Fentanyl Withdrawl Advice
UpdatedThis post is for all of the experts who are trying to give out medical advice to chronic pain sufferers going through the pain and suffering from opiate WD and the PAWS that comes afterwards. How dare you give out advice telling people what to take, to do, and telling them everything will be ok..People have died from opiate WD's No, it is not common, but it happens. People have committed suicide because their PAWS got worse instead of better. Some people get through WD;s fine, some do not. Always give one bit of advice. amd this is it..CALL YOUR DOCTOR, ONLY HE/SHE CAN TELL YOU LEGALLY what you can do to get better. Please listen to your body, If you are getting worse instead of better, something is wrong, and you need medical help. Being sober can be great, but do it in the right way..Don't listen to laymen, only listen to a doctor with an MD after their names, PLEASE
11 Replies
I take it that PAWS means Post Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms, am I right? These acronyms can get confusing. I thank you for your advice on MD I.D. but almost everyone that uses these sites already knows that they aren't getting advice from a Dr. None the less, I always I.D. myself as a non M.D. You are awfully harsh on those that don't, like in your own post, Pat.
I'm going to have to agree with Quincy. I find Pats posts extremely harsh, cold, repetitive, and not helpful. I'm sorry you're so very bitter but everybody knows they are here for support/insight from people who have experience, not from physicians. Some body going through a very tough time- case in point, withdrawal- is looking for inspiration, encouragement, common ground, understanding...And 99% of the people here (minus Pat) are aware that "It will be okay" are simply that- words of encouragement, that said people need to hear, hence the reason most are here. And in all actuality, the ones that aren't looking for that- simply move on, rather than get hostile, negative, and take out of context something that'll meant to help. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I have come here for advice, and one across yet another redundant, inconsiderate, closed-minded, attempt at spirit crushing, all by the same person naturally. Pat you have had few good things to offer, but as for this spewing out your unfortunate events onto others as if THATS the norm, and everyone else is so sick to suggest anything else, is tweaked, and has become extremely old within this entire forum, and quite frankly, not anything that is going to help me, or anyone else who's looking to come off of Fentanyl, and THATS what this forum is. I really am sorry- but this is stressful enough, there is ZERO room here for negativity, to a point that I was sure while reading last night I would eventually come across the admin intervening. I truly hope Pat that you can look at this comment constructively and with an OPEN mind.
Hiya Ruby,
Thanks for clarifying, and supporting, my POV. I, too, come to these sites for support and anecdotal advice from others that have gone through the same pains that I go through. Running across a flamer like Pat really doesn't improve my outlook and certainly doesn't offer me any useful advice.
Am I right in that you are currently going through Fent withdrawal? Here's how this "Non Dr.",lol, did it. I used the slow taper method, decreasing my dosage from 125mcg patches to a 100 mcg patch and then dropped by 25 mcg every 2 months. I used my Rx for #180 (as I remember) Oxycodone 30 mgs as a sort of substitute for the missing Fent opioid. By 6 months I was Fent free and at the same #180 Oxycodone IR 30s. I guess that the 24/7 ER drugs aren't for me. My wife is also disabled and on the FTD 125 I just was too woozy to be behind the wheel. Now I only take the Oxy PRN so that I am able to drive my sweetie to her Dr. appts. and 3 different out-patient surgeries.
I would like to add something about Fentora, FTD's sister IR drug. Due to ordering problems, I just had to go 8 days without my other analgesic, #120 Fentora 600 mcgs. Would you believe that I suffered zero W/Ds? It seems that the oxy is a sufficient replacement for Fentanyl in any form as far as the mu opioid receptors are concerned. So, if you can get you Dr. to Rx you some Oxy IR to see you through the FTD W/Ds I'll bet it will help. I've got cancer (CRPC) and have been on and off Oxy for 6 years. Tapering off of it is a breeze compared to a cold taper off of FTD, I know this from personal experience. Thanks again for taking my back, Ruby . . . Q
Hi Q, I am so very sorry to hear about your cancer, and your wife being so sick as well... I find it really sad, and really heartwarming at the same time, as you have each other and understand what the other is going through... Though I'm sure its twice as trying. God bless you both ♥ As for Pat, I have read these posts for a few days now, looking for answers/insight to my own situation, and this one was just... A hundred way too much. Yes, I am withdrawing from Fentanyl, though at first not by choice . my body has gotten used to being on its prescribed dose of 50 mcg every 72 hours, that I've been on for roughly 2 1/2 months, and after/into the 2nd day for about a month and a half now I am severely fatigued, nauseous, irritable, and anxious. Now that I know how disgusting these patches make me feel, and how awful withdrawal is and will be, rather than make the inevitable worst, I just want to come off of them and return to regular medication. I have had one spinal surgery march 1st of 2012 and need another, have two severely herniated discs, one crushing my S1 nerve root completely, causing severe sciatica. However- after getting really sick and being in bed flat out for a week through Christmas, something has changed with my sciatica and for the first time in two years, its not debilitating! On this patch, part of me thinks I can't gauge whether another surgery is in order as its not like taking oral medication- there's a constant stream of medication. The rest of me thinks if I'm going through withdrawals the patch is doing nothing for those days, so the pain would be more severe. That parts not so important - just background lol. Overall, I'm ready to get off of this thing. I also take 7.5mg oxycodone, 4 times a day, but on the worst days take more. I don't have a very knowledgeable Dr, come to find out, as when I asked him how we would handle coming off the patch when its time he said I should be fine to "just stop taking it". Hence my apprehension and surfing this Site :( I did go to him last week and tell him I found it necessary to wean down, and now, yet since I still had 6 patches on my person he decided to have me wait til they were gone til beginning to wean down. Seriously, he could have had them, and knew it. He's been my doctor for roughly 6 years so he knows me, knows I'm not a junky (I should hopefully lol;) but seems he has to conform with all thats going on. And its insane to me that all these people that DON'T need meds can get them, and sell them, yet the people that need them- can't... Because of these people. That said, I don't feel as though he will give me a higher dose of percs, or even truly know how to handle my withdrawals (what I will be facing) he doesn't like prescribing pain medication, as its his license on the line- is how he looks at it. Hell, he wouldn't even refill my script til we saw each other, then asked what we were there for when I saw him, three days later. Its all for the paper trail apparently, not the patient. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the 7.5 mgs I take now, will be like taking nothing once I step down to the next patch. Your post did give me insight as to the duration of how long you took with each step. I really appreciate you taking the time to share it ♥ It took longer than I expected. I'm happy to hear with the Oxy you didn't suffer withdrawal, and I can see why. Did you adjust the amount you took between the days of the patch? Meaning if the first day was strongest... and actually...it probably wasn't anymore since you went down? I'm just not sure what to tell him to do with my other script(oxycodone) or if its even going to do anything since its such a low dose and between the Fentanyl and the pills I'm on it equals such a high dose. I'm wondering if I'm better off getting referred to a pain clinic. I can't sleep all day and feel this way for months, I'm the only one to take care of our kids and home, as my husband works 6-7 days a week. I am on my own 110% Just want my life back...or as much of it thats left ;) Hugs, Ruby
Hiya Ruby,
Thank you so much for your kind words, I haven't met very many 'nice' people on this site, they all seem to be about their pain and not about helping others, Verwon excepted. Your reply made me think quite a bit . . . perhaps it might be better for you to taper by 12.5 mcgs every month and alternate the days that you apply the patches. In 2 weeks get your Dr. to Rx you 10 25mcgs and 10 12,5 mcgs. You won't need the whole 10 of the 12.5 but just in case. Put the 25 on the 1st day and the 12.5 on the second dat. Then, after 72 hrs, put on the next 25 mcg and the following day remove and replace the 12.5. Keep this up for a month and then drop down to 25 mcgs but in 12.5 mcg alternate doses. If I'm unclear, please tell me. I didn't include this info in my last post but that is how I tapered off. I discussed this with both my oncologist and my psychiatrist and they both concurred, even though I am NOT a Dr. lol If possible, ask your Dr. if, since you are still in pain and decreasing your FTD, if you could increase your BTP Oxycodone to 10 mg 5 times a day, it sure will help.
You are going to need some sort of Opioid to handle your pain after you get off of the FTD. I would start "Interviewing" PMDs while you already have a Dr. Tell him 1st of your plans, perhaps he knows a good one. The 1st thing is that you don't want to appear like a "Dr. Shopper". Write a list of things that you would like to see in a proper PMD and tell the receptionist that you are simply coming in to see if this Dr. willl be able to meet your unique requirements for pain treatments and that you are planning on interviewing him and others on your present Dr'. advice. Don't approach him like a supplicant and he's your last hope, get it? If you live in a large city you might want to consider the American Academy for Pain Medicine, AAPM, website. Just google AAPM and you'll find their easily navigable site. On the 1st page, to the left in a beige border is a list of choices. I believe the 1st is "Find a Dr." The AAPM is an association of PMDs that consider the patient's pain first, their site is full of free abstracts about new treatments. They are definitely not opioidaphobic but neither are they any thing close to a "Pill Mill".
I have a manageable metastasized prostate cancer (mCRPC) as well as Hep-C with, as you already know, a disabled wife. My knowledge comes from deep personal experience and it gives me great pleasure to share it. I strongly feel that the new formulations of ER drugs are NOT to the patient's benefit and that you would be better served, in your mod-severe condition, by the use of IR formulations. They are more easily controlled than the 24/7 patches and pills and they don't stay in your system as long.
You sound like a real straight shooter, Ruby, so you should have no problem with random UASs that PMDs have you sign a contract agreeing to subject yourself to. feel free to respond to me anytime, we are both 'early retired', in our late 50s, and are pretty much home all day so I check my e-mail a lot. Best of luck-Least of pain . . . Q
I'm new here and am scared to death about coming off the fentanyl. I thank you for sharing your story and I'm feeling abit better after reading it. I'm coming off 25 mg fentanyl and am going on 10mg 2x daily as per my doc. I was scared about what to expect and your right, this isn't the place to be negative. I don't know anyone personally who can help me so I reach out to sites like this one. I'm scared enough as it is and reading the negativity and harshness of someone who posted here doesn't help.
I don't know, I am lucky enough to have a dr. that I have had for years, thankfully. she knows what to put me on, and when to increase whatever I'm taking, or put me on something new. I had the fentanyl patch once before, by my pain management dr. I don't know why I went off it, except I had a couple operations at that time, so I guess that was the interruption. I don't remember having any problem going off it. I know this isn't much of any help, but, it can be done, it just takes a dr. knowing you, and your tolerance for meds.i think pain management is good for anyone. you can go on the internet, and find them in your area. hopefully you will find one who will work with you, and taper you off, I can't imagine going off cold turkey, with no other meds to help your pain. this is not a funny thing to go thru, and if you don't get the right dr., it is hard not to feel anger at them. they are the ones with the diplomas, they should know what they are doing, and care about you........
Hello, I have severe chronic pain, FMS, a failed spine surgery, two left arm and hand surgeries. I have been on fentanyl 100 in the past and am now at 50mcg 72 hr for approx 10 months. Dr. Wants me off fentanyl and decided to replace with 30 mg time release morphine 2 x a day. I started Friday and I feel like I want to die. The pain is horrible and the stomachs cramps are something I never dreamed could get this bad. I already take norco 10/325 6 per day and lorazapam max 6 mg per day. Protonix 2x day and zofran 2 evey 4-6 hrs and provigil 100mg 2 x day. I have clonadine for sweating not taking presently for sweating and read it could help with this hell. Any Advice would be greatly appreciated. I also have rx's for tizanidine, flexeril, baclofin, in my drawer plus others i have been taking the tizanidine 2 every 4 to 6 hrs. I Thank you so much for listening and any thoughts you may have that may help me or suggestions to give to my Dr. On. Monday to help ease this horrible pain? I truly thank you in advance for any help.
I used a 2mg clonodine patch to come off of 120mg oxycontin and 60 mg roxicodone a day. The patch itself makes much of the withdrawl easier and keeps your bp down. Now if your doctor allows this, the clonodine will make you really tired and you need to moniter your bp. After 3-4 days I went to a 1mg then a maintenence dose of 10 mg norco 4 times a day.
I also took a low lebel anti deppresant for anxiety and that heed a bunch. There are more comfortable days and bad days. One of my biggest problems was hydration and the headache of withdrawl. Also, you can have simialar withdrawls from zanaflex. That one almost hurt me....bad. I ended up weaning off by slowly reducing the dose but if I need sleep I can take a 4 mg and lights out. Peace to you all this is what a medical prof. Did for me and I am not a doctor but it help3d a bunch.
Right on!!! I almost DIED from withdrawals from dilauded. I crashed like a junkie. I ended up in the ER where they shot me back up with dilauded and put a 25 mcg fentanyl patch on my arm. When I finish my cervcal cancer treatment the plan is to go to a pain clinic to tapper off. When I crashed I felt like I was in hell alone with Satan. I don't recommend dealing with withdrawals alone. Call your doctor. Or go to the ER if you are in trouble.
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