Fentanyl Withdraw
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i have had 2hrs sleep in 2 days have been on fentanyl patch 2mg for 8mths and have none left and cannot get in to docs til 1st feb have had chronic back and neck spasms cramps twitches and sneezing nearly all the symtoms they decsribe how long does this take to get out of the systom doc never said this would happen at my wits end

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I am hating it for you bro you are in for a ride. I have been on vics, percs, opana, methadone, embedda, morphine, and the so great fentanyl. I have been on this meds for around three years. I have some savere back issues that causes me to get those meds. Withdrawal from fentanyl is the worst to withdrawal from. I also have a really bad dependency problem and it has just been hell for me and my family for the last like 5 months. I have been on 100 mcg fentanyl patch every 48hr and 30 mg I/R oxycontin three times a day for around 6 months. I gradually went from 25mcg to 100mcg. Well each month i went up 25 mcg and i always had my breakthrough meds. I have tried probably 3 times to come off cold turkey. One time i succeded with suboxon which is bupernorphine and naloxone which is for withdrawal. It work mericales for me. I was on 24mg one time a day. The average is between 8 and 16 mgs so that should tell you were i was. Wanting to just end it all. So then 3 months later they called me and told me they were stoping the program. So then the only i thought about was my pain meds and f'ed up and went back. So now i am on my first day of withdrawal again and not turning around. I feel pretty decent so far. I have bad stomach cramps, reslent, and no energy really. I feel 500 times better this time then i did the first time. I also take supplements for things and it seems to be helping alot. I recommend not to withdrawal if you are taking alot and try to just stop on your on. You need some form of meds like clonidine and valium or kalonipine. Valium and kalonipine is good for things like anxiety and resletsless. Clonidine is for blood pressure. They say they help but when i was doing really bad nothing helped but opiates. Now it is all good. The best thing to do is just stop or go on something different. I am out but good luck to everyone.

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Even if you don't abuse a medication and only use it as prescribed, your body will still get used to having that substance on a regular basis and stopping abruptly can result in some withdrawal effects, this is called dependency. It can happen with anything from your morning cup of coffee or orange juice, as well as medications.

Your prescription should be for enough patches to last you through to your next doctor's appointment and each patch lasts for 72 hours (3 days), so a one month supply would be 10 patches. Is there something that caused you to run out early or delayed your new appointment?


If you symptoms get severe and seem dangerous, then you should go to your nearest emergency room and they will be able to help you.

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Hate to tell you Elle, but you are in for a ride. W/D symptoms of Fenanyl can last for weeks. Are you having a problem with keeping them on, have they been falling off, is that why you are running short. There are bio-oclusive bandages named Tegaderm or Opsite you can place over the patch that will keep it on. I have never heard of a 2mg patch. Are you sure? They come in 25mcg,50mcg,75mcg,12.5mcg and 100mcg. This amounts are released per hour so I guess the total of the 25mcg would be a total of 2.5mg for a total patch. Do you have any B/T pain meds you can take to suppliment these w/d's you are having. Sorry nothing will help. Maybe you can plead with your doc and tell him they keep coming off, I don't know....good luck...keep in touch and tell me how it is going.

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