregnant ladies from danger. Read the website below:
Is the gelatin used of halaal origin and does Cipla have a halaal certificate for the manufacturing of the complete Nuzak capsule as vegetarian and or halaal needs will be affected? ## Since then, gotta tell those who have panic disorder, that I feel great! Cipla has confirmed Halaal gelatine being used in Nuzak. However Nuzak is still not suitable for vegetarians and or vegans. There are however other meds you can have your health care provider swop you to should the need arise! And good luck with ye'all's recovery!
Hi I'm a medical representative of this product (PIASCLEDINE® 300) in the Philippines. And here is some information that maybe useful to users or who is in need. 1.TRADE NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT PIASCLEDINE® 300, capsule 2.QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Total extract of avocado and soybean unsaponifiables Capsule shell: gelatin, titanium dioxide, erythrosine, and iron oxide yellow 3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Capsules 4.CLINICAL INFORMATION 4.1 THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS Rheumatology: adjunct therapy of osteoarthritis of knee and hip. 4.2 Side effects PIASCLEDINE® is usually well tolerated, however, some patients may experience side effects. Regurgitation of a "fatty" odour may occur, but can be prevented by taking capsules with meal. A...
red, gel filled, eliptical shape ## small, red, gelatin type capsule, with no markings and clear fluid inside. possible OTC medication ## The original gelcap asked about contains 100mgs of Docusate, which is a stool softener and laxative that's available over the counter. You can learn more Docusate details here. Side effects may include nausea, gas, diarrhea and abdominal cramping. On the unmarked one, however, it's very difficult to be certain what it contains. It's most likely something available over the counter, but It's difficult to be sure what exactly it is. Does anyone else have any ideas?