Fentanyl Can I Just Go Cold Turkey When Quitting (Page 5)


My doctor has had me on the 100 fentanyl patch for 1 year now. He is going to take me off it. Can you just stop taking it with out side effects or withdrawals. Please tell me the proper way to get off this patch. Please help me, I have the doctor appointment tomorrow and want to know what to say. So far it sounds like his plan is just to take me off cold turkey. I am scared of withdrawals. I am a mom of 5 kids and need to be ok. Please help.

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That's what I was going to suggest was to try to remain as active as possible throughout the day and drink drink drink drink drink water water water water. Doesn't competley get rid of the symptoms but has always done just enough to keep me from blowing my brains out

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Hi how are you getting on? Have you managed to get through and off the patch ok?

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Thanks for asking about me. Yes I think it's all out of my system and I'm done with the withdrawals! I guess the patch was helping with my back pain, because I've been having more of that lately .

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I'm so happy for you, pains not good so I fully understand, I am waiting to find out if my arm will be amputated in the next few months so I know what you are saying, I still hate thinking about how fentanyl nearly ruined my life. Hope you find a solution to your pain that does not include addictive opiates, I've struggled with them so long it's cost me many years and so much personally. Sometimes you will need strong relief but just don't fall into the trap of having it on a daily basis and end up hooked it's just not worth it, antidepressant venlafaxine 75mg has helped me it won't be ongoing but I will start small amounts of exercise to at least get some self respect and confidence back. I hope you have family support?

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Yes I do have family support! I have a very supportive husband! What's going on with your arm? I will pray you won't lose your arm! I hope you have family support too!


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I am on 75 mcg of fentanyl.. I have been on it for more than 7 years with good results then we moved... My new do is sending me to pain management which is fine but didn't give me enough patches to last til the appointment so I am starting to feel the pain. I hate pain meds... Always have but this took enough of the pain so that I could handle the rest. I never knew with the chances of death from withdrawal that a doctor would do this. I feel horrible and i have nothing to substitute or anything to help with this mess. My doc won't return my calls. I am lost....

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I have been on 75mcg patches for 4 years now. I made the mistake of starting to chew on them for more relief. What ever you do never put them in your mouth. I wish my doctor had never started me on these. All I can think of now is getting my next fix, I wake in the morning and cut a piece and start chewing. I go to a new doctor Monday and hope he can do something for me as far as starting over and not giving into temptation to use them this way again.

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Fed Up, Im very surprised your doctor would let you suffer withdraws like that. I hope and pray you get your meds refilled before you get any worse. Fentenyl withdraw is horrible and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Go to your nearest pain clinic and tell them your situation and possibly they will help. They are the so called pain experts that get us hooked in the first place.

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our state is so to legalize medical marijuana has it been tried in place of fentanal for pain and also as a anti depressant.

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Can I go cold turkey from fetanyl patch it's been six days since last patch

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You can, but it is he to go through!

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I have been taking norco 10/325 four times a day due to me not taking the fentanyl 50mcg patch it's been seven days today! I feel depressed but am also taking xzanex for anxiatie had to sleep and chronic pain still there if I don't feel no worse then I do now I will win my fight against fentynal. It's the craving for more pills that's bad. But I pray and talk to god all day he is the light at the end of the tunnel

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My arm is badly damaged from botched surgery as a teen im now 43 and it is riddled with arthritis and chipped bone through nerves etc, still waiting for decision and operation. I am pleased to be off fentanyl my doc put me on methadone and that helps with pain and will wean off once surgery is done. Hope you are doing well :)

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I have been on fentanyl for over a year now. i went from 25 mcg to 100 in 6 weeks due to chronic back pain. went back down to 50 mcg because the extreme tiredness was unbearable. i am also on oxycodone. which at best makes it bearable. the highest dose of fentanyl patch is 100 mcg. i dont know what you are taking. but it is not fentanyl. look it up on internet. there is no 350 fentanyl. Any way. i have been off of the 50 mcg for 2 weeks now. I did not ask my doc because i didn't want to wait a month to talk to her. I hav had no side effects except for the fact that my pain is constant now. The reason I quit is what others have said. fuzzy thinking that you dont realize untill you quit. I am clearing up. and not as tired. but hurting again. so I dont know what is better. To recap. on 50 mcg. quitting cold turkey. still on oxcycodone. I have had no side effects. well. breathing better at night. no nausea. no shaking or cravings. at least work down to a smaller dose below 75 mcg for good measure. All people are different.on withdrawls. Good luck.

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I just quit fentanyl 150mch every 48 hrs for 3 yrs I don't know why but I really had no withdrawl symptoms at all .. but I did take a 25 mg benadryl every 12 hrs maybe it helped I don't know . I quit 9 days ago and other than slight and I mean very slight stomach cramps I didn't have any problems .. other than the pain coming back .. but ill take that over losing my family any day . . I know some on here go thru hell coming off fentanyl but believe me after u get off of it and think back to the things u said and did while on it . You'll b more than glad u did

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Hi thank you sooooooo much force your back story. It's 230 am and sitting on my bed in complete panic. My Dr has been over prescribing me for the past 5 yrs. 180. 80mg oxys and 24 100mg patches EVERY 28 day's. Now bcuz the cops are down their necks for too many deaths in our tiny lake community in Ontario Canada. Not even 1 stop light. Their now panicking. Both him and the pharmacy that his best friend owns. The onet one he will let me fill my Rx. The deaths have piss all to do with me! Yes he always writes 36 hrs. But whys give me 24 every 28 day's. Obviously he's been over prescribing me. Now he's accusing me of filling them early. .huh??? He's the one who wrote Rx every 28 day's. His best friend the pharmacist filled it every 28 day's AND my insurance company had no probs filling it every 28 day's. Seems to me that I m the only one who was following protocol. Now family are telling me to call the college and report my Dr. Others are telling me to screw that and hire a lawyer and sue for malpractice. Bcuz last wk he cut me back 6 patches.next appt says he's only giving me 8 patches. So in 1 day he plans on cutting me from 24 down to 8.how am I gonna make 8 patches last 28 day's without dieing. 10 yrs ago. A diff Dr cut me almost cold turkey. I landed in ICU 6 times in 3.5 months. One of those times I was completely unconscious and they almost lost me. .I'm petrified. U said to not allow my DR whom I call THE DUCK as he's known in our house. But how do I do that with such an unethical Dr. This man has came to our home unannounced at 730 am sat morning. Walked right in.looked at our new kitchen and walked out. We were all in bed except my hubby who was up early working on kitchen. He then went and billed OHIP for 2 home visits (me and daughter) whom he didn't even see. He's done this twice in 5 day's! !!! So that gives you a little idea! ! Can u plsssss offer any more advice? I believe you said that u r also in Canada. Ohhh BTW those horrific exorcist cramps and twisting u spoke of. I still get. My neuropathy has gone off the charts. It still happens far too many nights. I spend my nights screaming on top of my lungs. It's sooo hard on my family. Especially my special needs 23 yr old daughter. It terrifies her. She blasts her music then holds pillows to her ears and rocks back and forth. I can't imagine how getting cut almost cold turkey. I'm crying my eyes out as I type this. I'm sooo terrified that MY DUCK is going to kill me. Can you plsssss. I'm begging you for more advice. Is there anything you can advise me to make my Dr follow proper protocol. He's going to kill me. And he knows this. He laughed when I told him this. He said"oh well "!!!!! That is his exact word's. I use a cane and a wheelchair. I can get around with my cane. But even day trips to the mall I need a chair. I'm very close to losing my right leg with the left soon to follow. Yest we found out my incredibly healthy husband has kidney cancer. It's only stage 1 and they remove the kidney telescopily now. Just 2 little holes attached the c section area. Only 2.5 wks down time. .but heck. How is any of this the right time. His surgery is scheduled for exact same time my Dr plans on cutting me from 24 down to 8 in one day. I'm petrified. Ppl telling me to sue him.but then what? ? Obviously if we sue. I will be getting nothing. Why should I pay for what my Dr has caused in this town? ??? Why do the sincere one's have to pay for what he's caused? ?? Can you offer any more helpful advice? ? I'm grasping at straws here. If I could call you right now at 3am haha I would. Well not at 3am. Was joking about that part. .but wish there was a waynie were could talk. I'd you wouldn't mind of course! !. Our symptoms sound sooooooo similar. You're the very first person in 15 yrs who has even came close to telling MY story. And you nailed it.my hubby is behind me snoring so I'm even bookmarking your post just to show him in the morning. His eyes will pop outta his sockets just like mine did. Even the convulsing trips to the ER in the backseat. Except mine were always in ambulance. Ur in Canada. In Ontario by any chance? Would be bizzare if we actually lived close to eachother. I'm gonna ask for nuerontin (spelling that wrong) it's for diabetic nerve damage. Neuropathy actually. Which is what I have. But learned on here that it's imazing for WD. Pls when u see this. Pls plssssssss respond. I'm really sorry I didn't take notice of the date that u posted this. Plsssss plssssssss I NEED YOU. .YOU SOUND VERY SMART ABOUT THIS STUFF. .AND PPL NEED YOU.I KNOW I CERTAINLY DO ANYWAY! ! PLS KNOW THAT THERE IS AT LEAST ONE PERSOOUT HERE WHO U CAN HELP IMMENSELY! !!! Thank you soooo much! !!

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I have been on fenanyl for12 years. i take other strong meds alongside. Methotrexate and Cimzia injectons....for rheumatoid arthritis.Fentanyl not working but cannot put up with the withdrawl symptoms. Not even sure if other drugs are working! I am very depressed but that may be a side effect of methotrexate or cimzia! Just don't know!! Where to start? I want control of my body again.

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Hi Cindy, well it's 2015 and I am still waiting for surgery, any longer and they will have to just amputate it as its deteriorating fast now. I am off fentanyl medazolam and oxy and pethadine, now on the methadone programme, I hate these drugs the fentanyl was especially bad, I will now be addicted to methadone it's a vicious circle! Hope methadone won't be as bad as fentanyl to wean off, Id never suggest anyone no matter how much pain you are in unless terminal goes on that drug it's nasty and ruins lives! I hope you are doing well Cindy, would live to hear from you! To all others who go on the patches try and stay below 50mg if you can.

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I am on pain management 50mcg, plus oxycodon for break through, Lyrica and the list continues. I need to be on it for massive pain, but no insurance stopping many drugs do to cost. I also have stage 4 cirrhosis now I've even had to stop those meds.

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Who is helping you do this I'm in the same position who will help me detox ?

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