False Positive Benzodiazepines (Page 9) (Top voted first)


I have been taking suboxone for almost a year and had to move to a new doc. They drug tested me and said I tested positive for benzos. The funny thing is I have not taken ANY benzos. I have to go take another test today at 5 and I am scared s**tless cuz they said if benzos are still in my system then they can not see me. Knowing that I haven't taken any benzos makes me wonder if I might still test positive for it again. I did take some cough syrup and some percs but that is it. What could cause this?

182 Replies (10 Pages)

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Will menstrual cramp pills show up as Benzo on a drug screen

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I take 20 mgs omeprazole and 20 mgs of fluoxetine daily. Could this cause a false positive for benzodiazepine?

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I have severe chronic pain recently was put on suboxin and Lodine then Methadone, been testing clean for years but this time I tested dirty for benzodiazepines have been prescribed in past these but not anymore. Recently month ago hospital had given me a fairly large dose of sedatives including Valium, am being punished for being a drug addict even though I’m crippled in pain because of this false positive I’ve seen a few reports stating Lodine is a drug that can cause this but also other drugs can. Will a blood test show otherwise?

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Re: Nancypants (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The Advil your taking can cause your urine to test positive for benzos. The same thing happened to me. So I looked up on the Internet what medications can cause you to test positive for benzos. You would be surprised how many medications can do this. Advil was there Alieve was there. This was when I first started going there why would you believe me he doesn't know me. I more or less had to prove that I wasn't taking benzos. So I showed him this on the internet. He did finally believe me. He also told me just to take Tylenol and nothing else when I had a headache, pain, fever. It's like the only one that doesn't show up as a false positive for benzos.

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Re: Lillian (# 176) Expand Referenced Message

Yes most definitely. You can look it up on the internet. Is a whole list of medications that can do this

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I am on a methadone maintenance program and have been for over 3 years. I have been clean for over 2 of those years and because I am clean I am allowed to take 6 days of my 7 days of methadone home. I have one witnessed drink & urine at clinic once a week. My problem was opiates NEVER benzos. Well this is the 2nd time in 2 yrs they are saying I have showed up positive for benzos & my doctor wants to take away my carries for punishment. I am beyond upset & frustrated. I dont take benzos, I offered to go to the hosp for a blood test or have them do something more detailed They said that there is no test that can show a breakdown If you test positive for opiates for example it wont show Tylenol #3 or oxys Just positive for opiates and same with Benzos. I am racking my brain. I take advil sometimes (400-600 mg) I take Elavil (10-20mg) occasionally I take Ponstan (Mefenamic acid) 250mg when I suffer from menstral cramps And just had a UTI and took Macrobid (Nitrofurantion) for a week 100mg twice daily I also take Max alt wafer (10mg) for migraines when needed To my knowledge NONE of these meds will show as benzos. The prev time I showed up we thought it was from an anti-nauseate Gravol and I havent taken it since But this test showed HIGH numbers of Benzos. It is not possible I ingested any by mistake or anything But is there anything like a benzo in any food, drink? ALCOHOL? I am at a complete loss & cannot even think straight.. ANY & all help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. PS I am in Canada not sure if that makes any difference.

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Here is a very little known (not-so-) fun fact about suboxone. In drug tests that do not specifically test for it, it can show up as other drugs! A friend of mine tested positive for marijuana while on subox, and yet she hadn't smoked it or been around anyone who smoked it for about 5 years. She read about how subox can create false positives (and yes, she read that it sometimes rendered tests for benzos positive) - so she asked for a "re-test" and the next test came out fine. Have you tried just re-testing? Otherwise, I would suggest that you try to look around for some info on how subox can create false positives online and then show what you find to whoever you have to report to. I wish I knew where my friend found the info - I'll try to see if she remembers, and if so, I'll post the site here.

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Hey Saf Sorry I just logged in now and saw your msg. I echo what you are saying 100% The odds are stacked against us and its sooo frustrating when you are telling the truth with no reason to lie. I hope things worked out ok for you Im in Canada and we had suboxone for a time *Ive never had it* But I dont believe we have it At least not at the clinics here.

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Yeah Methadone is C21H27NO and Benpropadine (Also known as Cofrel) a cough and cold depressant has the exact same chemical structure C21H27NO holy cow! they are giving Methadone to f***ing children!!!

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My attorney said there is no such thing as "false positives" for any benzo's. He says this is all a myth! He said there is no such thing as "false positive" period. He said all this stuff on the internet about "false positives" are made up!

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Im on the methadone programe and have bin for sevrol years ..But recintly my urin samples have bin comming back positive for benzos (my last 6 tests) i never had dirty test's before, i have all my carries 6 to be exact..I don't take any other drugs at all ..At first i thout it might have bin a mix up at the lab,,But then the test's keep comming back positive and i don't no why and i was woundering if any one has any idea why ...is their any ilness or any thing that could do it ....

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Really strange, got a call from my doctor today also, wants to know who is prescribing the benzo's? I am 100% sure I have not taken any. Felt so bad, I went to Walmart, spent $35 and did my own urine test which came up negative. So I know there are false drug tests happening from this experience. I do take buprenorphine (generic subutex), bisonoprolol for h. b. pressure, also flax oil, a multi vit, some vit d-3, and CoQ10, but no benzo's? Sucks to have to prove this, cause I feel the Doctor will always have a doubt. God help the people that either lose a job, are on probation, etc..., There really needs to be something said about this. Sure the drug testing people say 99% accurate, but thats b.s. There should be a way someone could sue about this, and maybe there would be some kind of change? Total B.S.

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i had the same thing happen to me and havent took a benzo since 2004

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Hi Raney, I have heard of people testing positive once for somethinmg they HAVEN'T taken but not twice! Especially for Methadone, there's NOTHING in the world other then the drug itself that can account for that! Has for Benzos yes for sure there's cough syurps Especially NyQuil that causes that, is there anyone that could be putting it in a coffee, a drink or food? I've been on Methadone for 2 years and I tested positive ONCE last March for Benzos and later found out my best friend was sick of testing dirty and I had not one dirty test so she delivered a coffee (she's the only one besides my daughters that I would take any kind of drink from) and I found out she had put a benzo in it! I lost 1 carry for 6 weeks but my Doctor finally believes that I didn't take it myself like he said last week if I had of I would have had more dirty tests I wouldn't have stopped at 1..We talked about people testing dirty and like he said he can take a drug test everyday for the next 10 years and he would NEVER have a dirty test the only way is if it's IN YOUR BODY as your body has no way of making anything other then natural Melatonin itself lol...Always be careful you know yourself drug addicts are NOT believed when it comes to a dirty test :)

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--False-positive methadone results with diphenhydramine[15] and doxylamine[16] also have been reported. Daily doses of 100–200 mg of diphenhydramine resulted in false-positive UDS results for three patients.[15] The urine drug concentration needed to show a positive result was 10 mg/L. Doxylamine intoxication resulted in false-positive results for both methadone and opiates when urine samples were checked using EMIT d.a.u (methadone) and EMIT st (opiates) on admission.[16] Opiates were not detected with Abuscreen radioimmunoassay (Roche Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Montclair, NJ) testing. The urine drug concentrations reported were 50 mg/L (for methadone) and 800 mg/L (for opiates).--------

he potential for psychotropic medications to cause false-positive results for methadone was also evaluated.[10] Kinetics Interaction of Microparticles in Solution (KIMS, Roche), a monoclonal antibody assay, identified possible false-positive results for chlorpromazine, clomipramine, and thioridazine. No cross-reactivity was found for other typical antipsychotics (trifluoperazine, fluphenazine, loxapine) or atypical antipsychotic agents (clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone). No false-positive methadone results were found for citalopram, paroxetine, sertraline, or venlafaxine.[10] Quetiapine was associated with false-positive UDS results for methadone in an adolescent population (testing method not provided).[5] Quetiapine monotherapy in three patients was associated with false-positive results for methadone using the Cobas Integra Methadone II test kit (Roche Diagnostics, USA).[19] However, no information on quetiapine metabolites was included.
*There is always a chance for false positives.* Another incident could've occurred that happened to a fellow patient at the clinic I go to. He had a false positive for methadone and swore he had not taken any. Behold the mistake was made in office when his UA was switched with another patient's. This mistake will USUALLY not be voluntarily claimed by your physician office so if you KNOW FOR A FACT that you haven't used ask (you may have to pay out of pocket) for a more in depth LAB test if possible and DO NOT claim guilt just to make the problem go away...this may seem easiest but your physician records follow you around just like a criminal one and you don't want an admission of guilt on it. Good luck!

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Where is your info coming from ? It looks like something copy and pasted and could you please put it in Laymans terms? I can't understand a word at the top I can tell where you started talking it's a complete difference! You know yourself that YES mistakes happen but not over and over....

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First of all no need for anyone to get bent out of shape is there? When people post here I think they are looking for straight up answers this parts per ml means nothing to a drug addict. I believe there are mix ups of course there are but not every month once or twice in a 5 year span? I even have a hard time with that Most of my community well my generation anyways (ages 25-58) are on Methadone and the only ones testing dirty are people who can't clean themselves up 100%. The ones that have NEVER had a dirty test have been testing 1-2 a week for the past 5-8 years, Now I'm NOT saying it doesn't happen there are things that can cause a Positive at least for Benzos, even a tylenol with codeine will give you a positive for Amphetamines Nyquil is famous for giving dirty tests for Benzos. All I can say is people wouldn't be asking here WHY if they had taken something I asked a question here to but then found out that my best friend put a nerve pill in my coffee and that's why I asked if there were any chances, now has for Mr or Miss or maybe MRS falsepositive is is LAYMAN ENOUGH??? Have a great day Peeps :)

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Nervous Wreck... I have worked with and been investigated by cps and I can help you with advice...... Please do respond as I have the experience and resources to help you with this.

{edited for privacy}.... hope to hear from you.

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I am absolutely 100% sure I have consumed nothing other than diclofenac over 1 week ago. I am seriously drug allergic, and only take paracetamol, diclofenac and sudafed when required.
I have had a few gin and tonics and 1 can of larger in the past week, hence I am wondering how this is possible?
I also saw the 3 dip test results taken, they all showed faint lines and varied considerably. 2 from the intial urine sample and 1 from a further sample where I had to drink several cups of water to be able to pass urine?
This sample is the one now in the chain of custody. I was also thinking that all 3 test strips, due to their variations should have been submitted? I don't think they have been.

The information I am giving you is totally accurate.

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I currently tested positive for Benzodiazepine and was totally thinking I was getting railroaded, so I went and had my own UA done and it was positive also. I have taken X-tra strength Tylenol pretty much daily, 2 tabs BID and use a Symbicort inhaler BID. Ive been a nurse for over 25 years and never tested positive for anything. My career is at stake and my reputation. Any suggestions would be very helpful.

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