Fenofibrate And Hep B
UpdatedI read you should not be taking this if you have Hep B. What are the reason? I was prescribe this drug but my doctor did not inform me about not taking it if one has Hep B! Thank you so much.
2 Replies
Yes, it is listed as being contraindicated in anyone that has a severe disease that affects their liver, such as Hepatitis B. This is because it is processed through the liver, plus it can increase liver enzymes, both of which could be detrimental to your condition.
Learn more Fenofibrate details here.
The safest thing to do would be to contact your doctor and ask them to suggest an alternative medication.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thanks for your input! I will talk to him. Im very disappointed that this doc provided me with this drug known my confition!
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