Fill Oxycodone Prescription From G A (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have a Kentucky Licenses and went to a pain clinic in GA, they prescribed me Oxycodone 15mg and Hydrocodone 10mg. I have been to several pharmacies in Kentucky and cannot get them filled. Does anyone know where I can get my prescriptions filled rather here in Kentucky or out of state in GA or TN?? Please Help at all if possible, thanks!

85 Replies (5 Pages)

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I know what that's like and am sorry you are having trouble. I had severe back pain, could not sleep because of the pain but still had to work. I live in Georgia but finally ended up going for acupuncture, which after a few treatments, finally had some relief from the pain. I was surprised. I think a lot of docs are scared to prescribe what the patient needs now.

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I wish there were something we, as patients could do to wake up the medical industry. Back in the 18th and 19th centuries when opium, cannabis and other substances were legal;for recreational use as well. Opium was orescribed for everything from menstrual cramps, fussy babies, depression, diabetes,and so on. More than 25% of the American population was full out addicted to opium. Funny how that was also when more things were invented, industry advanced and America was doing great. Unfortunately when the government decided that mexicans, chinese and negroes had become an integral part of society and they wanted them gone, excessive taxes were place of marijuana and opium. Since it was not the lower classes that used them but societies elite they could afford the extra tax.

Marijuana/Hemp was used for everything from fiber, fuel, food, medicine, and so much more. Dupont, Rothschild and Shell oil were threatened by the competition and helped propagadize the evils of reefer. We need to build an army of informers. Its taken too long to get marijuana legal again and that and opium should have never been criminalized to begin with. The biggest fear society had was when white women began to have relationships with negroes and chinamen. Imagine that. Greed and racisim are behind the problems of pain patients not being able to get the help we need. Doctors are afraid to prescribe more than 4 30mg per day of oxycodone when in reality 240- 300 is a. Ormal dose for those taking for a while. When given to people during research amounts will increase and increase and then flatten out to an average of 300 mg per day. That is not to feel high but to relieve depression, pain and any other ailment they may have. I feel so bad for those who cant get what they need and I myself am getting sick of running out, when the dose i need is only 2 measly pills a day but could get the DEA in my doctors business which they have no business doing. God bless all of yall and my advice: read Opium for the masses, bolar and the Opiate cure by Dr. obert Cochran and any book you can find. Read, i form yourself, and speak up to your doctor with info you have found, write letters to your congressman, the medical board in your state. We need to be able to get the help we need. Just because somebody else over did it why do we have to suffer?

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What a nightmare, I was switched from oxymorphone ER to oxycontin er and it was difficult to find it. I thank my pharmacist for looking for it for me AND explaining to them that I am legit and yes they can talk to me over the phone. Of course prior authorization is killing me, I've been without anything for about6-8 days and cant tell if I'm getting sicker, better or just in limbo waiting on all the paperwork to get sorted out. I should have known that anything ending in "morphone" will eventually knock me out and there isnt enough oxycodone in the world to offset the lethargy it creates. Hopefully an ER oxycodone alone with my IR oxycodone will keep me pain free and back at a normal life.

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Your right! We are legitimate patients not druggies and we need to stop whispering "narcotics" or "opiates" its simply medicine! Not to change the subject but some pharmacies have crazy hoops to get syringes yet a diabetic could also be a heoin a ddict and use them so it can get confusing, a friend i ave take 2 benydryl and a beer and goes nuts, back in the fifites they used to eat aspirin with coca cola so why the fuss over our medication? Some folks can always find something to abuse. DEA needs to worry bout who they catch on the street and leave doctors alone.

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They Don't Fill for Ga or Out of State at All ! ! ! !

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Please let me know the name of your doctor or where I can find a GOOD pain management clinic, I've got a lot of pain and serious MRIs any help would be appreciated. {edited for privacy}

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Damn, where does your sentence end

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I agree with you, I have been on kidney dyalasis for years and the machine makes my body hurt so bad after treatments sometime, plus I had a bad motorcycle wreck when I was a teen and now as I am older I have pain in the broke bones from arthritis and I cant find a doctor here that will write me a prescription for a pain med strong enough to stop the pain, welcome to Obama care boys! pissed off in florida

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Good drs in walton rockdale gwinnett ga for pain meds

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Hi I'm havin soo much trouble filling. Would love to usr onlunr pharms. I have a script for 112 15's and gabapentin. Which phatms do you use?? Have a legit script and doctor. I broke my right leg andd right arm a couple of ribs and my neck.

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I'm so glad this never ever happens on Australia . It's absolutely discusting that in America you have to go through all this BS, good luck to all of you , I feel so very sorry for you all.

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what pain clinic did you go to and did it require an MRI? anyone who knows about pain clinic cash only walk in with dispensary please send me the name of the clinic. {edited for privacy}. Thank you for anyone that can help.

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Hi Tommy,

If you can't get your prescriptions filled locally, have you considered opting for an online pharmacy that can ship you your meds? I personally haven't used this method for getting a prescription, but I know there are a handful of sites out there that are safe and legal to order from amongst the swarm of bad ones:

Legitimate online pharmacies that carry the VIPPS seal are listed at:

FDA: Buying Medicines and Medical Products Online
Quick Tips for Buying Online:
* Make sure the site requires a prescription and has a pharmacist available for questions.
* Buy only from state-licensed pharmacies. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacies has more information about licensing and its program to certify online pharmacies.
* Don't provide personal information such as credit card numbers unless you are sure the site will protect them.

Hope this information helps!

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This is a number one red flag. Whether your need is legit or not, if your rx is from one state, your address in another, and you hit a pharmacy in yet another state, that screams user and abuser. No one is gonna fill it.

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@inside person

PREACH! you speak the truth..I work at a legit pain clinic and the physician I work for wouldn't be CAUGHT DEAD prescribing the amount of medications people have told us they're on.

The amount of prescription medication addiction going around today is SICK and it's because of these unethical, sick doctors with no conscious at all. These "physicians" are making DRUG ADDICTS who will be on heroin before we know it.

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Oxycodone can't work was not made for chronic pain. It is HIGHLY addictive. What are you going to do when the 3 or 4 you're prescribed a day don't work anymore? Start taking 5 or 6? Then 7 or 8?...come on people, use common sense. There is a reason the DEA and governmental agencies are cracking down on this. It is not being prescribed the right way.

NEWS FLASH: Oxycodone 30mg and oxycodone 15mg are BOTH breakthrough medications in the way they breakdown and release into your body. Just because one is 30mg and one is 15mg doesn't mean one will outlast the other. Any doctor that tells you otherwise has no business in pain management.

So, you have real pain. You should go to a REAL pain management doctor, not a drug dealer with a script pad. For some of you, it may not be your may have not known better...GET OUT NOW.

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Does anyone realize the DEA specifically states pharmacists have a corresponding responsibility to ensure all controlled substance prescriptions have been written for a legitimate medical purpose. Stop blaming the pharmacists and techs. Pharmacists only get paid when they fill prescriptions. Don't you think they would fill it if there were no repercussions. They aren't playing doctor or God.

My question is where did all these pain patients come from? 25 years ago, before oxycodone 15 and 30mg was invented, this wasn't a problem. Were people just laying in the floor screaming and crying waiting for God to send oxycodone to the world. Nope. Doctors have created addicts and now we are stuck with them. PharmaPurdue lied to doctors in the mid 90s and told the doctors OxyContin wasn't addictive. Doctors over prescribed the drug and started all this crap. The FDA fined PharmaPurdue a couple hundred million but they still made billions. I blame doctors and PharmaPurdue.

Here's a thought. If you are in real pain and have a local doctor, have your local doctor recommend his/her local pharmacist. The dr can call the pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist. They can see to it that you are taken care of. If your doctor is more than about 30 miles from the pharmacy, you can forget it. Pharmacists are too scared to fill for doctors outside their geographical area.

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Hi, I do not think that all the people from Florida are crazy. Question is as I just found out my dr can't write my scripts anymore they received a letter from the cbc I was told. Instead of stupid comments why not try and figure out what we can all do. I have been on pain meds for thirty five years. I have chronic pain 24/7. So now what r they telling us? This is our new medical plan to kill us when we worked so hard to enjoy our retirement years. I can't help it if I was injured many years ago and need these to help me function. I do not abuse them. Yes there r some but what about the people under Drs care and can't write the scripts. This is disgusting. The hospitals r going to be filled with people going through withdrawal, then what and the people making the rules they don't needs pain meds right now.

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hahahahahah i dont know i dont take pain meds but i think physicians determine the diagnose and treat the disease and pharmacists make sure their are no allergic or drug interactions between other medicines or supplements they might be taking. Yes there are bad docs who do illegal things for money, and there are frustrated pharmacists who wont fill an Rx because they want to be the one to write the prescription, but pain pills isnt even on the radar in the field of pharmacology and/or disease (for the majority of professionals)

Either way, if it is the case, that means you go elsewhere

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Controlled substances cannot be mailed or shipped.

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