Fentanyl Abuse New Article! (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Many people are concerned about using this drug, and we have had many posters talk about wanting to abuse these types of meds, so I just wanted to share this article with everyone. {link removed due to being invalid}

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Some people have disagreed with me when I explained about the 20% plus or minus difference that the FDA allows for generic drugs, some have insisted this was only for the inactive ingredients. So I have done some more research on this subject, and NO! the 20% difference IS NOTjust limited to the inactive ingredients.

Here's an article with some information, and the name of the law that allows this:


***Are There Any Differences Between Generics and Brand-Name Drugs?

...it should be noted that current regulations permit a variation of up to 20% either way in the bioavailability of the active ingredient. (See this Food and Drug Law Institute overview of the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1999.) In one study (Borgheini 2003), a 31% variation was found in the blood plasma levels of a particular medication after a patient switched from a branded to a generic product. (Why does this happen? It may be accounted for by differences in the manufacturing process yielding different particle sizes that are absorbed at different rates, as well as other factors.) ***

So yes, this gives them a leeway of 40% on manufacturing these drugs, they can be significantly different than their name brand counterparts, and in some cases the effect can mean a drug doesn't work at all, or may have too much of the active ingredient, resulting in serious effects or even fatalities!


Here's the overview of the law in question that allows these differences:



For some of you, I know this will be a relief as you can now know for sure that if a generic seems to work different, it is not all in your head. Simply said, poor quality control and poor testing, means poorly made drugs from some companies.

[email protected]

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I originally became suspicious several years ago, when I first went to the doc about my spinal pain and problems. As I got older, it was getting worse and worse, and I finally had to face that fact that I had to see someone about it.

Anyway, while sending me for various tests, like x-rays and MRIs, and to several specialists to see if there was anything we could do about it, they gave me a mild narcotic pain killer, and back then, my pain wasn't that bad, so the Darvocet handled it well. I mean this was over 7 years ago.

In the town we used to live in, I used Rite-Aid for all our drugstore type needs, they were only a block and a half from our house, so very easy for me to pick up scrips, didn't even have to move the car to get there. The brand they gave me was fine, I never had any trouble. I can't remember, after all this time, who the manufacturer was, but they were always pink pills and worked fine.

Then, while we have his SSDI to live on, my husband decided it was a great opportunity for him to go to college, since he wouldn't have to worry about studying and working at the same time. Anyway, the Ride-Aid here is just awful, so we had to switch to Eckerd. The Darvocet I got there was different, large white ovals, instead of pink, and it was just hideous to use.

Out of the same bottle, I could take a pill, and be fine, worked and no problems, then another dose wouldn't work at all, no effect, like I took nothing, then another dose would make me so sick and I would show all the symptoms of overdose, because it was hyper-potent.

At first, I thought it was just me, but then my husband had a scrip for some when he had a tooth pulled, the dentist gave him Darvocet of the same dosage, and he had the scrip filled at Eckerd, surprise, surprise, he had the same problem.

I also began to read posts online, and talked to friends, who all had similar complaints and all were about a generic form of a medication, so I started hunting to see what I could find out, and I sure learned a lot.

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Both my pain doc and primary are very specific that they do not want their scripts filled with medication produced by a certain manufacturer. I am fortunate that I do business with a wonderful small town Mom and Pop pharmacy whose pharmacist is very customer oriented and will not carry the generics that are notoriously inconsistant.....and they certainly are out there.

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I'm very glad that this started a conversation. Regarding seizures, I also take generic Dilantin, but I adjusted my own dosage and actually told the doctor what I need to take. It may be that seizure meds are more carefully monitored and of course, I am supposed to have levels drawn. Without insurance, etc, I'm on my own. Oddly, I have had less seizures and felt pretty good. I can tell exactly how I feel...the Ativan covers the anxiety and the breakthroughs. It is just like taking Phenobarbital, the usual drug, but without those side effects so I could work. Since I supposedly also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and other problems stemming from a severe car accident years ago, I stay away from pain prescriptions (like Fentanyl) of any type, because of the problems I've had with other drugs and drug interactions. I'm lucky...aspirin alleviates 75% of the pain and I have no problems with it. The doctor even suggested that I should take a pain pill, but it's not worth the hassle. I have lived and worked with pain so long that it is a part of life especially after reading so many negative posts online.

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I can understand how you feel, not only do you have to deal with the side effects of pain meds when you take them, but you have to deal with the attitude of docs, even if you don't abuse them or anything.

I have been on them for several months now, I have never been in my docs office more than a day or two early to get my new scrips, which is when they scheduled the appointment, I have never run out early, I have even taken my pills in and shown them that I have meds left, yet I still get an attitude when I go in. They are just so suspicious of everyone anymore, I know with the DEA regulations they have to worry about doing things right and keeping their license to practice, but for those of us who are not abusing, I wish they could just relax and give us a break.

I am seriously looking for a way to do away with my need for the pain meds at all, so I can tell them to just forget it.

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Funny that you would mention that...my friend inadvertently picked up a Lorazepam scrip rather than Ativan and both of us noticed the difference. In order to get a new prescription for just Ativan, he had to take the other one into the doctor's office and they counted out the pills remaining before refilling the Ativan. If I was abusing THIS drug, I wouldn't be functioning and the anxiety generated from all this just causes more problems. In fact, I need to call for a refill now and am afraid to deal with the hassle. Having seizures is not fun...

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The actual terms for what Susan is talking about is addiction and dependence. We all know what addiction is, and dependence is when your body is just use to having it all the time, because you have been taking it for so long.

And Donna, I don't blame you, the hassles are a real pain. The person I normally see at my doc's office is a lot better than the person I saw when I went in this month, so next month I am insisting on seeing the pain management doc.

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So this is your job?

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I used the patch for two years properly yet had withdrawal or overdose symptoms frequently when changed to a generic form. I suffered greatly and the doctors had no idea what was wrong. I found out from internet what was happening to me.There is the misconception that only misusers are having problems. I followed procedures correctly and only had trouble with gereric forms. They would release too much or none.

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