Gabapentin Withdrawals (Page 5)
UpdatedI'm being taken off of Neurontin/Gabapentin after seven years. I'm now crying, anxious, and itching all over! I have tried antihistamines and cortisone creams but with no relief.
Hi. U want to do a slow taper. I was in 3600mg a day for 2 yrs. I taper 100mg off per week. It's about a 8 month taper. I'm at 2000mg so I still have a ways to go. Take the magnesium by pill or you can buy the oil an rub it in your skin. I first got off too fast like u did an ended up in the ER.
Stewey - do you take the magnesium with the Gabapentin or do you take it a few hours before or after Gabapentin?
I use the magnesium oil cuz I have a touchy stomach. Right now I don't use it all the time but I know once I start getting closer to being off of it I will have to use it. I don't think it matters when u take it as long as you take it everyday either morning or night or both
How much magnesium did you take to help?
I just rub the magnesium oil on my arms and legs. I don't take the pills. I don't do it everyday yet. I'm at 1800mg now from 3600mg top dose so I imagine as I get closer to getting off I'll b using it everyday
It does not matter if a drug is called an opiate, a narcotic, a pain killer etc... I have been taking 4 800 milligram neurontin gabapentin for years. I have also tried many anti-depressants. I am an opiate addict and have been using subutex (buprenorphine) for a few years now with just ok results. Anyway getting to the point, doctors will tell you anti-depressants are not addictive, not habit forming, yet from experience I know many anti-depressants are very addictive. I had a hell of a time coming off paxil.
I have Ben taking gabapentin 100 mg
2xfay. For 7 days and have
Been running to bathroom day and
Nite, constant and this has never happened to me before, iam 66 years old was given this for anxiety
I don't
Feel that this wasn't the
Drug for me,I
Would like to know how long before my side effects stop,and the drug
Is out of body thank
On dialysis, took GABA for 2 weeks, 100mg 3x day. Stopped because dialysis could not filter GABA. Could being on this drug just for two weeks cause withdrawls? Feeling sad, mad, not wanting to live, emotional, and just tired. Are these withdrawl symptoms?
U r on a really low dose am for only 7 days there shouldn't be any withdrawal or minimal. If they perscribed it for anxiety I would get off it and try something else
I took gabapentin 100mg x2 twice a day,had awful side effects pee day and nite, now on 3rd day without and anxiety is worse than ever, this is why was given it in 1st place,for me this is a awful drug, how long will this stay in my body,I take very low dose of Xanax , and doesn't seem to help, has anyone had anything like this, how much longer will this last, took for only 7 days
I have been on pain meds for years,trying to stop and withdrawals are horrible,doctor prescribed gabapentin and i swear it works like suboxone.why is this? I don't see any medical reason why the gabapentin helps me stay away from opioids.any ideas?
Hi I was on gabapentin 2,400 mg per day for 10 months (a few years ago I was on Lyrica 300 mg per day for over a year) and because of these experiences I can honestly say I feel your pain. Breaking free of both was incredibly difficult and required an extensive and slow taper over many months.
It does get better! Just having in there and reduce your dose very slowly. My advice is to always listen to your body and if the withdrawal symptoms are debilitating then slow the taper down even more so.
Please DO NOT TAKE MAGNESIUM around the time you take your gabapentin (+ or - 3 hours at least in my opinion) as it interferes with the absorption which would mean your doses are not consistent in amount. This could further prolong the recovery process as your body will have a more difficult time adjusting to the fluctuation of gabapentin concentration in your blood.
I would like to stress that I am not a doctor and hence can only offer friendly advice based on my two stints with gabapentin (and lyrica). I had used both to help cope with anxiety.
Wishing you all, all the best!
Do you recall the magnesium dosage you took?
I also have been going through gabapentin withdrawal, I take 3000mg a day (that's 600mg X5 a day) I'm on day 3 after I ran out of refills over the Holiday weekend. I'm gonna make this short- I was willing to try ANYTHING last night, I read that magnesium helps with the withdrawal, so in the middle of the night I took milk of mag and a zantac (the heartburn medication)because it is all I had in the house. I was SHOCKED to wake up feeling 99% Better! For you non believers, try it. It won't hurt matters.
How much magnesium did you take when tapering of the gabapentin. If they'd only tell us what a hell you have to get off these drugs
I was just wondering If you can tell me what brand of magnesium, how many mg and how often I need to take it. I am in this same exact shape you were in. On it for ten yrs. Same dosage. Thank you.
I too am trying to wean off's pure hell. I take 400 mg daily. I have gotten down to 3 over a 10 day period. I'm afraid to taper down again because of the withdrawals. I've read about magnesium helping withdrawal symptoms.
How much do you take and how often?
Please check out transdermal application of magnesium oil, gel, or lotion. This bypasses your digestion, so you won't get diaherra, plus bioavailability is 100% this way. Your body will also eliminate any excess that it does not need. It's the best way to use magnesim. Check out Amazon for this form of magnesium. The brand I use is Ancient Minerals, 1 teaspoon of lotion = 185 mg. They also make gel, and oil. There are also many other brands to choose from. Apply anywhere on your body, I apply to the soles of my feet - works GREAT!
Hi, I've been using gabapentin for several years now, and am desperately wanting to get off of it, but seems to be easier said than done. :( I actually use it off label--for anxiety and for my pmdd. It has helped alot with these issues, but it seems that a tolerance builds, and I have found myself now up to 3600mg. :( I now find myself needing to take more from time to time just to achieve what I need from the medication. I have tried several times before to taper off this drug and always end up back on it....I think perhaps it was done too fast. Idk. If I had known that gabapentin was so enslaving, believe me, I never would have touched it, in spite of how much it has helped me..... not worth it.
Anyway, It is so nice to know that there are others out there that are on the same journey I am. ;) I especially appreciated Gabyist's posts. Thank you so much for all the info and encouraging words.;) I am going to take your advice and taper down by 10% increments. Hope all is going well for you, btw. :)
If you get anxious, try Niacinamide (vitamine B-3) in high dosis in addition to B-komplex. It is safe and the only side effect is diarrhea.
Both Niacine and Niacinamide are vitamine B-3. Niacin gives you flushes, so I recommend Niacinamide. There has been some study into the healing properties of this supplement, you can find a related book on Amazon.
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