Gabapentin Miracle (Top voted first)


I was off Gabapentin for many, many months and gradually went DOWNHILL with depression and anxiety. I finally went back on it yesterday and I actually feel "normal"! Well, normal for me. I do believe it's a miracle drug!

I'm more grateful than I can say!

2 Replies

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Yes it's a miracle med that really works on my feet and legs the electrical pains disappear in about five mins after i take it and unfortunate thsts all it helps and just for taking that pain away it's a blessing,oh I forgot to mention i take the liquid because the pills are to big i can't swallow them and its NASTY

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Thank you both for the feedback on Gabapentin. I find it interesting to see so many mixed reviews on medications like Gabapentin, where some patients find it to be a great treatment option, yet others seem to be permanently discouraged by serious side effects they've encountered from taking it. I guess this just goes to show that everyone really does react/respond to Gabapentin in a rather unique way. I hope that you both continue to reap immense benefits from the medication and just know that your positive testimonies are a beacon of light to those who are torn in making a decision to take Gabapentin due to other's not so miraculous experiences.

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