Finding Subutex Dr? (Page 4)
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I am really having a hard time finding a doctor who treats with Subutex and not Suboxone. I have chronic pain syndrome and relief-seeking behavior soon became drug-seeking behavior. My psychiatrist put me on Subutex, and my pain was reduced a little, but I wasn't so much into drug seeking anymore. I was treated for 5 years. Then I moved, and I can't find anyone in Ohio who does this. I might have to move back to Chicago! Any suggestions?

84 Replies (5 Pages)

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We are having the same problem finding a dr to rx subutex and NOT suboxone!!!! Birmingham,AL. I don't understand what the big deal is. I know that Reckit Benkiser (probably not spelled right) does provide endorsements to greedy drs that shove these rxs down patients' throats, but since when did drs (who have taken an oath) care more about parking another Mercedes in the garage than actually helping people out?!?!? If anyone knows a doctor rx subutex plz reply. Infinitely grateful-- JC

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You have lost your mind. I read posts every day on here, from people begging for Subutex. They state that they lost heir doc., or moved. Yet, they want help, names, doctors, places where they can get a prescription for this rare and amazing medicine. Here's the problem: you never seem to want to let anyone else know the doctor or the treatment center that you used to get an rx for Subutex. Life would be perfect if you always got the information you wanted - but who cares about the next man. I will not provide another name or reference for any Subutex provider - until I see some of you greedy and inconsiderate clowns share some wealth. Still, I could care less. I get my 90 54/411 a month (Roxanne - Generic Buprenorphine w/o Naloxone)

But i've compiled a very, very accurate and resourceful list of providers/clinics/psychiatrists/treatment centers/family physicians and others who WILL prescribe/write/give/dose patients with Subutex......with usually the only condition being that they be able to demonstrate financial hardship. I am done giving names to people who could care less about the next man. So, just to give notice, share your knowledge, give a name or two up your own self. Failure to do so may prove the same as cutting off your own monthly comfort zone. Oh, for the record - I am aware of 4 providers in Central and Western Tennessee as well as 3 in the Northern part of Indiana who will gladly write Subutex; no questions asked. I may have been inclined to give their info. except i'm tired of reading "gimme, gimme, gimme" requests - without indicating a desire to help others. Today is just not your day....specially' when I have the game changer(s). Gonna go take my Subutex now!!!!

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Hello, let me first say that this is my first time posting anything online, yes I guess theres a first time for everything, however I am too near cincinnati ohio and in dire need of a doctor that will get me back on SUBUTEX not suboxone, I was on subutex for a long time the doctor I seen left the practice, I went to a local doctor and he would only give me soboxone, its awful it made me sick I could not sleep, I had headaches so bad, and the doctors around here all seem to say NO SUBUTEX when I call them, I finished college and lived a normal productive life during the time I was on SUBUTEX therapy. I also was on pain meds for chronic care health conditions for MANY years, after that treatment your body, and mind and all of you relies on meds to function, you become or see all at once that now your not only a person struggling to get through each day living in pain and agony bit your now a person with an addiction as well. This is something that you deal with now for the rest of your life, and I found the meds that helped my pain and also treated addiction, and it was something that I could afford with no insurance , it was SUBUTEX and now its like impossible to get what you know works best for you , because of the actions of other people that have abused the meds, its not right at all. But its where im at with it, lost basically seeking help. So I know theres people out there and theres people reading this forum that knows a doctor that is prescribing this right now, near Cincinnati OH / Indianapolis IN area and im hoping that you will share with me a place a name and point me in the direction of that doctor, your help will be greatly apperciated.

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Outreach addiction clinic Kent oh

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I need Subutex because I take Xanax and have for 20 years, and you are not supposed to mix the two. I am in Nashville, Tennessee and it feels like I have called a million doctors and nobody is willing to prescribe Subutex. It is bc people can take Subutex to get thru their week and then use their drug of choice on the weekends. You can't do that with Suboxone. I have ZERO desire to ever take Lortab again. It nearly killed me. But the very few docs that have actually called me back just flat refuse to help me when I tell them I take Xanax. It's not like I abuse Xanax, I take what I have been prescribed for 20 years for severe anxiety, so now I have to be a criminal and find it illegally. The girl I get it from failed her drug panel, so she doesn't have any and I can't find anything. I feel like I am dying. It's amazing to me how that little pill makes me feel HUMAN!! :)

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need a dr to precribe subutex in central indiana or eastern ohio. im allergic to naloxone and prime healh group in cincinnati gave me the films and had to go to er even after i told her in initial visit that i was allergic. dr. andrea holigna is her name and she refuses to change script. she got my 250.00 and thats all she wanted. can anyone help. i have 3 kids and am tryin to do the right thing for them

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Dr.cipriano in norristown pa if no luck there is a website specifically for this search ill try to find it.

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I was on subutex for pain control as well, and yes we all know the only difference between the two is the narcan but obviously you haven't experienced chronic pain or you wouldn't be using these judgmental statements and words "abusing" and all that other nonsense about being able to use narcotics with the subutex... Blah blah. Try having chronic pain, being in a almost fatal car accident.. Having spinal stenosis, herniated & bulging discs, joint dysfunction, sciatica shall I go on?!?

She asked a question, she is seeking help and I have done so much research that the only thing that makes sense is the naloxone blocks and fills a lot of the receptors in our brain ESP pain receptors and not as much bupe will reach those receptors!!!

So if it's just the bupe going to those receptors there is going to be a difference!!! Rocket science?

I wish I could help you Hun but this world is terrible and I am in your same boat!

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Hi. This is for anyone who can help me find a Dr in Pa who will prescribe Subutex. I have a serious allergy to phosphates. That's the orange substance in the suboxonne's . When I take it I get extremely sick. Lucky me... I have been batteling this addiction ever since I had surgery on my back. I could be prescribed pain killers if I wanted because my condition is so severe and not treatable but I would rather not. They don't work unless I take very very serious ones like dilaudid and fentanyl. I would prefer to stay somewhat functional as I try and beat my disease. I can't find a Dr anywhere who will help me. Most of them only care enough about themselves and don't really care about anyone else. I don't know why there is such a big problem with prescribing subutex. Drug addicts will abuse anything so trying to keep certain drugs away is ridiculous. It's not really about that. IT's about the money. Plain and simple. They get kick backs from the pharm companies for prescribing suboxone. I read a lot about this and the company that makes suboxone took the drug, at one point, off the market to keep any other companies from being able to manufacture it. They are greedy greedy greedy soulless people that run these corporations. They have kept suboxone from being able to be made into a generic that isn't so expensive. All I want is some help finding a Dr who will help me. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I am drowning here and need a life line. I can be reached at {edited for privacy}. ;) If someone out there knows of a Dr near Pittsburgh pa who is accepting new patients I would be forever grateful. Please email me with the information. I have been searching online for over a year with no luck. There are simply too many sub dr's out there and I can't afford to go to every single one until I find one to help me.

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Does anyone know a doctor in pa who will prescribe subutex?

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Are you an addict? It is hard getting off subs ...even taking them as directed and staying clean. Dont judge. People are supposed to find help here not be criticized ..

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can some1 give me a name of doc in pa that gives subutex no1 will give me names and numbers i cant afford wv they make you go once a week and pay tooo much heard pa you pay monthly

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u people need to quit acting like theses meds are gonna be the only thing changing your life sounds like your getting off ! med to be addicted to another makes it hard for people who really arent abusing these meds to be on them!

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did you ever find one? I'm also pregnant and from Portsmouth Ohio and I'm trying to find another subutex doctor ASAP here in Ohio. .Did you have any luck? Let me know please.

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I have been on subutex for about 1 1/2 years. My doctor just recently retired and now I'm having a hard time finding a doctor to prescribe me subutex. I was on prescribed pain meds for 13 years. Ive had several surgeries and after my last one I started to feel so much better. I went to a clinic to get off of my pain meds and at first he prescribed suboxne. I was constantly throwing up and feeling horrible. When my doc put me on subutex my life did a 360 and I've been doing wonderful. Well at least I was. Please help me find a doctor in or around PA that will continue my treatment. I'm feeling hopeless and so depressed.

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i live near cincinnati, ohio and am pregnant and need to find a subutex doctor

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I'm having trouble finding subutex in chicago actually, all i'm finding is suboxone! Any suggestions? Sorry I'm doing the exact opposite of your request :/

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Thank you all for your help and suggestions. I might have found a dr who uses Subutex for his pregnant patients. So, wish me luck.

My IL doctor really tried hard to get me an emergency fill, but understandibly the pharm didn't want to fill the rx. The pharmacist said it might be okay if he spoke to the previous pharmacist who handled the rx, and I told him You did. Well, that flew out the window. So, I have another question to ask. I'll open another thread.

Thanks again!

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I did check on the medications that you listed, which as you said, isn't a complete list and you actually already have one possible interaction among them, that can result from taking the Buprenorphine (the narcotic in Suboxone and Subutex) with the Bupropion.

The doses have to be monitored carefully, since it can cause dose related seizures, but as I said, this is with the Burpenorphine, not the Naloxone.

So from this, I am not finding anything else that may explain why he chose to use one of them over the other.

It is, of course, possible that you are right and he was just trying to be very careful maintaining a balance, since it can be difficult with the health conditions you have.

And yes, I do wish you the very best of luck, all of us here at the site do.

Please post back and let us know what happens and how you are doing!! :-)

Oh and here is a link just for information on Naloxone, by itself, but as you can see, there really isn't much contraindication info listed:


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