Fibromyalgia And Lyrica (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was recently put on Lyrica for severe Fibromyalgia pain. It is a nice change from the narcotic pain medications I have been taking but the pain is still intense. Have any other FMS patients seen results from Lyrica?

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cas2cam - my next pain med (when the Percocet stops working) will be methadone. Any problems with it that I should be aware of? My pain has been increasing despite increasing my Lyrica to 450 mg, Fibro sucks!

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I was on methadone for two years after being on percosets for years and it has it's ups and downs...First, start looking for a clinic or doctor now, as a lot of methadone clinics have a long waiting list. when you get on a clinic, be sure to tell them you were on percoset (they will probably start you off on a higher than usual dose because of your tolerance level).
Most will start a person off at about 35 mg.-but they started me at 50 mg. as time went on, I gradually increased my dose to 125. It was wonderful for the pain, but it made me so tired that I was sleeping all the time, which is why I stopped taking it. That was one reason I stopped. The other is because I was sick and tired of having to be up early every morninh to go to the clinic. Your life WILL revovle around your methsdone.
Also, be careful taking other narcotic pain meds while on methadone, as most will cause withdrawal symptoms if taken together.
Last of all-you will have to be carefully weaned off the methadone when you decide to stop, because it is an opiate and is addictive.

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I have had Fibromyalgia for 20yrs. During this time, I have fallen into deep depressions. I have now at last found the best combination of meds for my anxiety, but can't get the pain that comes with Fibromyalgia under control. I want my life back or at least some normality. I don't want to be so doped up on pain meds that I can't function and hold down a job. I take Lyrica and Modanifil. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I've been on neurontin and was at max dose and didn't help and also made me gain over 40lbs in 2 months. I tried Savella but when I tried to increase the dose in the starter pack, I started getting depressed and paranoid so it was stopped. I was already on Lexapro for depression and Klonopin for anxiety, ptsd. Lyrica was interesting. Lol. When I tried to increase the dose over time, I developed hallucinations. I started seeing bugs fly around me and strands of smoke. So that was stopped too. I have fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, occipital neuralgia, neck, mid and low back issues with sciatica, reynaud's and now been diagnosed with central pain syndrome. If you have fibro with other issues, you may have this. Basically, your entire central nervous system has been completely altered to how your body reacts to pain. I can't do inj's. anymore and the only thing that gave me a decent life was high dose opioids which I can't get anymore. All of this crap comes from serving in desert storm. NONE of this runs in either of my family. It's crazy how drs think they know our lives and don't help. I'm trying to find a Dr who specializes in central pain syndrome but it's still in its infancy, so to speak. These new CDC guidelines are only making people who are responsible suffer or kill themselves. How sad that we have a remedy but won't allow it to be used because others abuse it for fun. I know that if you ask all patients in pain management that they enjoy taking opioids, 99% or more would say never but it's the only thing that can give me a life back.

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My friend now has debilitating Fibromyalgia from the neck downwards! She has been prescribed Buprenorphine patches but is still in a lot of chronic pain! Would Metamorphine help her?

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I am diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my neurologist prescribed symgen 30mg. I recently read that the withdrawal symptoms are terrible when you stop. Are there any other meds I can use instead of symgen?

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