Galenika Bensedin Diazepam 10mg (Page 2)
UpdatedGalenika bensedin is a very high quality pharmaceutical grade diazepam. One of the best brands available are bensedin 10mg x15 tabs in a blister pack of 30x 10mg diazepam to a box. I also use Galenika ksalol/alprazolam 1mg x15 tabs a blister pack, 30x1mg tabs a box. It's also the best Xanax available hands down. It is a Serbian pharmaceutical company and it's up there with Bayer. I wish you could put pictures up so I could show you all the Galenika diazepam and alprazolam worth getting.
True words and I concur with what is written here. I highly recommend these after researching the internet for weeks
Benzoking is right, they are made of chalk and something that tastes like it will put you in the hospital. I know, I've had one analyzed and there is not 0.1mg of diazepam in them. My friend is still trying to figure out the actual ingredients. These are lethal!
Re: jade (# 3)
I just got them this morning. Are they good? I was hoping to get actavis. What did u think of them?
L3OONJ (# 20) --
I have taken 1mg Galenika xanax before and was very impressed so was keen to try Galenika 10mg diazepam. Got Galenika 10mg 1 x 15 strips. These have rounded or domed tops and are white with no markings. I took one 40 minutes ago and this feels very clean and more like 20mg of other brands. I have quite a high tolerance to benzos so my first impressions are that they are excellent. Would recommend.
I have just tried Bensedin for the first time. I was concerned that it looked different than my previous blue diazepam. I took half a 10 mg tablet. I happy to say it's worked extremely well. After 15-20 minutes I started to feel the familiar relaxation effects as usual. I ONLY ever use the med sparingly on a when I need basis and am under great stress. They are a tool for me. I'm in no way a recreational user and the 30 x 10 mgs prescription will last me months. I do the same thing with Zopiclone.
Used Bensedin by Gaenika labelled (diazepam) in the brackets. Product worked. Hope this can reassure some! But if in doubt- chuck em out!
Magenta (# 18) --
I've been prescribed Diazepam here in UK a while back but they've since taken me off of them :-( They DONT taste sweet, they have a slight chemical taste but not disgusting at all. I've always chewed my Diazepam so they can't be that bad to bite into if I do it. We should be able to upload pictures here, it would be so much easier. Good luck everyone, be careful of the dodgy scammers!
Well, all the Bensedin diazepam that have been sent into Wedinos for testing have ALL came back positive for diazepam. I think the two different spellings on the strips (i.e. Diazepam, diazepunum) is so that they can sell the ones spelling dizepunum in their home county of Serbia with the ones spelling Diazepam intended to be distributed on an international market.
Just waiting for my bensedin 10mg galenika in strips to arrive hopefully tomorrow, so will see. I understand that they're white but have never had them so some of these comments are encouraging. Been taken diazepam for 29 yrs now and have a high tolerance so 90 will last 7-9 days. If they are strong enough then I will use them to reduce my habit extremely slowly over time. I've come across blues that melt almost instantly and others that are really hard to break down in the mouth but found both to be effective.
Gasgowdf118 (# 15) --
Just tried one now and the ones I have defeniatly don't have that sweet valium taste, more bitter/ paracetamol type taste
Re: Brinksmatters (# 1)
Bensedin GALENIKA 10 has 1 score on a other markings. You will start feeling nauseous and not all the warm relaxing diazepam high you'd feel with legit tabs. The moulding of the tablets are rough and have an unfinished feel to them. IF YOU ARE VOMITING STOP TAKEN THEM, DRINK Water and sugar
I have always used diazipam as i suffer bad anxiety is bensidin safe? Im so wary of medication i dont know about
Re: jade (# 3)
Yes I just got mine and they have diazepam on them.but do say bensedin..I've had two and feel great
I received some Bensedin 10 mg diazepam and they are totally bunk. Don't waste your money.
Re: jade (# 3)
They are fine believe me don't listen to these know wankers
Re: jade (# 3)
I've had these and they are fine, well the strips I bought were fine and strong. I always wait for someone I know to take them first then if I got good feedback I take them. They were the best 10mg Diazepam i've had for a while.
Re: jade (# 5)
I've just received Bensedin 10mg, they are in a white red and blue box and blisters of 15. No English writing on the box or the leaflet but I have a Serbian friend who assured me these are the real ones. I have taken one as my anxiety has been so high and its had an effect after 10 minutes.... Anxiety reduced and the horrible internal shakes have stopped.... ??
Re: Brinksmatters (# 1)
Yeah but there's r from a foreign country so in every country they got many different brands and makes (e.g. America). In brackets on the script they say Calum, so every country varies.
Re: TraceyLee (# 33)
Yes, The white domed Bensedin Diazepam 10mg tabs in a 15 x tab blister pack are made by Galenkia. Pharmaceutical grade Diazepam tablets, Excellent quality, just as good as Apaurin and Roche Diazepam IMO.
Re: Jane (# 7)
I've have a prescription now but they have spelt diazepam in English instead of being spelled in foreign language. Are these real?
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