Fenofibrate, Weakness
UpdatedI started taking Fenofibrate 17 days ago. Every since then I have been in bed weak, nauseous, shaking, sudden onset of hot flashes, stomach and rib cramps and sweating something fierce! I thought I had the flu but never ran a temp and it just doesn't feel like the flu. Today I have been SO weak and it is scaring me. I am almost positive it is the Fenofibrate! My body feels on the inside like you feel when you have pushed yourself during exercise or running. Tingly and shaky. My blood oxygen levels are at 99% though. I am not taking this stuff any more! How long does it take to get it out of your body??
3 Replies
I am so very sorry about the problems you're experiencing, however, those can be typical side effects of this medication, as reported by the FDA . You may also experience headache, muscle aches and joint pain.
If it is that severe, you should consult your doctor, as this may not be the right medication for you.
Is there anything I can help with?
Thank you! I quit taking it and 3 days later I can tell a big difference!
Stop fenofibrate, why take it if it will just cause us pain? Just do exercise and proper diet to lower down cholesterol levels, the best and safest way. Medicines are chemicals, others have side effects to health. Bad medicine isn't just what we need! Thanks to medschat, a huge help.
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