Gabapentin Withdrawals (Page 11)


I'm being taken off of Neurontin/Gabapentin after seven years. I'm now crying, anxious, and itching all over! I have tried antihistamines and cortisone creams but with no relief.

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I was on 1,500mgs Gabapentin for 6 months. I've been tapering off slowly by 300mgs at a time. The first tapering was without magnesium supplements and that was hard. The second 300mgs was with magnesium and went really well. So now I'm trying to reduce by another 300mgs. My question is how much and when should I be taking the magnesium? When I had been taking 600mgs I took a supplement in place of one 300mgs & this helped but now as I've dropped a 300mg tablet mid afternoon should I take a supplement at the time I previously took that dose? I'm feeling dizzy, & clam my just now but am not due my next 300mg tablet until bedtime. Can anyone advise. The supplements are 150mgs & I'm taking 2 a day just now one with breakfast and one mid afternoon.

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I used Remag. Start out with a capful in my water in the morning that's about a teaspoon. I would drink half the water and sip on the rest over the next few hours. I also put Epsom salt in my bath water which helped.

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Cher, Merry Xmas. I just happened to check online activity, anytime I can offer another opinion to possibly help someone along with helping me is like an "exercise". Try this for possible itch relief: Eucerin Skin Calming Creme, take a spoon add a squirt approximately the size of a toothpaste amount, then add a drop of Geranium Oil, mix and combine both into a paste.
Once done take index finger and apply mix to any annoying area of skin, should soothe within 5 to 10 minutes.

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Here's a ray of hope for those getting off gabapentin. I'm just coming to the end of a lyrica taper. As you know, lyrica is a much stronger version of gabapentin but both are b*****s to get off of and the withdrawals are worse than opiate and benzo withdrawal put together, but, I found a way to get from 600mg lyrica to 10mg in a year without any symptoms. At first I cold turkeyed and had bad symptoms, then I dissolved the lyrica in water and took out 5mg per day. I split the dose into four 150mgs doses and took out 1.25ml lyrica water with a syringe as lyrica is water soluble. I reduced the cut (when my signature withdrawal symptom appeared -headache) to 4mg, after a few months, then kept reducing the cut every time it reappeared, and am now down to only 10mg lyrica a day, using 0.8mg cuts. The withdrawal symptoms disappeared in the first few weeks of this daily cutting regime. I know gabapentin is not water soluble, but I believe it is lipid soluble so you may be able to use oil or milk, and a syringe. I measured out a set amount of liquid and took out my daily cut, and found it much much easier. I was terrified this time last year with 600mg lyrica to come off, but now at only 10mg and knowing how my withdrawal symptoms diminished quickly on daily cutting, I hope this message brings hope to those who are tapering off either of these drugs.

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I too have been on that path, I've tried most anything available to rid and lessen the chronic pain, itching etc. etc., creams, patches, pills, you name it. At times I found relief but not too noticeable or very long UNTIL something " clicked " while having a cup of TEA. It was then I tried a TEA BAG. The annoying pain running along the upper eyebrow, along the upper hairline running towards the the upper head and back of skull on the one side. Chances are it may have been brought on from the relentless scratching from those shingles 3.5 years ago. The TEA BAG and BAGS I let soak in warm and cold water, even let em' soak overnight in a cup and when that annoying sensation arises I simply place a TEA BAG on it ( I squeeze most of the liquids out to avoid a runny mess ), TEA BAGS have helped me more than THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in medicines have in over 3 YEARS. In a matter of 2 DAYS the TEA BAGS accomplished MORE than 1,000's did in YEARS. try it. unless your allergic to TEA.

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I'm down to 24.7mgs of pregabalin, gabapentin's stronger relative. I'm cutting daily, and splitting the dose and I've managed to get down from 600mg a year ago.
I know gabapentin is not soluble in water, but could anyone having trouble tapering gabapentin experiment with full fat homogenised milk to dissolve the gabapentin and try daily tapering, to see how that goes. My physical withdrawals went within weeks. The lower I got down in my dose, the smaller my daily cuts were but I hope to be off in a few weeks.

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Sorry to hear everyone is suffering.
Why not try my daily tapering method, but use milk as gabapentin is not water soluble its fat soluble, so if it were me I would use whole milk.

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I was on Gabapentin for 5 months to see if it helped my constant headache. I was started on 300 at night and was going up by 300 until I got to 1200. I was supposed to go up to 1500 but had to cut back at 1200 because of the side effects. I went back down to 900 but still felt awful so was told to cut back and stop the Gabapentin. I was also on Amitriptyline 25 mg which they switched to Nortriptyline. I had been on the Amitriplyline for about 18 years. On the Nortriptyline and lower dose of Gabapentin 300. I had horrible insomnia. They put me on 7.5 Mirtazapine to help me sleep and hopefully gain weight as I had lost 10 pounds (I am a small person, usually 115 pounds). I slept for 4 nights, then insomnia was back again. I switched back to 25 Amitriptyline instead of the Nortriptyline and I was able to sleep. At the time I was at 400 Gabapentin, 7.5 Mirtazapine and 25 Amitriptyline. I decreased the Gabapentin down to nothing over two weeks. I found the first night dropping down 100, sleeping wasn't great but the next nights were ok. When I got down to 200, I started to feel kind of itchy, like my skin was crawling but it was bearable. As well, even though I was decreasing the Gabapentin, my mouth was getting horribly dry. I figured it had to be the added Mirtazapine which also causes dry mouth. I stopped the Mirtazapine and my doctor said to go back on 200 Gabapentin and gradually decrease it again. I have been off the Mirtazapine for nine days now and still my mouth is really dry. Even back on the 200 Gabapentin my skin has gotten so prickly and hot and kind of itchy. I can't stand it. Not sure what to do. I am sleeping but not that great and I still feel fatigued during the day. Does anyone have any suggestions for the itching? Hot flashes are worse too. I wake up and have them come in waves. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Go back on and do a daily titration with small cuts. Gabapentin is not soluble in water but it is fat soluble, so with some marked syringes, and jars, you can do a slow taper.
I tapered 600mg pregabalin, got another 20mg to go, over a year by disssolving it in water as its water soluble, and I cut daily, reducing my cuts as soon as the first sign of symptoms re-emerged and this enabled me to get rid of the physical symptoms within a couple of weeks, as I had come off first the same as you. Hope this works with gabapentin.

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I have been around the block three times with gabapentin. First two times I was taking 1900 mg twice a day for a month. Stopped cold turkey both times because I did not know much about the medication, I only used epson salt bath and the swish in the mouth method. It helped but the key I did not pay attention to was tapering. I swore I would never use this medication again. I year later I started taking Suboxone 8 mlg strips a day for two months. I was coming up on graduation from college and needed to detox. My method was short term Kratom (be leery of this one, because it will prolong the withdrawal to Suboxone) so I decided to use good ol' gabapentin, I started out taking 1200 mlg for four days. Took 90% of my withdrawal away, I used it to finish off my withdrawal. The fifth day I quite cold turkey. Talk about the school of hard knocks. Anyway. 32 hours later after last dose of gabapentin 1200 mlg, I started feeling the withdrawal from gabapentin once again. I knew at this point I had to do things differently this time around. All I knew was that if I take some it will lessen. I took 900 mlg. Did some research but not a lot, I was busy taking care of my family, getting my homework done at this point. The next day I took just 300mlg. Not having much research done I took 300 mlg for 4 days, I was still experiencing the ringing in my ear, hot cold sweats to the bones. So nauseated, stomach hurt, hard time concentrating, could not have caffeine but I had to take a caffeine supplement so I did not withdrawal from that in this process. Been dosing on one tablet of benadryl at night these four nights so I did not have sleep problems. Day five woke up to the same symptoms and I decided to go with out any gabapentin because I do not have a kind that I could break in half. I did some more research and boom! I started taking ionic fizz magnesium plus. This has been one hell of a ride up until now. Nausea gone within 15 minutes taking it. Next day drank on empty stomach and all symptoms subsided. I am at 300mlg of it and have tolerated it well. Sorry for the long story but my point was to be aware of tapering it is very important part. I have tapered wrong 2 different ways. And eat bland food (oatmeal,toast,bananas,rice,almonds). Stay the hell away from coffee or any caffeinated drinks! If need be and you know how much caffeine your usually consumption is a day I would advise to take a caffeine supplement in replace of it. You can buy ionic fizz magnesium at your local natural drug store. Gabapentin depletes several of the compounds used in the ionic fizz.

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My doctor put me on 1800 milligrams of Gabapentin I have epilepsy and take Tegretol and phenobarbital no seizures 23 years I'm trying to detox from this stuff I'm down to 7 please help I'm going out of my mind the hospitals would help me my primary care physician doesn't know what to do my neurologist is drop me my pain management doctor dropped me I just wanted to find a way to deal with my pain please help

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I hope this message gives hope to all who are withdrawing from gabapentin and having problems.
I have just completed a taper from the stronger version of gabapentin - Lyrica, and I got rid of the physical horrible withdrawals in about two weeks.
Altogether the taper took me about 14 months to complete, but I went super slow and I was on a high dose 600mg..
I did it by emptying the capsule in a measured amount of lukewarm water, and put the capsule in the water too, as it was luke warm it disintegrated the capsule, ensuring I got all of the lyrica out.
Gabapentin, unfortunately is not soluble in water, but if you use whole milk instead, it should work as gabapentin is fat soluble, the milk has to be homogenized, because this ensures an even distribution of drug throughout the fluid.
I got myself some jars and syringes, and took out a small amount each day.
Daily cutting worked better for me, as it took away the withdrawals, after I stopped stone cold, but I had to titrate up a bit to get to a place where I could taper from.
Daily tapering made the taper possible, the withdrawals were that bad, that I don't think I could have done it any other way.
I got rid of a significant amount of withdrawals this way, and I hope that it halps someone on here.

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If I take 100 milligrams of Gabapentin a day will I still have that withdrawals if I withdrawal slowly? And has anybody gotten headaches - migraines from taking Gabapentin I'm talking about a small dose

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seems 1000mg L-Lysine has soothed at times as well , caplet form being I wasn't aware of cream , that I will revert to using after reading up on caplet , perhaps it may pertain to nerve fiber , nerve itself , myelin , I have no idea and being I've had my share of MRI's and CT's over the years I don't feel I need the ongoing of that again , those scans may be useful to a physcian but I have no use being I have the injury .
Also began reading about protein .

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Havn't taken Gabapentin in months ..... don't miss it one bit , concentration , comprehension , retention better , they can keep that garbage .

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I took 24 gabapentin in 12 days and I suffered terrible withdrawels went on for a good 4months I took them for pain didn't really know what the doctor was giving me or I would never of taken them please be very carefull

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On gabapentin 100mg 3 times a day for headache and other issues. I've been on it for a month and a half. Can you just stop taking it or do you need to wean off?

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You need to wean off of it v e r y slowly..This is a very powerful drug.

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Hi Gabyist,
Did you cold turkey or wean off the Gabapentin with the magnesium?

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search this ..... " healing properties in tea bags " ..... you'd be surprised , ABRUPT WITHDRAWELS ARE VERY DANGEROUS to the CNS

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