Filling An Rx For Percocet, Same Dr. Prescribing (Page 2)
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I was issued 2 scripts from the same Dr. For 10mg/325 Oxycodone. Due to Surgery last week total Hip Replacement! I know I will have to pay out of pocket cause my insurance just filled at beginning of the month. He gave me 2 due to tolerance & going through PHYSICAL THERAPY 2 to 3 times a week! Why won't a pharmacy fill this for me if I am getting them from the same Dr?

90 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Kristyne (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

My husband has to go every 3 months. He gives him a prescription that day to get filled. And then 2 go on file for 2 months. And he post dates the ones that are on file for him. Sometimes he puts a date on them and sometimes he does not. So that means he can get them one day early here in Ohio. But he rarely does that. In Ohio a 30-day Supply is a day early. It used to be two days early. But not anymore. A 28 day Supply they can do one day early but not usually, usually they make you go 28 days. JS. I know I get these every month for him.. But his family doctor does this. He's an amazing doctor.
Who cares and helps his patients out. So that is a total of three. One he can fill that day. And then 2 go on file. Kristyne.... I'm not sure what you're trying to say? Do you think I'm lying to you? Because if you do. I'm so not. Why would I?

What I'm strictly saying is there are a few good doctors still left. His prescriptions are for Percocet 10. (His count is 120) He could make him go to pain management of course. But he has known my hubby for quite a long time. And like I said he is a great doctor. He has a heart. And he's definitely not afraid of the DEA or any type of rules. But he is following the guidelines to the T. My hubby did ask him was he putting him in any type of Jeopardy because of the new laws. He said no you fall under the guidelines to where I can do this for you. He said I'm not worried at all.... (I can handle them) My hubby crushed his heel. Plus he has so many other issues.
Unfortunately he is not my doctor. I wished he was. Lol, I have to go to pain management. I have a great pain management doctor. It's just a pain in the butt. It's about a half hour drive for me. When my hubby only drives 5 minutes.
Hoping you have a great day. ????

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Re: Why (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Under Federal Law a doctor can write Schedule II prescriptions for up to 90 days. That is 3 separate prescriptions for 30 days each.

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Re: Why (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Ohio allows a 90 day supply. Why would he "post date" for the following 90 days?
It makes sense your husband would have to go back in 3 months for the next 90 day supply. I get 90 days in CT, because my insurance told me, if I do it that way, I have no co-pay.

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Re: Maria (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Maria, Yes a lot of pharmacies started only dispensing certain pain patients their meds in portions about 3 yrs ago. For example, a patient with a script for 90 hydrocodone would receive 45 tabs to last for the exact amount of days their Dr wrote their Rx for. If the patient ran out of their meds early they wouldn't be able to pick up the remainder of their prescription until the date their pain meds should have lasted. Also, certain pain patients would only be able to pick up the rest of their meds after having a U/A or blood work @ their Dr's office/pain management clinic first. I saw this happen mostly with patients who's Dr's required this because they suspect the patient isn't really taking their meds & Dr thinks they're selling their meds or suspects the patient maybe using street drugs. Pretty much every patient Dr's required this from didn't usually return back to the pharmacy I worked at more than 1-3 times because they failed their drug panel & were kicked out of pain management. I had a few patients return back months later with a script from a new Dr, but again most of them didn't return because they came up dirty or didn't have meds in their system.

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Re: Maria (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry, I didn't see your second post. From what I heard, it was supposed to be for new patients. From what you said, I'm probably right about the scheme from what you are saying. Do you know if the pain mgmt. doc's can write more or is it just for other doc's? Under my insurance network, I would be very lucky to find even a pain doctor to write me an opiate. They think all of your problems will be solved with shots. So that's what I wanted all my life is to get stuck with needles all the time. Are they trying to make a junkie out me? Don't chronic pain patients do enough suffering? Now we have to get jabbed with a bunch of needles to get minimal relief. I know that if they do not get the right spot on the shots, IT WILL NOT WORK! I'm not directing this at you Maria, so please don't be offended. But just think, they will save my life at the cost feeling dead with pain.

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Re: Me (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, Somewhere I heard that will become law or maybe already in some states. Like you said though, for new patients. I think it may be a good idea but could be a scheme to rid them completely. The reason it may be a good idea I think, is for tolerance sake to prevent OD's. If he is a regular, it is a bad idea. I hope he hasn't developed a big tolerance and has transportation.

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Re: Me (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Not in this case. The man was upset that his dr was doing that and has been getting the meds for years and he was asking us if we still fill these meds for a month supply. It's all due to the CDC and government cracking down on C2 pain meds and the overdoses. My pharmacist was saying that more doctors will follow suit and start doing the same thing and my dr even said pretty soon they will send everyone to pain clinics to get these meds. CVS is now limiting patients that r new to taking these meds to only being able to get a week worth of meds filled even if the dr wrote it for more and people r saying that more pharmacies will probably start this too

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Re: Kristyne (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Like I said, my hubby gets three prescriptions and they are post-dated for the next 3 months. I live in Ohio!! Maybe it's different wherever you live. But it's legal here.

Post dated prescriptions for 3 months is legal here in Ohio. Unless my hubby's doctor is doing wrong and I don't think he is.

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Re: Maria (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Some doctors do that. It may be a new patient, a new med, or the patient requested it.

When I started on Suboxone for pain management, I started with a week supply for a month. Then I was given a Rx. for 2 weeks, finally for a month.

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Re: LAK (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Someone came into my pharmacy today and said his pain dr will only write his pain meds for one week now instead of a month supply

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Re: Question (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

The best way I can describe kratom's effects for me personally, is that I get a warm fuzzy feeling, contentment, relaxed body/mind, increased endurance when I get on the elliptical, pain relief, similar mind/body feeling to marijuana (but not quite the same and with no impairment in my ability to get on with my day)... I guess it may be close to CBD in effects, but probably more pronounced depending on the strain and dose. I've actually seen articles on the web refer to kratom as the CBD of opioids... I have taken CBD as well and it relaxes me too. Red strains of kratom are touted for relaxation, insomnia and pain relief - while green strains are a little more energetic with the same properties - and white/yellow strains are very energetic with less of the other properties. NOTE: Higher doses tend to be more sedating and lower doses tend to be more energetic (this goes across the board for all strains in my experience).

Here's a compiled list of kratom's attributes/benefits I found at: "Benefits of Kratom"

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the feedback golfguyjoe! It's encouraging to know that others out there are aware of kratom's immense potential. I truly think it's one of the most underrated natural alternatives for pain, depression and anxiety. Your posts are very much appreciated!

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Thanks for the reply guys. Generally I don't like to go outside the FDA for my meds. Sounds like this is a potent one. I've never tried GHB or any Synthetics. About the only things I have gotten were what they sell in grocery stores and health foods such as Kava Kava and Melatonin. Not too sure of this one though. Sounds like one has to be very careful with this one. I'm in Louisiana so I presume it is legal here. Don't know if I want to go that direction but thank you for the info as well.

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You will have to wait until the other prescription is almost gone.

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Re: David (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Kratom...what exactly does it do, and make you feel? I tried Vaping CBD, and it relaxes me. Is it like that?

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Re: David (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Very good information David. Kratom has been a Godsend for Thousands and Thousands of people.

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Re: Paul (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Paul. To my knowledge, there are probably at least a handful of reputable websites that carry Kratom. However, I've only stuck with the following two due to their consistency in delivering the same quality product, prices, and the peace of mind I get from knowing that I get the real thing.

Kwik Botanicals

Kwik Botanicals is my favorite for free priority shipping with every order and I can't go wrong with their Maeng Da Green.

But when changing it up, my favorite products from KratomOne are their TriForce and Red Bali blends.

NOTE: In order to view the inventory and order from Kwik Botanicals, you have to create an account on their login page (which I'm assuming for security purposes, only seems to be visible by googling "kwik botanicals mitra" and having it redirect you to the login page). Once an account is created, you could simply bookmark that page for easier access. That has been my experience anyway... Then go to the category called MITRA for their kratom products.

When it comes to consuming kratom, the taste is the hardest thing to get past for most people. I personally make mine in a tea (with hot water) and add stevia and/or raw honey with my desired dose (1 teaspoon) and wait for it to cool down before drinking. Apparently, tea is the traditional method for consuming kratom. I've had success putting it into several '00' capsules and taking it that way... Other's may prefer to just down it with some orange juice and chase it. However, stevia or capsules have been the only things I found that completely mask the kratom taste.

The effects for me last anywhere from 5 to 8 hours on 1 teaspoon (albeit KratomOne's TriForce blend has a threshold dose of 1 tablespoon - a rare exception to the standard dosing protocol in my experience). I can't imagine myself taking more than 1.5 teaspoons at any given time of other strains, but some people may have to experiment to find their personal level of satisfaction. My neighbor who lost his arm in a truck driving accident takes 1 teaspoon and that works for him...

I hope sharing my experience with kratom can help others make a more informed decision about it.

P.S. - Kratom is legal in most states, with the exception of Wisconsin, Indiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Vermont and Alabama.

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Re: Paul (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Paul, I had reacted to someone's comment that said they had lost someone because of Kratom. When infact, there has Not been one death attributed to Kratom. It is a Powerful Pain Killer that Everyone here should know about. It is Saving Lives every single day. Google or YouTube search 'Kratom saved my life'. It is a Very Effective painkiller that does Not take lives like these pills do. If anyone needs pain relief, please research Kratom. You will no longer be under the Thumb of a Doctor.

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Hello everyone and anyone who can tell me where the real Kratom is available. If my stomach can tolerate it, it might be very useful for me. I would appreciate any knowledgeable replies. I was being prescribed Morphine but I just cannot afford the doctor visits anymore. Especially when the DEA I am presuming makes you attend every month. I was able to go back after a 6 month stretch but and had to fill out a bunch of forms as if no one knew me, then kept getting asked....Well if you are in so much pain why haven't you made your appointments. What a stupid question when the doctor charges $225 per visit because he is not in my network and if he was it would be $50, plus the meds can cost up to $80 depending on where they are filled and I do not sell my drugs. So I have to ask..... When was the last time a doctor has not charged me? I guess when I was a kid and my mother paid for it. Anyway, is Kratom totally legal? Is it expensive? Does it really work?

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Perhaps he gave you one, in case of emergency (severe pain) to be filled after the first script was done. Perhaps you misunderstood and he made an error on first script and meant to tear it up. And you accidentally picked it up. Just fill one now, fill the second one when the first is done. Why fill all at once? Hopefully you got in touch with the doctor to straighten this all out.

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Re: David (# 45) Expand Referenced Message
Very good post David. You are Absolutely Correct Sir. Cheers to you!

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