Fentanyl Sweating (Page 3)
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I am a 33 yr old woman being treated by Pain Mgmt Dr. for chronic pain as a result of 3 failed elbow surgeries and nerve damage. My current dosage is 50mcg/hr every 48 hrs with up to 4 oxycodone per day for break through pain. I know the patch is suppose to be a good medication for pain control, but I am really considering asking to change to a different medication because of the sweating problems I have on the Fentanyl and I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I am constantly drenched sinced I have been on the patch. Dr tried hytrin to control sweating, but all that did was cause me to bloat. I tried HRT for a year to see if that would help...no luck, still sweating. I sleep with only a sheet over me and window open at night and still wake up soaked from sweat. If I do any physical activity at all I am drenched. The patch does seem to control the pain well, but I can't deal with beads of sweat rolling down my head all the time and my family is always freezing because I get so warm. Am I doing something wrong? I wear the patch on my upper chest, I use a tegaderm patch over it. I've tried the Mylan brand and now use the SanDoz brand. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I don't want to live my life in pain, but I can't take the sweating issue anymore!!! Is there a different medication that is time released like the Fentanyl Patch? My DR is a nice man, but doesn't always explain things too well and I don't have anyone to talk to about this. Thanks for listening.

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I mean hydromorphone is the key to less hot flahes (what I call them) the Dr called them "flushing" listed under side effects.

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My advice to you i myself dont have chronic pain .bit it my day when i was doing 4. 100Mcg.about everyday i sweated like a pig .the more my tolerance went up the less sweating i had.now on the other hand if you choose to stop all at once trust me you will miss those sweats.if its to strong try oxymorphone,which is just as well and effective and just as strong.if your not familiar. With the dr term its brand name is opana.i hope shed some light!

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Hi! Are you sure that it isn't the oxycodone making you sweat? I was on it for 1 year and couldn't stand the sweats I would have drenched hair about 30 min after taking 10mg, it was embarrassing felt like my head was on fire and sweating, I switched to hydro codone and dilaudid and that stopped and works great for pain!

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I was on oxycodone 10-325 4 to 6 a day for years for chronic pain .my dr just put me on patch 25 mg every three days.will I withdrawal is I just stop taking the oxycodone. And start right on the pain patch.and
Please someone help I'm scared never been on the match before.im planning to fill my script for patch in morning but I have too stop the oxycodone .is this safe too just switch meds will I be oka

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Omg.... I have the same issue and need terry cloth or Egyptian cotton to help w cold painfull sweats. I've been on fentanyl (from 100mcg-37.5 mcg) over the past 4 years. I have also been on dilauted for break through pain off and on. My sweating has been so intense that it has caused anxiety, depression, humiliation and caused me to stop going in public. Drs have been NO help through it all until recently I found new pain management dr that could give me actual onsite on it... Not only does the fentanyl cause profuse sweating but when we heat up and sweat it causes the patch to release medication at uneven rates. So if u wear it for 72 hrs u may have lost most the medication within first 24hours. This can throw ur body into withdrawal and possibly overdose if ur body can not handle the dose released to quickly. Because I have been on higher doses I knew what it felt like to be over medicated. When I sweat and receive uneven dose I can feel over medicated at times and in horrible pain from lack of mess at others. I am currently wheeling off fentanyl and am down to 25mcg. I feel crudy, exhausted, edgy but I pray the end result will stop this sweating madness. I'm only 35 yrs female and I want my life back. I want to do my hair and make up and go somewhere without changing clothes when I arrive. I'm at the end of my rope dealing with sweating like a waterfall for no reason and at anytime.

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I'm very sorry that you're going through this. None of us wish it on anyone else. I've written a long post that I'd like to post here & I believe it will help you also.

Now I'm not a doctor & I don't pretend to be & I certainly don't know your medical history but I'd like to comment on a few things that you wrote. I'm hoping that you're off the Hytrin. I'm surprised your doctor put you on it. It's normally for men who have prostate problems & high blood pressure. If you're on any type of blood pressure medicine you need to be watched closely because excessive sweating can cause dangerously low blood pressure. While Hytrin does reduce sweating it's only when it's caused by an anti-depressant.

One of the great things about the Fentanyl Patch is that it has wonderful pain control & eliminates or drastically reduces the need for breakthrough pain pills. Hopefully your doctor stressed how importanr it is to be on a strict 'every 6 hrs' schedule for the Oxy. I don't know your dosage or whether it has acetaminophen but 4 Oxy a day just seems like a lot to take while on the Fentanyl patch. Again, I'm not a doctor. Way back they put me on HRT, just to see, men! argh!! I asked him if he ever read my chart because I'd had a hysterectomy at 28 & menopause was long over. I did like that the HRT increased my bra size lol a little twinkle in my gloomy day. I took myself off after the report came out about the cancer increase.

I hope you get leveled out & I hope the following info can help you. Take care - Tammy

I've been on 100mcg/72 hrs for almost 15 yrs & I too deal with extreme sweating. Recently my doc added 1 Percocet a day which is Oxycodone & Acetaminophen 10-325 for breakthrough pain. In all honesty I sometimes need 2 & it's probably time to increase my patch dose. I have 6 fractured vertebrae, severe & very painful osteoporosis, 5 herniated discs, a bone spur, Fibromyalgia, 48 degrees scoliosis & Arnold Chiari Malformation.

I've been paying close attention to my emotions & activities around the sweating episodes & have realized that getting upset when it happens makes it worse. I've come to the conclusion that any strong emotion can trigger it. I also found that remaining calm & taking deep breathes will stop it. These activities help to stabilize the ANS.

The ANS controls things we don't think about like blood pressure, heartrate, breathing, digestion, AND sweating. The ANS has a direct relationship with pain, anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration & the Fentanyl patch. The ANS doesn't cause pain but it can make the pain chronic. The next time you have a sweating attack notice if your heart is beating faster. If so it's your ANS at fault. The Fentanyl causes a change in the way your ANS works with your brain. Most of my research said the sweating won't stop even after we stop using the patch. It said there were permanent chemical changes in the brain caused by the Fentanyl. My pain doctor agreed.

I found a pdf you can use to talk to your doctor. It discusses what drugs cause hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), hypohidrosis (little or no sweating), and how to possible correct the problem. There are several treatment suggestions for your doctor to try.

I was surprised when it said Fentanyl causes Histamine to be increased in the body. That makes sense as I itch like crazy. It's very deep inside & it's maddening. It also says Histamine causes sweating. It looks like there are several ways to fix these issues. (Please don't run out & buy Benadryl without talking to your doctor. Benadryl can make you very sleepy & can react poorly with Fentanyl)


The International Hyperhidrosis Society has a section for adults, teens & doctors. It also has a doctor finder section.


This site lightly discusses the effects of too much histamine on your body.


I'm excited as this is the closest I've come to a "cure." Good luck everyone! Let me know how it goes for you

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Hey Susan
I've written a large post & hopefully the moderator will post it under Mich 1 above. Please read it. I think it will help you. I think going off of the patch is a mistake. It's the best medicine for pain because there are no ups & downs & if you take it correctly there are no drugged feelings. The chills & the sweating are a hassle & they wear on your sanity but I believe I found some info that can help.
Good luck - Tammy

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Hey San,

I've written a long post for everyone that I'll try to post at the top of the page. I wanted to personally say a few things to you. I too have made laundry a hobby. Since I don't want to destroy my clothes ny running them through the dryer too much I put up several clotheslines. I know it doesn't make sense but the clothes I line dry absorbs my sweat better (yuck) than the ones I put through the dryer. I don't have cafans, which is a great idea, but I do have light weight dresses that have saved me. I have to wear a serious back brace which is very hot. It's scratchy so I have to wear an undershirt. Even inside it's just too hot. I splurged & bought several Victoria's Secret bathing suit top that are just gorgeous. If you wait until their twice a year sale the prices are better than WalMart. Seriously! Anyway, I cut the straps off the undershirt so it fits under the brace, wear the bathing suit top with shorts & I can survive the day. I like the tops better than the dresses because they dry completely overnight. If it's too bad I warn everyone that it's "France" at my house & if they can't handle topless they'd better stay away lol. A girls' gotta survive! San please read my other long post. I think it will help you. I think I'm going to post it under Mich 1. You take care of yourself.

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Sadly it comforts me to hear someone else say they thought they were going to burn up. I swear those people who were spontaneously combusted must have been on Fentanyl. It's a terrible feeling.

My mom is 76 & has watched me go through all the pain, procedures, & various doctors. She's always been rather straight so I was shocked when she asked if I had considered cannabis for the pain. I think she finally realizes how much I hurt.

My best to you & I hope your plan works. - Tammy

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I too have been on the same dosage for 2 years. I'm 47 and have, for the past year experienced excessive sweating. For me, I also get terrible chills as well. My doctor says it I'd a common adverse reaction. She is slowly tapering me off of the patch. I'm still having the same symptoms, and now noticing more pain. We are going to discuss alternatives when my body is detoxed.

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Yes, the sweating is driving me crazy. It never gets better, I kept hoping with time side effects decrease as the drs love to say, but, no go. Years now. Drains me totally of any energy I might have, which is precious little due to pain levels. As others have said, the fentanyl is the best med for pain control for me and I think I have tried them all. I hate to say misery loves company, but reading these posts has made me feel better, just in the sense of not feeling alone in my struggle. Tammy, you made me laugh about color coordinating your sweat rags to your clothes! Hang in there! I have simply given up underclothes myself. What's the point? Adds heat and damp trapping layer, who needs it? Since I can't function well from pain and no longer can work, I live in open, airy cotton caftans that I soak thru, hang to dry, wear another, soak thru, hang to dry. If I am lucky the first might dry by the time the second gets soaked. Or I introduce a third into rotation. Plus I spend a large portion of my life naked in front of a fan. My caftan collection has grown, but I recently had to purchase 3 more since the laundry so quickly piles up and I was running out of clothes. It's summer now so at least I don't cycle thru the hot then freezing routine. Just hot to bearable for a while. I've been searching for an answer or at least an explanation of WHY this occurs, but medical consensus is best summed up in a statement I read, "the causes are not well understood". Evidently there are many meds that cause sweating, including my thyroid, blood pressure, amitryptiline, and oxicodone. Maybe the fentanyl was the tipping point? If I could stand the pain I would stop. Right not it's just down to being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Tammy, I agree to document the number, duration, intensity of sweating and talk to your dr again. Maybe you can do better on another med. But do not let him minimize your problem. The best thing I do is to have my husband with me for every single dr appt. drs talk to you MUCH better when there is a third party present, friend, family, whoever can reinforce the reality of the symptoms and the intensity of the problems. Milo, great point about acetaminophen! After years of taking Vicodin, then Norco,(which worked SO poorly) my husband researched the acetaminophen issue. How can drs justify damaging your liver that way when they know the effects, but just don't want to write a stronger prescription? And are constantly told how poor pain control they offer? Okay, I will stop ranting now! If anyone finds anything that helps with the sweating, please post!

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See #15 below. It was my very first post ever on May 2nd and I decided then to go off the patch. I was burning up and sweating 95% of the time, I was even afraid to move or I would sweat. I could never sleep any more finally hitting my nervous system so bad I almost broke down. My nerves got so frayed from being on the patch, which is now considered a side effect that the doctors don't tell you about, and thankfully I am now down to my last 4mcgs. from cutting the patch up. Two and a half months later from Winnie off of the patch I am now 95% sweat free. Thank you Jesus! I'm done! Get off of it when you can and very slowly.

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Please excuse my reply if you find the tone "bossy." My intention is not lo be bossy but Italy come across that way!

I recommend you have someone (or you) record a meltdown event w a smart phone. Maybe several meltdowns! Hopefully you can get them recorded from beginning through to the end, stating the date and time as you progress through it so the doc can see and know how it comes on, how long it takes to progress, and just how miserable you get.

It would be good to also record every meltdown on a calendar, noting time of day, what you had been doing/eating just prior, etc to track if there is any "trigger" or pattern. Perhaps the details should be recorded on a separate sheet so as to not muddle up the calendar, but definitely record the time of meltdown on the calendar so there is a quick overview of the occurrences. If your meltdowns vary in intensity, record a rating from 1-10 on the calendar.

Perhaps you will notice a pattern or a "trigger" to the events which you can point out to your doc. I would do it for a month or so or longer, however long it takes to get a real overview of the meltdowns. Then take a pic of the finished calendar and email the pic and video to the doc requesting a follow-up appointment after his/her review. At your follow-up appointment, bring the videos and a copy of your calendar with you, along with a copy your detailed list (noting any pattern you may have noticed), and a printout of the email you sent so he knows you did so whether he has put it in your chart or not. (Keep the originals in case these copies get misplaced.).

Then plant yourself in the exam room chair and don't leave until you reach a plan for treating these events. It may be a trial-and-error plan, so be sure to continue noting all events, changes, etc.

I know this sounds like a lot of work but it may be the only way you can relay to the doc the events he/she seems to be poo-pooing thus far. Good luck.

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Hi, OMG, I thought it was just me! I can't handle the constant sweating! I was wondering if it was from the Fentynal or the oxycodone or both.
it's a no win situation cuz if I don't have the patch which is constant, the pain wakes me up a few times a night. I don't know what to do!

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I, like all of you, especially the last post, am on Fentanyl, Hydrocodone/Acetomeniphen, and Neurontin (which I just read helps with sweating). I started with Hypothyroid, Hypoglycemia, Low Blood Pressure, Fibromyalgia, Total Hysterectomy, and Peripheral Neuropathy. I then got POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachychardia Syndrome) from the Low Blood Pressure which is under the umbrella of Dysautonomia (Dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System). Look it up! (POTS Symptoms) You'll find a lot of your complaints and be surprised. I'm having a reprieve from hell today after literally not being able to stand, sit, go online, tidy up, cook, work, shop because I literally drop and wrap in towels from instantly burning up, heart racing, being dizzy and nauseous, drenching with sweat, chills, no intercourse as I'm afraid to even move or I'll sweat, and yes, me too, I am constantly changing my clothes, and now have a pile of sweat towels near me; always doing laundry. I'm a worthless rock. So after reading all your posts and doing research that I never get to do, that's it folks! I'm done. With God's help, I am going off of the Opiates, NOW!!, because yesterday I told my husband I couldn't take it any more and wanted to be with God. But to say one more thing. He talked me into having a little cannabis, and an hour later, after 5 years of severe torture from almost combusting into flames from burning up and heart racing and then being freezing, the sweating stopped. No smoke today, yet, but I actually still feel good, as if it's still in my body. My next search is for a doctor to prescribe edibles as I now have asthma, yes, from the drugs, and will get back to my herbal and nutrient remedies and see an acupuncturist. Google Common and Rare Side Effects of Fentanyl (or Vicodin) and click on the WebMD site and you'll freak. So good luck and go with God!

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I was put on the Fentanyl Patch after Oxycontin didn't help with my pain. I love the stable pain control & for the most part have been very happy. I've been on 100mcg every 72 hrs for roughly 10 years. I finally found a patch that stays on better than most (Watson) so I don't have to deal with the Tegaderm anymore. It's very important to look at the placement pictures in the instructions. I've found that placing the patch on the flank gets you better pain control & it stays on better.

About 5 years ago I got hot. I was so hot that I could barely breathe & I got into a cold shower fully dressed. It gets to the point that I have to take my clothes off, cover with anything terrycloth & lie in front of a fan. I don't know what it is about terrycloth but it helps.

About 3 months after that the sweating started. It's head to toe & even my hair drips. Buying undergarments has become a hobby. I've even color coordinated my sweat rags to my clothes. Yes it's really that bad. Now for the irritating part. My neurologist has never seen me sweat. Not once! I've done enough reading to know there is no "schedule" to the sweating but don't you think he'd see it at least once!??! I don't think he believes me. He quipped "of course you'll be sweating when it 100 degrees" to which I replied "it happens when it's 32 degrees outside." He then started the menopause rant again & I had to remind him about the hysterectomy. I wonder if he looks at my chart? He says it can't be that bad because he's never seen it. I like this doctor but I'm frustrated.

Any ideas? I'm very happy with not having to take pills around the clock. They never lasted anyway & I'd be watching the clock waiting for it to be time for the next one. That's not living.

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So, my tolerance finally stabalizes to where i can actually go 12 hrs on opana 20mg ER, instead of every eight hours and surprise! Ins will not cover it due to me never having been on fentanyl patch..i already have hot flashes from menapause and have read that that will cause quicker absorption of the med and will need to change latch every 48 hours instead of 72. Do doctors prescribe more of them to folks who for whatever reason will absorb them quicker? What about summer at the pool? Wont the sun cause them to absorb quicker? Will swimming affect the patch? I have about 3 days to tell them. My other options are kadian and mscontin which obviously dont work, thats why ive been on oxycontin and now opana.

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i sweat very easily. its very annoying at school. Its summer now and i have to stay under sun during morning assembly for long time. I get all drenched in sweat through my shirt and underwear.

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I have been on 100 mcg every 48 and I could not track down the sweating buts it in side effects, but anytime of day mostly early morning or nights I get profuse sweating I mean I have change underwear and shirt, but my doctor told me also that chronic pain causes the adrenal glands to release adrenaline which triggers the sweat glands on high gear hope that helps peace of mind but always keep a hand towl iand a clean shirt in the car for the sweat attacks thanks craig

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Cindi... Would love to be able to talk to you about the side effects you have been having on the Fentanyl Patch. It seems that they are similar to mine. I am a retired RN of 30 years. I started on the Fentanyl patch at 25mcg/72hrs then had to increase to 50mcg/72hrs. This was about 4 months ago...I started having trouble getting too sleepy.....still needed about 2 Generic Lortab/day for break through pain. 2 weeks ago started having hot flashes and chills. Soooo went to PM Dr and talked to him about this... Decided to decrease strength of Fentanyl. To 25mcg/72 hrs. Now I am back to taking more pills and hurting all the time! Hot flashes and chills some better.
I guess the main reason I decided to reply to your post is to see what solution you might have come up with Today is the day I am due to change patch and/or call Dr about going back to 50mcg or just to keep on like I am! Any suggestions

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