Found Strange Pill In Daughters Room Told It Was A Sleeping Aid
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Found pill in my daughters room and was told it was a sleeping aid a friend gave her since she has trouble sleeping on her ADHD meds. It's a very Small White Round Pill w the imprint A on one side and 75 on the other. I have no idea what this pill is nor can I find a description for it. I'm holding on to it until I found out what it is and if it should even be taken along w ADD meds which are stimulants. Plz help if anyone knows what this is. Thank you
6 Replies
The pill is hydroxyzine, it reduces activity in the central nervous system. Which means it is not a sleeping aid, and its illegal for your friend to give it to your daughter and could cause your daughter to be confused, have a seizure, tremors, and restless muscle movements in her neck, eyes, tounge and jaw. and other less serious side effect include dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth or a headache. So DO NOT GIVE IT BACK TO HER.
youre description sounds similar to ambien, its a prescription sleeping aid. highly addictive, and is potentially dangerous depending on mg, body weight/chemistry, and what its taken with. its an adult medication, i would look into it more and ask a doctor before alowing anyone to take it. it could cause harm
i take provanol 60 what r its side effects???is it possible to quit it?????????/
This tablet is identified on Web MD asView Images
Hydroxyzine HCl IM ( 9 Reviews )
Uses | SideEffects | Precautions | Interactions | Overdose
This medicine is a white, round, film-coated tablet imprinted with A and 75.
Generic Name: Hydroxyzine HCl
Strength: 10 mg
Verden is wrong. This is Hydroxyzine HCL 10mg, an antihisamine with some calming psychoactive effects. We use it all the time in the veterinary clinic that I work in. It's not meant as a sleep aid, but it can cause drowsiness (like any antihistamine), so it is plausable that it was used for that purpose by someone who knows its effects. I would strongly caution you to check w/ a pharmacist for possible interactions with your daughter's other medications before allowing her to use it, &, since it is a prescription only drug, it may be illegal for her to use someone else's...
Well, the only A 75 tablet that I can find listed is not a sleep aid.
It should be about the size of an Aspirin and contains 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 5mgs of Oxycodone, the active ingredients in Percocet, a narcotic pain reliever.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation.
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