False Positive Urine Drug Test - Still Positive After Retest. (Top voted first)


I do not understand what is happening as I have not done anything illegal and I was supposed to get off probation July 1st. Here's what happened on June 9th, I went in to take a urine drug test. I had my probation meeting on June 13th, and she said she still not got the results back yet but she went on to say this will be my last meeting and I should still get off July 1st if everything comes back normal. I was happy with that because I was confident and knew that I would not fail for anything because I have not done anything. I got a call from my probation officer on June 27th she told me that I tested positive for opiates and that I need to go pay the $25 to get it retested. So that same day I went up to avertest where I do my urine drug tests and paid the money to get that sample from June 9th retested. I got a call back from my probation officer on June 29th she said it was still positive for opiates and now that it is showing that I'm positive for other methadone or methamphetamines, I cannot remember which right now. I started to cry and told her I don't understand I have not done anything illegal and the prescriptions I have on record with her she says do not show that I could fail with these. I went on to tell her that I am willing to do and pay anything to prove my innocence. I told her I could do a hair test and she went on to tell me that I shouldn't waste my money with that. Which in itself seems kind of sketchy. Why wouldn't she want me to get a hair test to prove I'm innocent unless she wants me to fail? Also why did it take so long for her to get the results in the first place?

I have been on probation for a year now and not once have I tested positive for anything like this. In the past I have tested positive for THC and EtG and with those I confessed to using marijuana and drinking alcohol. I did not hide it. None of this makes sense to me. I have not done anything illega.l I haven't smoked. I haven't drink alcohol either because I do not want to fail for those again as well, just seems weird that with my last UA before I'm supposed to get off probation I suddenly test positive for opiates then when it gets retested I'm not only still positive for opiates but for something else as well. Why didn't the methadone or methamphetamines whichever one it was didn't show up in the original June 9th tests to begin with but they showed up in the retest. None of this makes sense to me and I do not know how to prove my innocence. I still want to get the hair test done as I feel that is the only way to prove I have not done anything. Has anyone else had a similar situation and what did you do to prove your innocence? This is killing me and I am scared. I'm supposed to be off probation today but now I'm awaiting a few meetings in a court date.

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Has anyone tested positive for alcohol with diabetes with avertest and hadn't drink

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Probation dept mandated Avertest urine test showed positive for opiate.I do not take drugs. I had confirmation test done and they confirmed it was morphine+codeine that was present. I went to another lab to have hair follicle test done and results came back negative for all.

Scary situation because it happened... it's a real possibility it could happen again.

What can be done to prevent it? Avertest labs.

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Re: Scared2017 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I am interested in hearing more about your problems with Avertest. This is an ongoing issue here in Texas in the County I live in. They have the contract to UA probation and pre-trial defendants. My office has had at least 4 clients with issues with them.

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