Flonase And Cataracts (Top voted first)


Has anyone that has used Flonase got cataracts? I have them because of it and nasonex. Are there any class actions against the makers of this? I would not have used it if I had known.

48 Replies (3 Pages)

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Hi im only 31 and have very mild cataracts doc said in my eyes :( i used flonase too for a while. How can i file a lawsuit. ?

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I found out 6 mos ago that I have cataracts in both eyes. Ive use Flonase for over a year. I’m freaking out. I want to know if anyone is doing anything about it?

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My eye surgeon said they were definately caused by steroids and the only one I have used is flonase. She said she could tell by the location of my cataracts, they are posterior and can only be caused by steroid use. If enough people have this kind, I would think it could be proven.

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i have cataracts in both eyes. diagnosed at age 41. i used flonase every day from 2003-2006, when i was diagnosed. i am looking to sue. please let me know if any lawyer is willing to take the case.

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I also am interested in a lawsuit, I was diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes at age 40. I had surgery in 2008 which went fine, however doctors were all confused as to why I had cataracts because I had none of the commonly associated risk factors !
I had 20/20 vision before surgery, now in have to wear glasses (bifocals) for up close reading and work which has seriously affected my job! A lot of things I have problems doing at work. Also I am military and have problems deploying and they keep threatening to kick me out because I had the surgery! I just found out today about the connection to Flonase which I have been prescribed by several different doctors over the last few years.

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Yes, I have cataracts in both eyes, slight in my right eye but very bad in the left. Two eye doctors asked me what happened as it was the left eye had the worst cataract they have seen and I am only in my 50s. I used generic Flonase mainly in my left nostril to clear up eustachian tube dysfunction in my left ear (it didn't). The cataract in that eye came on strong and quick. I've since had surgery which insurance didn't cover much of. I want answers and compensation. The doctor said it was steroid related most likely.

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I used Flonase for years due to chronic sinus infections (after 2 sinus surgeries). November 1, 2015 my left eye lost vision due to clots in the retina. My docs checked my blood, heart, etc & couldn't find any reason for my blindness. Now I am hearing that it could have been due to Flonase. I'm ready for a class action lawsuit! Docs say there's nothing they can do to help me.

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I've been using Flonase for years and experienced rapidly spreading cataracts. The first cataract was removed when I was 49. I have my second one scheduled for surgery next week (I'm 52). The doctors and staff remain very amazed how rapidly growing the cataracts were

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I sure would hope so! I had catarnd I was only cataract surgery because of using Flonase. And what a nightmare and it still is now I have to have reading glasses all the time.

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Well a lightbulb just lid in my head after treatment of a recent retina tear I caught before it detached. Been using Flonase since May 2016 to Sept 2016...what a strange coincidence. No other prescription drugs. Hmmm

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Be careful with that. That's how it started with me, first diagnosis was no tears or detachment. One month later, it happened again much more intense with what looked like a plastic sheet over my vision. I immediately was given an appointment with the retina specialist and then dx was retina tear. Do not delay in seeing a specialist if you get more floaters etc.

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i am 23 and was just diagnosed with Cataracts caused by steroids and is causing rapid vision loss. All because of flonase

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Yes i was told by my Doctor to use Flonase for allergies and in less than a year I had to have cataract surgery in both eyes.

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Re: Gertie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I used Flonase from 2011-2012 and developed cataracts in both eyes. I had to get cataract surgery in my left eye in 2013, then my right eye in 2014. In addition to the steroid causing me to have cataracts, it has disqualified me from joining the military. I too am looking to sue either the maker of fluticasone aka Flonase or Kaiser the hospital that prescribed me the medicine and did not inform me of this side effect.

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Re: E (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I have the exact same issue. I had to have surgery on both eyes in the last year. I'd love to join a class action

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I had perfect vision my whole life took only one medication. As recent of June 2022, my last eye appointment, perfect eyes.
Started using my Flonase consistently in the late summer- by Christmas I had full blown cataracts in both of my eyes. Just had surgery in March in both my eye doctor said it was the Flonase. I was 43.

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My doctor said my cataracts were caused by a steroid and the only steroid I used was flonaise. I wish there would be a class action law suit to make people aware of this sideeffect and to make good on the trouble is caused my life.

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Yes I have been diagnosed with cats just yesterday very advanced more age the eye doc said diffently is a a result of taking flonase I am looking to sue also just enough to pay for LASIK surgery I must now get

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Me too, I am 49, had cataracts in both eyes. My left eye is getting done 11/17. I already had the right one done. What a pain in the ass. Please let me know where we can get a lawyer.

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