False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

262 Replies (14 Pages)

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I took NyQuil and also use inhalers, I tested positive for meth.i do not use meth.,and need your help to get this matter cleared up thank you Rhonda

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I had a urine test come up positive for methamphetamine. I have never done or seen methamphetamine. The only new medication I take is Cimzia... Can this cause a false positive?

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I have a 10-month-old grand baby that consumed a poison that caused severe physical effects and we took her to the emergency hospital where she was eventually tested for drugs. The doctor reported to us that she was positive for amphetamine and methamphetamine. I have a feeling that she was given buprenorphine. Could this drug show as a false positive for methamphetamine? And if it was methamphetamine and amphetamine that she digested, would the effects show up several hours after consumption? And increase in severity over the course of 24+ hours?

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I've been taking lorazepam for anxiety and recently took a hair follicle test. Will it cause my test to show false positive for methamphetamine?

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Re: Thomas (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

This s*** happened to me today and I took ranitidine and advil before I went to work and it showed positive for methamphetamine.

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I recently failed a UA while taking Sandoz E404 30mg orange tablets. I have never done methamphetamine but am facing severe consequences for this event, and could actually land myself in a jail or prison over this. Can anyone please help! I need to know what other type of test can reverse this and need documents supporting this! Thank you in advance!

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My boyfriend takes hydromorphone for his surgery he just had. So when he takes a urinalysis for probation, will the test come up as methamphetamine?

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I went to visit my Dr and I have a prescription for protonix. The Dr said my urine test showed I had methamphetamine in my urine. Does protonix show up as methamphetamine?

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Will my allopurinol give a false positive for methamphetamine in a urine test? Cause I'm on probation and need to know so i can inform my p.o.

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I'm taking Naproxen and I failed a urinalysis for methamphetamine. I don't do drugs. Will Naproxen cause me to have a false positive?

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I take a bunch of different medications and inhalers.

- Symbicort 2x daily inhaler
- Ventolin HFA inhaler as needed (usually 10x a day or more)
- Benzonatate 100mg 2-3 times a day
- Budesnonide 0.5/2ml nebulizer 2x a day
- Ipratropium bromide 0.5mg and albuterol sulfate 3.mg nebulizer 4x a day
- Chantix 2x aday
- Fluticasone propionate nasal spray, USP MCG 2x a day.

I recently came back positive for methamphetamine on an oral fluid drug test and I know I didn't dose for over a month prior to that but social services is saying that it can only be positive or negative and I told them to send it in but this makes no sense?

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I tested positive for THC and Methamphetamine, but never used either. Is there anything in my antidrepressant medication Brintellix that would cause this false positive test?

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I failed a mouth swab test for a job recently for methamphetamine and I'm trying to research as to why. Here's a list of the medications I take:

Lisinopril, atenolol, hctz, lipitor, glucophage 850 mg, plavix and aspirin 80 mg

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I am 58 and have never even smoked marijuana! I was seeking different employment and flunked a saliva test for methamphetamine! I had pneumonia and bronchitis and was taking Sudafed, Nyquil, and tried almost every cold medication known to man for several weeks before this test. I am devastated. How can this be? I also take Venlafaxine, Metoprolol, Lisinopril, Hydroxyzine, and Vyvanse. Could any of those have caused this?

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I've been using OTC Vicks, Afrin inhaler, Robitussin, Nyquil and Advil liquid gel with a prescription of Loratacine-D 5-120 and Naproxen 500mg for the past three weeks. My work gave me a random urinalysis from ADOT and I tested positive for methamphetamine. Can these medications be the cause so I can explain it to my employer? I'm afraid of losing my CDL license and a damn good job!

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I tested positive methamphetamine and haven't taken any, but I have used an abuterol sulfate inhaler along with ventolin and sudafed. Can these cause a false positive? I have been let go by my employer.

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Re: Tommy (# 183) Expand Referenced Message

Dont feel alone! Im 58 and have never done ANY drugs in my life and the same happened to me! My dr. said it is very possible for the zantac and some over the counter drugs to give false positives! I just want to clear my name!

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I take Lyrica, Suboxone, Xanax, Ranitidine, Lisinopril/Hctz., Aleve, Protonix and Keflex. Could any of them show a false positive for methamphetamine?

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I have had 2 positive tests for methamphetamine. I have not been taking anything other than what my doctor put me on: Baclofen, Buspar, Gabapentin. Would any or maybe all these together cause false positives?

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My fiance tested positive for methamphetamines in a urine test...he was at hosp the night before the test for kidney stones. They gave him shots of torodol..dauladid and zofran. The only other medication he has taken in the last month was those advil and a quarter of a suboxone. We are baffled on what could of triggered a false positive??? I have researched and was a nurse for 15 yrs and cant seem to figure it out. Can u pls gelp me with this bc i cant seem to find the answer....oh and he drinks red bull and monsters at least once or twice a day if that would make a difference. Thank u.

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