Gardisal (Top voted first)


a cervical cancer vaccine

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I've recently been administered gardisal, okay well first of all, i'd say 85% of the people who recieved the vaccination experienced heavy loss of energy,itching,swelling and the arm muscle hurt a lot for 24 hours,and a little for a furthur 12 hours, i know many schools which had the same problems arise, some girls even had to be hospitilaized, however no precautions were given to students and parents, and doctors, nurses and people administering it barely said that there was no such thing as these side effects and all the girls would be making it up.

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I have recently taken the Gardisal shot and experienced the heavy loss in energy as well as nauseau for about 3-4 days. Aside from those two side effects I feel fine. In my opinion the shot seems worth the few side effects.

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about 8 weeks ago i had my first Gardasil shot. i had loss of energy, nausea. a week later i had boils come up on one part of my body. i got 13 of the nost painful boils. id never had them before. it wasnt until i had my second shot a week ago that id thought these might be related. before my second shot they had started going down. i had been to 4 different doctors not being able to find out whats wrong. a day after my second shot i had another boil come up as big and as sore as the first. no one can confirm if they are a side effect of garasil, however i think it cant just be coincidence. i had no info given to me before id had the shot. since then there have been stories of side effects. so thats my experience.

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Is there anyone out there that has had this vacination and has been missing their menstural cycles?

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i am waiting to give this shot to my daughter till i receive more info re: how girls are doing now after receiving it...i don't believe they did enough studies before giving this shot out to young developing girls/teens.

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Has anyone had someone who took these shots experience lung related disorders? Ranging from loss of shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and energy loss, lung damage, etc

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My grandaughter received her first shot and a wekk later lost all her energy, and could not stay awake. Just to make you understand she is/was an insomniac. She would go to school and when she got home she would sleep until 5 when I got home from work and then eat and go to bed for the rest of the night. Shedid not get her period for 3 months after and then she started get it every other week. D=She has a lot of nausea and stomach pains. I refused to let her get the rest of the shots. Her Dr was furious wtit me but if she is not getting anything from it why should it bother her so much. MY grandaughter has not been the same since this shot, she has become anemic also. A week before she got he shot she had donated blood and she was fine. to coincidental! I di research and found out this shot only protects the girls from 4of the 100 viruses that protect ehm form this cancer so is it worth it?

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