Fluoxetine Forums
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Good day. I was put on Nuzak about a month ago. I went to the doctor for back pain, then she saw me shaking or shivering. I mentioned that this was in my family since my father has the same symptoms as me but now lately these symptoms have increased. I've been more shaky then ever and I'm starting to stutter which I never did or as a child had it. I'm beginning to think that this is just worsening the situation and that the DR scratched where it didn't concern her. I work on a daily basis with a lot of clients and this is embarrassing because now I seem incompetent as if I do not know my job or work. This week I stopped taking it and now I'm wondering how long it will take to fully clear out of my system? Please is anybody experiencing this or is it just something wr...
As my title says I've switched from celexa to fluoxetine 60 mg. I know the 60 mg is too high. Was just trying to get leveled out and then was coming down. My question is I've been taking the dose of 60mg fluoxetine for 11 days now per my cross taper schedule. Can I lower to 40 mg. now during the transferring phase and if so how do I go about it? Just stop taking one of the 20 mg tablets? I was always on 40 mg or lower (20mg) of the celexa but after a life threatening traumatic accident never got back down after 5 surgerys. Doc wanted me to switch over to the higher amount but feel I've always done better in a lower amount. ## Whoops title should've said switched from 60mg celexa to 60 mg fluoxetine. ## Actually, the 60mgs of Fluoxetine might be too low, going from 60mgs ...
Recently my pharmacy began giving me a new version of fluoxetine, which I have taken for MANY years with no problems.... however the blue fluoxetine gives me horrible heart burn. I use to take them at night before bed, but couldn't sleep, so decided to start taking them in the morning and still get the heartburn. I don't take them with any other meds. I tried an empty stomach, and after eating, but the results are still the same. I also get a bad headache (I think from the heartburn.) Has anyone figured out how to avoid this problem? ## Hi Jen, I truly believe that the root cause of this specific heartburn side effect lies within the "inactive" ingredients found in the blue Fluoxetine pill. Reason I say that is because, when you switch brand names or manufacturers, the d...
Hi there, i have been taking fluoxetine 60mg and 15mg of mirtazapine for quite some time now, unfortunately I'm not sleeping well at all, so I've been to see my doctor and she has told me to stop the mirtazapine straight away and reduce my fluoxetine and gradually introduce the trazadone from 50mg moving up to 100mg possibly 150mg if I feel I need it. I was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice if they have had anything similar with there medication, it's just that I'm so used to taking my fluoxetine, thanks kaz ## My main concern is how drowsy I get when I wake the next morning ## can lyrica mirtazapine and prosac be taken together. im not really sure about this and i am worried. my psychiatris put me on all 3.again ## Trazodone is often used, when someone b...
I have found a green and white capsule pill with 20 marked in black on the green part of the pill and BL marked on the white part in black also. I'm not sure if it's a anti-depressant or not. ## Did you find out what these were? From what i can gather online they may be Fluoxetine ## Fluoxetine 20 mg. I have the same meds and that's exactly what they look like. ## I'm taking 20mg Fluoxetine and they match your description spot on. Capsules, half pale green marked with a black 20 and half creamy-white marked with a black BL. ## Hello Efs1324, I hope you are having a wonderful day. As the others have previously mentioned I was able to find google images that would suggest that the pills you have are Fluoxetine (Prozac). Unfortunately I was not able to pull up the brand and...
I decided to break open my 40mg capsule and swallow it. BAD IDEA. It burned my throat like no tomorrow and made my whole head numb....Gross tasting and made me vomit. Whoever might think this a good idea... Just don't do it! Oh and it made me feel like I was choking to death also....Great...Worse than the anxiety I already had. Perfect... ## It is to prevent such effects, that they are made into a capsule form. Many medications will do odd things if you ingest them improperly, that is why tablets and capsules were invented. And yes, most of them also taste disgusting. Thanks for posting the warning for others! Are you feeling better, now? ## Whoever has to take fluoxetine make sure they drink lot's of water with it .I had just finished a night shift and took my capsule with mayb...
I have been on fluoxetine for eight months. I am on 40 mg/day. I've always been prone to sinus infections, but my sinus problems have gotten worse and now I have this pain in my sinuses everyday. I realized that I started having worse sinus issues around the same time I started taking fluoxetine - its even documented in my doctor's notes that I have been complaining of sinus pains and infections since about 7 months ago. She says it's a rare side effect so fluoxetine is probably not the culprit, but the sinus pain has gotten so bad that I'm willing to stop taking the meds (the other side effects like the nightmares are driving me nuts too). Anyway, has anyone else had sinus problems related to fluoxetine or Prozac? ## Hello, Alaska! How are you? Actually, they aren't...
Been on Nuzak and Dopaquel (25mg) for a month now. The medication is helping me tremendously. However, I'm losing a lot of weight. An unhealthy amount. I haven't lost my appetite, I eat a lot and I'm far from active. Is this healthy? Normal? Will the weight-loss stop without having to stop the meds? Yes, it's better than having weight gain but it's an unhealthy weight-loss which can't be good either.
UpdatedI need to know what the pill Fluoxetine looks like 10 mg and 20 mg? Please send a picture. ## What does the pill fluoxetine10 mg look like? ## That is almost impossible to say, once a pill is available for generic production and the proprietary patent is over, then many different companies will make it and offer it for sale. There are no regulations that say all pills with the same active ingredients must look the same, their size, shape, and color are entirely up to what the manufacturer decides to make them look like. The only regulations, as per the FDA requirements, say that all prescription drugs sold legally in the US, must have a unique imprint for ID purposes, yet even this will differ under on manufacturer according to dosage. So there is no way someone can possibly tell you wh...
Is it possible that a person who isn't epileptic can deveope seizures once on nuzak? ## I have been taking nuzak for 3 years and I had a seizure in the first year I have had 3 in the last 3 years the doctors say its not the nuzak but I am sceptical as I am 32 the seizures make me feel paralysed and I loose all bodily control I have recenty weand myself off the nuzak ## It is not a very common side effect, but yes, the NIH reports do list seizures as possibly being cause by Nuzak, which contains the active ingredient Fluoxetine. Other side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, weight loss, and headache. However, there is also a chance that they are not due to the medication. Have your respective doctors done any testing to be sure? My husband developed epilepsy suddenly ...
All antidepressants are great! You can't go wrong! They make you tired all the time, everything is like a day-dream or being drunk 24/7, you have no concentration among other great side affects.Being 100% honest, I'm pretty certain it's the real life equivalent of being a zombie. I felt dead inside and have still not recovered fully two years on. If you want permanent issues to what in theory is a temporary problem take as many meds as you can. If you actually want to get better don't take tablets, go and actually talk to a professional who isn't paid to put you on tablets for the long run (they get bonuses for putting you on prescription for certain drugs) and speak to a Councillor. I found C.B.T. very helpful. Please please please ask yourself: "do I need to ta...
Small white capsule with green label PLIVA-648 ## Pliva 648 contains Fluoxetine 20 mg, a generic for Prozac (NDC 50111-648) Inactive Ingredients: - Ammonia - D&C Yellow No. 10 - Aluminum Oxide - FD&C Blue No. 1 - Gelatin - Magnesium Stearate - Starch, Corn - Propylene Glycol - Shellac - Titanium Dioxide Ref: DailyMed ## What is pliva 648 used for? ## Troy's ID of the Pliva 648 tablet is correct, it does contain 20mgs of Fluoxetine, a generic for Prozac, this is used to treat depression and OCD. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and dizziness. ## I have a bottle of pliva 648 capsule and I need to know how many per day I should take? ## According to DailyMed, it will vary based on what it has been prescribed for. As an example, for major depressiv...
I've been taking a generic green & white capsule of 20 mg Prozac (fluoxetine) for a few years. My pharmacy gave me blue capsules mfg by alembic this time & I am feeling so sick for 4 days now. I thought I had a stomach bug, but I've never had a bug linger this long. I had diarrhea & vomiting on day 2 & 3, jittery sleep, then deep bouts of sleep, bad headache, night sweats & nightmares. ## Ditto! I almost puked this am, and have been sick all day. Had major side effects after my pharmacy switched me to blue caps. Was taking Sandoz white and green for years with no problem. I called my pharmacy and requested alternative as I can’t barf every day ## I recently got a refill and my pharmacy switched to Alembic generic (dark blue capsules). I took it only abo...
Does this medication cause hair loss? ## Yes. I'm on prozac and I am losing hair since taking it. ## Sorry to hear that. Weird thing is I checked on Medline Plus and couldn't find anything mentioned about hair loss. What's up with that? Do you think there could be a secondary cause?
I've been feeling very hungry recently, but all the time even after meals. I started my meds anti deps two weeks ago and im bloated and hungry all the time I feel that I need to pass wind top and bottom all the time but it feels trapped? Anyone experienced this :( ## Hello, Gabbie! How are you? That's a very odd side effect for the Nuzak/Fluoxetine, it is actually more prone to causing weight loss, though the flatulence can happen. Is it the only medication you take? Side effects from the Nuzak should taper off after about a month, once your body adjusts to the medication. ## Hi Verwon, I am doing alot better now, thanks for replying to my message. I have lost some weight, taking 20mg per day - been back to my Dr for check up because i am concerned about my weight lost over the ...
A109 20 mg dark blue oval capsule ## I also got the blue generic fluoxetine made by northstar and they made me crazy!!! I just called the manufacturer and they are taking this seriously: they are sending me a kit to send back the pills and they will consult with the FDA. Please call them to tell them the pills are bad. Northstar RX LLC Toll Free: 1-800-206-7821 ## I, too, received the Northstar fluoxetine and have been taking it for 8 days and was wondering what was wrong with me. It's like taking nothing--all the depression, weepiness, ups and downs are back. Please help me. ## CALL THEM!!! And call your doctor!! Get new "clean" pills and tell your doctor what happened. Northstar has been extremely diligent in reporting this to the appropriate authorities. You have to help ...
I was taking a blue pill...and my new script looks totally different. Scared to take it! Has anyone seen these? ## Look up the pill on the internet by the number on it. See if it is the same drug. Most likely it is made from a different company. That happens sometimes when pharmacies change drug providers. hope this helps. ## What are the markings on the capsule? If you can post back with this additional information, I will gladly research this for you. As Dj stated, however, this is normal, pharmacies do not always carry the same generic medication, depending on what company was offering the cheapest price, at the time they needed to restock their supply. Fluoxetine is an SSRI antidepressant, that is also used to treat anxiety, its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, he...
I suffer from coeliac disease (aversion to wheat gluten); does your Pliva 648 fluoxetine hcl 20 mg contain wheat gluten? Thank you ## I just sent an email to Teva Pharm (the manufacturer of this pill); asking whether or not it contains wheat gluten as a part of the inactive ingredients. I tried looking up the inactive ingredients on their webpage, but couldn't find any related info, so emailing them was the next best option. I'll be sure to post their reply in this thread! ## Hi Ms Sabra, Below is an email response from Teva Pharmaceuticals, regarding gluten in this pill: "This email is in response to your request for information about Fluoxetine Capsules, 20 mg manufactured for Teva Pharmaceuticals USA. You asked if this product is gluten free. Gluten is a protein contained...
i lost alot of weight it was .after i stoped taking them i gained it back . but i landed a trucking job . iloved that i had only the dry mouth as my only side effect . ## Hello, Raymond! How are you? Par Pharmaceutical lists this capsule as containing 40mgs of Fluoxetine, which is a generic for Prozac. The FDA classifies this medication as an antidepressant, weight loss can be a normal side effect of it, it is usually most prominent in people that are underweight to begin with, it's other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, anxiety, and dry mouth. Is there anything I can help with? ## DOES YOUR COMPANY GET ANY INGREDIANCE FROM CHINA, INDIA WHICH HAVE BEEN RECALLED BECAUSE OF IT BEING CARCINOGEN ## Have y’all changed the fillers or ingredients? My flu...
This is the first time Costco mail order pharmacy has sent me these pills, the previous ones I have been taking for five years were also a generic but I do not remember their color but think they were two colors, one color was white and I believe the other was green. Ever since I started taking the blue pills, my FBSS pains in my legs have greatly increased. I took the fluoxetine primarily for relief from these pains, along with 150 mg Lyrica, 2mg clonoxepam, 50mg prestiq, 25mg amitriptyline, and 50mg lamotrigine daily. Is it possible that these new blue pills, which I understand are made in India by Alembic, are sufficiently different than the previous generic Fluoxetine to cause this increase in pain. Please help, the pain has been terrible since making this change. Thank you. ## The ...