Fentanyl Patches 100 Mcg Not Helping
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Hi I'm on 100 mcg I do know when they run but they don't seem to do much. What is better then this for osteo pain? Thanks
15 Replies
Pay attention here:
It is GOOD that " 100 milligrams of fentanyl' would not work, cause if it DID, you'd be DEAD!! Fentanyl is almost 100x's as POWERFUL as morphine, (80 x's, actually)
So strong is it that it is measured in MICROGRAMS !!! NOT MILLIGRAMS !!
SO THAT 100 MILLIGRAMS ( 100mg ) would be a lethal dose !!!!!! ... and this fact might explain some unknown number of opioid deaths: the user thinking that say, 10 mg's of fentanyl is equally as strong as 10 mg of morphine, when it 's actually 100 TIMES as strong.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
If your rejecting surgery you may want to reconsider. I was on 100 mcg and had my cervical surgery and was able after to almost completely come off the patches and then came pain from a different location. I’m down to 50 mcg after getting down to 12 mcg they found my lower back was rittled with arthritis all over the tail bone and a huge lump of swollen tissue at the base of my back. I just had ten injections in my spine. I’ve tried the best stimulator but almost died from a staph infection. I hope this helps you as you never said where your pain is coming from.
Unless you weight 300 lbs and have diabetic circulation, and never wash your skin, fentanyl transdermal really cannot NOT work. Read the pamphlet, do not apply to broken or irritated skin, do not heat the patch with a hair drier. Do not place the patch over lotioned skin. Only place it in a clean place that it will adhere uniformly and tightly to like upper side of the chest. If you sweat a lot,that can dramatically affect delivery.
Re: STU (# 3)
I also was on the 100 mcg Fentenal patch every 3 days with percocet for breakthrough pain and like you said it takes away the pain without feeling anything (not taking to get high) I was on this for over 8 years and finally got my life back, able to work, socialize etc.
And now my doctor is gone, and the one who has taken his place has screwed with everyone's medications. He has a DNA swab test that supposedly tells what drugs are best for people???
I tried to tell him the doctor before him who did the swab test tried switching me to Opana ER 10mg and diluad 2mg for breakthrough pain and it didn't work. He doesn't care and its either I let him switch me or nothing? And I can't find ANY pain Management doctor's in my area, they have run them all off! And the 2 I heard about are to busy and not taking any new patients!
I am praying for a miracle!
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I need a doctor im NYC OR WESTCHESTER that can prescribe 30 mg oxycodone. I've been on it for 6 years and my doctor retired.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Fentanyl is not the strongest opiate in the world it's the stongest prescribed to the masses but not the stongest. Depending on your dose it could be anywhere from 50 to 100 times stronger the. Morphine.
Just thought I'd let you know the facts about fentanyl.
try a different brand of patch some are better than others for different people and it is not that the patch isnt working it is that your body does not like the delivery method ...... different companies use different carriers and that can make a big differance ..... generics are bioequivilants but not the same kinda lik 2 apples and 2 oranges........ 2 kiwi and 2 lemons ....... 2 bananas 2 mangos .......... these are all bioequivilants of 4 pieces of fruit but they are not the same and do not effect the body the same way
Probably the newer Fentanyl Patches that have no Gel in them. They stopped the gel as people would put them on their but but when they sat down it burst open, leaked out too high of a dose, and killed people. But the GEL Was the BEST. Worked Perfectly.
These patches can be changed according to any time your physician feels is needed. Some get relief from it for 3 days/72 hours & some only have it work for 2 (or less) days. If you have chronic pain & are narcotic dependent (vs. "addicted" as that term is best used for those using narcotics, alcohol, street drugs to feel high), do not expect to "feel high" from fentanyl. It doesn't work that way. If you have chronic intractable pain & are correctly titrated on narcotic medications; you won't get that "high" feeling but will have a noticeable relief from your pain. For those claiming that fentanyl is "the strongest," you've got bad info. There are other narcotic medications stronger than fentanyl, but I refuse to name them in case there are "fakers" & "doctor shoppers" coming to peruse what to look for/ask for by name & sadly, you best believe there are MANY who would use such info for nefarious reasons. If your medication is not helping you, your doctor can prescribe an assortment of NSAIDs/non-narcotic medications & other narcotics until you find it is managed. Good luck.
Thanks for the info!!! U have helped me more than any Dr. Has!! God bless you
I just went on Fentanyl patch this week , 50 mcg , I'm also in Vicodin 10/325 I've been on them for yrs, they may have to up then to 75 mcg I'll know Thursday but I don't try to feel high off them and I don't want to be. I just want to be pain free an not be loopy, I'm down to 3 Vicodin a day yay, as I said I've been on them a long time an Vicodin didn't wk. I have fibro , Lupus , the Lupus has gone to my lungs which is called pulmonary fibrosis
Every 3 days I change patches, there still useless other then the fact i'm dependent on them
Is it that you dont get the euphoria? Because I use it and I don't even feel like I'm on it. But it works great for the pain. Get some percocet for breakthrough pain, that worked for me, or for osteo buy some kratom on line. I give that to my 82 year old mother, and it works great!. I don't want my mom on narcotics because it has too many horrible side effects. She gets loopy like we do, but i'm happier when she drinks her "cooking sherry"! St 82 she has the right to do anything that makes her happy! Yeah, check out the kratom! Google kratom, and my best vendor is *Specialty herb store" their website has a 20% discount on everything tomorrow only. But their the best vendor ive found. Kratom hits the same receptors that opiates do. No doctors, it's natural, and it's legal. And yes you'll get inebriated on it just like norco, but it kills the pain better, & longer. Be well.....
Hi Patch is every 3 days, I cant recall the names, but there has been allot of different tablets etc over the last 24 months. People keep saying these patches are the strongest etc yet I find they don't really make any difference on me at all, If I don't take them there is no real noticeable change.
Fentanyl is the strongest narcotic opiate that's available, it's over 80 times stronger than Morphine. How often do you change the patch? What other medications have you tried?
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