Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more.

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Whatever, I am still off the patch. I decided to go cold turkey. No weaning. OK, not so cold turkey because I am still taking the hydrocodone for pain. I'm taking 30mg twice a day now. During the first couple of days though I did take a couple more each day. It's doable. I'm proof it isn't so bad for everyone. And I'm not condoning going cold turkey off any meds for anyone. You should always talk to your Dr first. (sigh.. I had to put in that disclaimer) I'm just here to share my story and show that there are indeed people who've taken this drug for a long time, decided it's not worth it, and quit. Just freaking quit. No imodium, no cold medicine, no funky herbs. I just quit. I WAS uncomfortable for a couple days but, no horror story here. Is it luck? I dunno. I've never had an ounce of luck in my life so I doubt it. I just wanted to be awake more during the day MORE than I wanted to be sleeping. For me, it's that simple. Huge hugs to you Whatever and Quincy and to whomever find a little hope within my post.!!

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I'm on Medicare and have chronic thoracic spine agony. Both knees shot and nowadays you have to sign the medicare Narcotics Agreement which basically means that your Dr. can stain your reputation so badly that it becomes impossible to get medication anywhere. The prevailing sentiment being that if you violate the contract(whether you really did, or not), you don't DESERVE medication. Why do they not do this to heart patients? Ever hear of anyone being denied blood pressure meds? How about AIDS patients? No matter what they do they still all seem to deserve relief from what makes their lives unbearable. If you have chronic agonizing pain, you're probably just another lying dope fiend out for a high. Which Fentanyl does NOT provide. I just want it to hurt less.

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I sign that Agreement every year. If you need the meds, you will follow the rules. It is just that simple. There are too nany people abusing pain management in a variety of ways. If you follow all the rules, you won't have a problem. Remember, they have heard it all. So, buck the system in any way and you are right...you are out of the program. There is no reason not to follow the rules. The drs are there to help you. Don't fight them!

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First, let me say that II very much appreciate the feedback, responses, and suggestions, even those that I don't agree with. I'm 43 and I'm certainly not a physician, but I know my body better than anybody else, and I probably have more first hand experience with the Fentanyl patches than just about any other living soul in the country if not the world, since they had only been approved for use in the U.S. by the FDA not too long before my accident in 2003. That's not a record/achievement I'm happy to have or to hold, but it is what it is.

Shelby, while the patches may claim to last 72 hours, that's only initially, before your body builds up an inevitable resistance to them over the months and years. Most people don't use them long enough to build up that resistance, either because they die of their terminal disease within the first year or two, or their medical issues get resolved and they manage to get off of them. Mine was an extreme case, as I had countless broken bones and massive internal injuries, and although I was absolutely not expected to survive, with some luck and a whole lot of hard work by countless dedicated doctors and nurses, I pulled through.

Having been on the patches so long, initially on the name brand Duragesic patches which have the mucus filled pouch, and for the last 4-5 years the Mylan brand generics, I'm acutely aware of what my body feels like when I start to suffer withdrawal symptoms. After 10 years, if I were to change 2 patches per my prescription, those withdrawal symptoms would start around the 36 hours mark (hot flashes and dull stomach pain), and I'd feel pretty darn crappy at 48 hours. At least 1/4 of my life would be spent completely miserable. If I were still changing them every 72 hours as per my initial prescription 10 years ago, by day 3 I would have pretty serious withdrawals in the form of stomach pain/cramps, pretty much incapacitating me. The best thing I ever did to reclaim my quality of life, was to switch from changing 2 patches every 48 hours (my current prescription for the last several years), to one patch every day, providing a much more even dose instead of the hills and valleys I would experience, even though I was still giving my body a total of 200Mcg every 48 hours. So while it is printed on the packaging and the thick instruction booklet in each box that the patches are supposed to last 72 hours, that is NOT the case once your body has built up a resistance to the drug over an extended period of time. Ironically and unfortunately, as with most of us who have been on these for a long time, it's not even so much the pain relief that we care about, it's the withdrawal symptoms which CREATE pain that we're trying to avoid.

Now, as to cutting the patches, the reason that was initially warned against, was because for years there was only one type of patch, the name brand Duragesic patches which had the mucus filled reservoir. You absolutely could not cut those patches. The generic Mylan brand is nothing more than a strip of clear tape which has the Fentanyl embedded in it. There is absolutely no reason why anyone can't or should not cut this style of patch if there's a really good reason for them to need to do so. There are no sterility issues, as the patches are going to get affixed on to your skin anyway. Obviously for legal reasons, doctors wouldn't want you to do that and would never advise you to do so, simply because of the absurdly litigious society we live in nowadays. If they advised a patient for whatever reason, to cut their patches in half, and the patient cut it to the wrong size which led to some sort of issue, they'd be afraid of getting sued. I'm more than capable of cutting something in half and getting it within a couple percent. Much more than a few percent ends up peeling up around the edge and not sticking to my skin sometimes, so a few percent of 50mcg isn't going to make a huge difference one way or another.

As far as the initial drop from 200Mcg down to 100Mcg, yes that is a rather large and abrupt change, but at any time if I experienced really unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, I could simply put one or both of the other halves on. If I were changing both of my patches every 48 hours I know I would not have been able to do this without experiencing pretty nasty withdrawals, but since I change one patch every 24 hours, it really hasn't been too bad. Basically the first 16-18 hours each day I'm fine, and the last 6-8 hours I have some mild stomach pain/discomfort, but that's been improving slightly with each day that I've been on this 50% reduced dosage. The first 5-7 days were the worst, but at no point were they really severe. Mostly just dull stomach pain the latter half of each 24 hour period, and pretty noticeable loss of appetite, which has been slowly improving.

As I said, I'll stay at this 100mcg/48 hours dosage for at least a few weeks (getting close to 2 weeks now I think), perhaps a month before I try stepping down again to either 75mcg/48 hours or 50mcg/48 hours (I'll probably try 50 first and see if I can handle it without any severe withdrawals). I will look into the Clonidine to help with some of the withdrawal symptoms. Again, I appreciate the responses and support from everyone, whether I agree with everything or not. This is a very personal battle each of us that's been on these patches has to go through, and we each have our own unique bodies and our own way of doing things, but certainly there are a few guidelines and suggestions that are helpful for almost everybody that has to go through this. That's why I found my way here, like many others. I can't stand Gatorade, but I'll take into consideration some of the suggestions that have been made about vitamins, Gatorade, etc., primarily when people are at the end stage of coming off the patches (a place I don't expect to be at for quite a while still).

My goal is to try and get off of these within 3-4 months, and personally I think that's doable and fairly reasonable. I've quit a VERY high dosage of Dilaudid cold turkey (the maximum dose the hospitals can give you every 4 hours), after being on it for over 30 days on at least two separate occasions. It was hell on earth but I survived, and without any support or medication to assist me. I also had a half a pack a day smoking habit and quit cold turkey on a whim. Never took another puff and that was 14 years ago. It's hardly the same as Fentanyl dependency, but the smokers out there know that mentally and to a lesser extent physically, they're in the same ballpark ;). In short I'm pretty strong willed and can overcome just about anything, but this will certainly be one of the bigger challenges I've faced in life, which seems pretty ridiculous after the horrific things I've been through in the wake of my accident.

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Four years on fentanyl patch, four lost years of sweating, restlessness, night mares uneasiness"s and a trip to emergency because I didn't get my prescription soon enough talked to my doctor about it she said I needed it my wife said I needed it. I call it the devil patch because I have been in Hell for four years. But no more,I talked with my pain doctor, told her I have had enough get me off from it. Pain yes I have it. Three fractured vertebras osteoarther tea of the spine, and parkinson"s which amplifies every thing. So now I am on day 6 of cutting back to thirty seven she has me on a program of cutting back slowly, should take eight to 10 weeks I tried cold turkey lasted two days. So I ask myself will cutting back slowly work. I say yes I am determined to make it work. After six days I feel better mentally I know it will be hard to do alone as the wife thinks I am crazy, this is one time she is wrong

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Very quick update:

Roughly 3 weeks after cutting my prescription dosage in half, from 200mcg/48 hours (technically 100mcg/24 hours since it always worked better for me), down to 50mcg/24hrs, my body is definitely acclimating to the 50% reduced dosage. Much of the first couple weeks was spent with mild to moderate dull stomach pain and almost no appetite, but my appetite is slowly improving and I have very little stomach discomfort now. I pretty much feel about the same as I did when I was on 200mcg/48hrs. I'll stay at this dose for at least another week or perhaps a little longer, since I haven't been able to eat much at all the last few weeks and I can't keep reducing my dosage for 2-3 months and never having an appetite. There are a million appetite suppressants on the market readily available at any corner store, but not a single appetite stimulant for people that have medical issues. I'll drop back in and post when I start the next step of my Fentanyl reduction.

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My Yorkie chewed an old, used one, but only for a second because I snatched it out of her mouth. I watched her like a hawk for an hour but apparently she didn't really get any in her system. After that, I inspected my room and bathroom constantly for fallen patches. I'm not on them anymore but if anyone is, and has pets or small children, lock the patches up and keep up with your count diligently.

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I'm so excited to say that after 7 years I am 19 days Fentanyl patch free! Hallelujah. I can't describe the joy and freedom I feel. I go next week to my pain Dr and he is going to flip! He was expecting dropping to the next dose, wearing that dose for a few months, then jumping off to Suboxone. I said no way! He didn't have any faith in my tapering method and he said so, but I believe he thought he'd humour me. I can't wait for my appt with him next week. Going to thank him for being so wonderful, tell him I won't be needing him anymore and get my last script of hydrocodone. I'm down to half a day and one .25 of xanax every couple of days. I'm done with this hamster wheel! I feel better every day and haven't been this happy in years!
I'm thrilled to see so many of you enduring the agony it takes to be free. Hang in there everyone. Its SO hard, by its SO worth it! Those patches IMO should only be prescribed for end-of-life situations!

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Oh Sandra I'm so sorry to hear how sick you were. How very scary for you and your family. Fentanyl is so horrible!
I so appreciate your advice going thru this. I do see a nutritionist, I had to find a more natural route a long time ago. I do not think I would be alive without her. She uses your bodies muscle for testing your body, to see what I need. She has helped me tremendously with my health and even emotional trauma. She's my earth angel I swear.
I feel like I have the flu right now. Sweaty, weak, nausea, etc....ugh!!
I personally got off fentanyl after over 16 years because the side effects of excessive sweating and weakness that were both debilitating.
For many years I thought it was hormones (complete hysterectomy in my early 30's) until I kept getting really sick all the time. Terrible headaches and flu symptoms that would knock me down a couple days every week. Looking for answers I found out that most likely it was the fentanyl.
The sweating has definitely improved, but I have been pretty much down for the last 3 months at least. Woke up this morning feeling pretty bad.
My poor husband has been so patient, I feel so bad right now, not much of a life. I broke my arm very badly and had to have surgery to put it back together last September. I have felt terrible since then. I think another reason I feel I have been in bed the last 9 months. After arm surgery I got the flu going around, then sinus infection and pneumonia. My mom passed away a year ago, worst year of my life with everything.
Did your Drs give you any help at all?
They put you on these drugs with no way to get off of it.
When I was put on fentanyl I had almost 25 years of joint destruction, before there were any biologics for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I take Enbrel now. Because of the joint damage I had over 20 surgeries in a 10 year period. Only pain control that worked was the fentanyl, which dose at times was 200mcg every 48 hrs. I usual, non surgery dose was 75mcg.
Just knowing I'm not alone and what I'm going thru is what others have experienced reduces my fears of all I'm going thru that feels like no end in site!
Thank you so much!!! . Karen

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Life Saver- you are correct that Fentanyl was the medication named in Prince's autopsy report. However, legally only one drug is listed when an autopsy reveals multiple drugs in an autopsy. Fentanyl was a prescribed drug. It's much more "appropriate" to blame the OD death of a talented and loved musician on prescription meds than other drugs or a mix of drugs. The death of Prince and the surgeon general have made the war on drugs specifically a war on fentanyl. For a small number of patients that have explored many options fentanyl is the only pain med that works. This is even after DNA cheek swab evaluations for alternatives. Everyone's liver breaks down medications at different levels. Some people cannot take other medications. Sadly there is no one size fits all pain medication plan. Maybe medical marijuana should be a solution in all 50 states. I just need to work full time and care for my family. I wasn't able to do so on any other medication. I will suffer pain of detox as soon as I retire. I have fought pain for 20 years, with 2 left to go I will fight to stay on my current meds.

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I am feeling so much better today. I'm still on 12mcg patch every 3 days, but plan to keep my next one on for 4-5 days and then stop all together. My goal is to have the whole business done in 2 months( by Aug 5th). I'm right on track. Still restless at night and not sleeping too soundly. I think I should start my exercise routine again. I have felt so down I basically quit in June.
Thanks for comments, everyone. Please share more, you who have written in recently: Silverfox,Mauigirl, Beingblessed, Mary.
I look forward to seeing how everyone is doing and what is working.

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Hi Jackie and Happy Girl

I am 4 months off the patch ( started at 100mg, Plus oxycotin for breakthrough pain. My taper consisted of an immediate reduction of the oral opiates to 0 from 40 mg a day, then after three days, a reduction to 75 mg (3 25 patches) held for three days then 50 , then 25 mg. I had off the chart high blood pressure starting at the 25 mg, was given neurontin, clonipin, and an over the counter pain med. Also benedril at night for the insomnia. Restless leg syndrome can keep you awake, but it all go away! I asked for miraplex, but stopped taking it because the side effects were scary. I just wantg off all meds!!! Had also been perscribed Valium for spasms, but became tolerant and now am having more withdrawal symptoms from the benzos than the opiates!
Anyway, I was on suboxone 2 mg for 3 more days then jumped off.
Suboxone is not so great! it did not ease the withdrawal. Full on flu sym. For about 4 more days, then after the diarhea stopped, I was off the patch and all opiates!!
This was a detox center in Palm Springs Ca. It's calledMichaels House, and I can not recommend it, as it was for addicts, A A style. If you were put on meds by a doc and didn't abuse, you are an accidental addict, medically dependent...
Life is better staying away from all prescription drugs... Docs get you hooked like a drug dealer because they are uninformed.
Even nerontin has bad w/d side effects.
So my way was, just get off the stuff, eat clean, get help with dealing with pain through mindfulness ( read Pema Choldron)
chi gong, massage, being kind to yourself and others. Exercise in water if you can. Willpost more later

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Being blessed. I hate to say this, but you haven't even started to go through the bad withdrawls yet. Being dependent on a drug has nothing to do with Jesus or your faith. If you are truly a chronic pain patient and hate what you are taking ask for a different opiate, you can;t just quit thinking Jesus will take it away,. Do a google on PAWS...That can last for months or in some cases (like mine) years. I control my pain with methadone and it is a miracle drug. It is also very unwise at your age (I am also your age) to do this w/o your docrtors knowledge,YOU CAN DIE FROM WITHDRAWLS. I will really wish you my best thoughts

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Maui Girl..Not everyone can live their lives the way you have. SOme of us need opiates to live normal lives, it isn;t right to tell anyone how they should or shouldnt live. And there is no thing as an accidental addict. There is addiction and there is dependence. Anyone who is a chronic pain sufferer will become dependent, but they will not be an accidental addict. And please don't assume all doctors are drug pushers like yours was, Most doctors care about their patients lives and they want them to live normal lives. Why do you think that GOD made opiates??? If you can live drug free good for you, but don't tell other patients they can do what you did. We are not you. And I am speaking for myself, I would no more want to live in horrible pain than anyone else. Sounds to me like you may have some issues you need to work on

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I'm proud of you, Jemmy, for going through with quiting the patch. We really did do the weaning off at the same time and pace. You had to get off twice the dose I was on when we started.
I too have the leg thing at night. It keeps me awake and in semi-sleep. I still feel like the end is near.
My overall feeling of health and wellbeing has increased so much.
My back pain is tolorable, especially when I consider the alternative: A life of dependance on chemicals.
Thanks for all the encouraging posts.

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Dave. Thank you so much for your post. I see it as one of the most honest I have seen. You have realized that most addicts like us started out as chronic pain sufferers. I started with dihidrocodeine (synalgos DC) in 1972 for dysmenorrea. By 1979 I was a fulltime heroin addict because it was cheaper and easier than finding a doctor to believe that I was in pain..I never have used fentyal, and only heard about it a few years ago, but it sounds like some scary stuff to me..I wish you all of the best, and please keep writting about your experiences so the people who are in WD's know what they are up against and also that they aren't alone.. I was going to be a pharmasist, guess it was a good thing I didn;'t finish...Whatever pharmacy I worked for would have been emptied out the first day......Thanks again, and my best to you..


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To Happy Girl..I realize this is about Fentanayl WD's however when people give dangerous suggestions it is anyones duty to tell that person who may be hurt by that suggestion to seek out a doctors opinion, You aren't a doctor and I have been through opiate WD's and fent is no different than any other long acting opiate, If I feel that you or anyone else is giving out advice that can hurt or worse to someone I will step in, You don't run this board.. I know people who have died from opiate WD's Do you??
Pat..BTW, if you have something to say, say it to me,

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Hawaiian boarn..The doctor does have a legal oblagation to taper him, but unfortunatly doctors arent always ethical nor do they give a darn about us. I was cut off of some very dangerous medications to go cold turkey. I wasn't abusing them, but I couldn't pay my whole bill off at once so he dropped me as a patient. AFTER BEING IN HIS CARE FOR OVER 10 YEARS. I was cut off of benzos which may in fact kill me when I run out. I am suing him right now. The paperwork is in and hopefully he will lose his liecense for medically knowing he could kill me. Don't always think doctors have your best interest at heart, they don't. To the poster who is being cut off, file a suit ASAP. It is time these doctors who think they are God be put out of business..

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I know people mean well, but there are addicts who have been on opiates for so long that they are incapable of ever being 100% drug free. I am one who says try everything to stay clean, but it after a long time the PAWS doesn'r go away and it isn't working for you, then there is no shame in using pharmacuticles with your doctors help and permision. None of us has the right to make a statement like youre body WILL heal itself. For some people that is not possible. My best friend shot his brains out with a 44 magnum because people made him feel like a failure for not being able to stay opiate free. For him, death was better. so please don't tell people how things happen when you don't know. Opiate addiction is a different monster, and some people CAN'T live W/O them, and there is no shame in that. I am so happy you found peace with yourself and are able to be abstinant, for others it isn't peaceful. it is a living Hell on earth. that is what it was for me. I am not ashamed of that. I would no sooner tell you that you need opiates, so why would you tell a person you dont know that they can do it. Only that person and their doctor can answer that.. What happenns one day if you have an accident or need major surgery? are you going to have surgery with a local and take motrin for pain? Good luck finding a doctor who will treat you. People have died from shock due to pain. I know you are sincere. but please do some serious reading on opiate long term abstinance and then look at both sides of the fence. There are 2 sides to every story


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I had to take him back to detox yesterday. He was going down hill fast. He was there too short of time in the beginging. His heart was racing and still is, they are concerned. He will be in a tleast three days this time. they said the way he was using the 50's was more like jumping off a 125,. He needs prayers. He had a boom droped on his back from a crane, Has been on fent. for 6 years, thought it was 5. It was really screwing him. I am really praying, we have a long Rd ahead. He is only 44. The surgery was 4 electic needles to deaden his nerves. Do not know if it worked yet, too many things going on . I'll keep you posted. Every ones opion is valid here. These frugs have a life of their own a nd it so different for each person. Yhat I an learning.. THANK YOU ALL!!! Sam

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