Fenofibrate. Do Not
UpdatedIt can quickly raise kidney levels. It can destroy them. I took it four months and thankfully after having it a month I got lab for cancer follow up. They said see a kidney Dr. Found out this drug soared my levels. I stopped at once. It could have done permanat damage and death. Did not feel any thing happening.
3 Replies
Hello, Amy, how are you?
Yes, this medication is reported by the FDA as possibly causing kidney problems, including acute failure and abnormal kidney function.
Are you on any other medications?
I have also problem my cretnine lecel is incresed up to 1.8 now i am to much worried
How it will be down
I have been on it for 3 months. I'M having blood in my urine and bladder pain. Could this be doing it. Will call doctor.
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