False Positive Benzodiazepines (Page 4)
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I have been taking suboxone for almost a year and had to move to a new doc. They drug tested me and said I tested positive for benzos. The funny thing is I have not taken ANY benzos. I have to go take another test today at 5 and I am scared s**tless cuz they said if benzos are still in my system then they can not see me. Knowing that I haven't taken any benzos makes me wonder if I might still test positive for it again. I did take some cough syrup and some percs but that is it. What could cause this?

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I googled the RX list you state that you take daily but no results, at least confirmed, show up. If you read the link I posted below it has a list of OTC and RX meds that can cause false positives. If you know you haven't taken anything demand a more in depth test, hair or blood being tbe most accurate. I would try to remember any OTC meds or vitamin supplements, herbs you may have taken as well. The link below is very informative though!

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I tested positive for benzodiazapines on a UA toxicology screening .. I HAVE NOT AND DO NOT TAKE ANY ... I am currently on (1) 20 mg of lexapro (3-4)10/325 mg of hydrocodone (3) 300 my of gabapentin (3) 10 my of baclofen and (1) 100 mg of trazadone DAILY ... Could ANYONE SHED LIGHT as to Why or HOW this occurred ???

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Here is the link I was referring to: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3505132

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I meant to say to falsepositive, was that layman enough lol.

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First of all no need for anyone to get bent out of shape is there? When people post here I think they are looking for straight up answers this parts per ml means nothing to a drug addict. I believe there are mix ups of course there are but not every month once or twice in a 5 year span? I even have a hard time with that Most of my community well my generation anyways (ages 25-58) are on Methadone and the only ones testing dirty are people who can't clean themselves up 100%. The ones that have NEVER had a dirty test have been testing 1-2 a week for the past 5-8 years, Now I'm NOT saying it doesn't happen there are things that can cause a Positive at least for Benzos, even a tylenol with codeine will give you a positive for Amphetamines Nyquil is famous for giving dirty tests for Benzos. All I can say is people wouldn't be asking here WHY if they had taken something I asked a question here to but then found out that my best friend put a nerve pill in my coffee and that's why I asked if there were any chances, now has for Mr or Miss or maybe MRS falsepositive is is LAYMAN ENOUGH??? Have a great day Peeps :)

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I will post the link and yes where THE ASTERISK starts is to signify the end of a quote. If you find it hard to believe that someone could fail something twice or more, then you obviously just haven't experienced it.

I've failed for cocaine several times without doing ANY. Since I was seventeen. So just chill out and use this mass of information called the internet and Google something yourself. Furthermore if you don't get the gist of the report down there I don't believe you have the capacity to utilize Google.

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Where is your info coming from ? It looks like something copy and pasted and could you please put it in Laymans terms? I can't understand a word at the top I can tell where you started talking it's a complete difference! You know yourself that YES mistakes happen but not over and over....

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--False-positive methadone results with diphenhydramine[15] and doxylamine[16] also have been reported. Daily doses of 100–200 mg of diphenhydramine resulted in false-positive UDS results for three patients.[15] The urine drug concentration needed to show a positive result was 10 mg/L. Doxylamine intoxication resulted in false-positive results for both methadone and opiates when urine samples were checked using EMIT d.a.u (methadone) and EMIT st (opiates) on admission.[16] Opiates were not detected with Abuscreen radioimmunoassay (Roche Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Montclair, NJ) testing. The urine drug concentrations reported were 50 mg/L (for methadone) and 800 mg/L (for opiates).--------

he potential for psychotropic medications to cause false-positive results for methadone was also evaluated.[10] Kinetics Interaction of Microparticles in Solution (KIMS, Roche), a monoclonal antibody assay, identified possible false-positive results for chlorpromazine, clomipramine, and thioridazine. No cross-reactivity was found for other typical antipsychotics (trifluoperazine, fluphenazine, loxapine) or atypical antipsychotic agents (clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone). No false-positive methadone results were found for citalopram, paroxetine, sertraline, or venlafaxine.[10] Quetiapine was associated with false-positive UDS results for methadone in an adolescent population (testing method not provided).[5] Quetiapine monotherapy in three patients was associated with false-positive results for methadone using the Cobas Integra Methadone II test kit (Roche Diagnostics, USA).[19] However, no information on quetiapine metabolites was included.
*There is always a chance for false positives.* Another incident could've occurred that happened to a fellow patient at the clinic I go to. He had a false positive for methadone and swore he had not taken any. Behold the mistake was made in office when his UA was switched with another patient's. This mistake will USUALLY not be voluntarily claimed by your physician office so if you KNOW FOR A FACT that you haven't used ask (you may have to pay out of pocket) for a more in depth LAB test if possible and DO NOT claim guilt just to make the problem go away...this may seem easiest but your physician records follow you around just like a criminal one and you don't want an admission of guilt on it. Good luck!

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Hi Raney, I have heard of people testing positive once for somethinmg they HAVEN'T taken but not twice! Especially for Methadone, there's NOTHING in the world other then the drug itself that can account for that! Has for Benzos yes for sure there's cough syurps Especially NyQuil that causes that, is there anyone that could be putting it in a coffee, a drink or food? I've been on Methadone for 2 years and I tested positive ONCE last March for Benzos and later found out my best friend was sick of testing dirty and I had not one dirty test so she delivered a coffee (she's the only one besides my daughters that I would take any kind of drink from) and I found out she had put a benzo in it! I lost 1 carry for 6 weeks but my Doctor finally believes that I didn't take it myself like he said last week if I had of I would have had more dirty tests I wouldn't have stopped at 1..We talked about people testing dirty and like he said he can take a drug test everyday for the next 10 years and he would NEVER have a dirty test the only way is if it's IN YOUR BODY as your body has no way of making anything other then natural Melatonin itself lol...Always be careful you know yourself drug addicts are NOT believed when it comes to a dirty test :)

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Hey Stephanie, first off I'm glad too see someone else who is intelligent enough to know to treat with mother natures true antibiotics: )

But anyway I take a lot of teas and herbal remedies when possible and I'm not dying in need of a hospital...lol. AnyWHOO I've had false positives ranging from cocaine to benzos before. I KNOW I haven't done any of these things and trying to explain these to an addiction doctor can be useless sometimes but mine is very new age so I actually know he doesn't automatically consider ex addicts to be lying. Thank God. But there are so many ways they can mess these up and per my doctor the only 100% completely accurate way to test is blood. I've tested with urine and oral swabs and have tested levels high enough me and three others should be dead, so demanded a blood/hair and guess what NO COCAINE and BELOW my prescribed amount of suboxone.

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The tylenol Pm has something in it that will give you false positive. Im for sure because it happend to me when i was sick and i did a lot of research.

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I know this was a long time ago, but my issue is basically identical to Nancypants. Form. Canada, on methadone, and just had a second false positive for benzos, and they were never a problem for me. In fact, I wasn't even sure what a benzo was! Lol... Regardless I know they hear every excuse in the book,but I didn't tKe anything along those lines. All I did differently was : had an IUD put in, and suffered from the 24 hour flu. With that I took all natural gravol with Willow Bark and Ginger... And I had a day/night package of Tylenol cough pills. And a glass of wine... Does anybody know if any of these things could excuse this false positive?
My doctor is a great man and I'm confident he won't tAke aWay my carries., he's seen extreme improvements in me in the past year and knows I wouldn't screw it all up over one pill I don't even know what it is..lol
Alas, I'd still love to clear it up.

Any help would be extremely appreciated...

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I was addicted to heroin for 5 years, and previously spent 2 years on a methadone program (it really didn't work for me - was just really using it as an extra little hit, or it could just about get me by in emergencies), and for the last year I have been on suboxone/subutex and it has saved my life.

It really is a wonder drug, if I hadn't been put on buprenorphine, I'd likely have died of an overdose or committed suicide.

Since being put on my prescription, I have submitted to regular drug tests, and at first I was regularly showing up positive for benzos (which I never take).

My key worker advised me that dealers were often cutting the heroin with benzos, which I'm surprised about since it seems a waste of their money when they could just use something like glucose or powdered milk, then again, I guess benzos can give similar effects to opiates.

The test I take tests me for opiates, methadone, buprenorphine, benzos, cocaine, amphetamines and one other. I would give a urine sample to my key worker, and she would dip the tester in to the urine, then we would wait for the double line to indicate a negative result.

I haven't used any heroin (or any other recreational drugs) in around 9 months now, but I have been accused of showing up positive for both opium and benzos in recent months.

On these multi tests, all the results DO NOT come at the same time. After showing up positive for benzos (whilst knowing for sure I had not taken any), I refused to accept the result, and sat with my key worker for close to half an hour, and low and behold, a weak second line finally appeared.

The exact same thing happened with heroin.

If you get tested in the same way I do, DO NOT leave until you get the result you know is correct. These tests are not always instant.

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Elavil or amitriptyline will make you test positive for benzos. I was on it years. Let your doctor know that you're prescribed them and he should understand. If you do have to stop em then get some strategies in place for some mild mood swings. .

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Cough syrup is a big NO_NO!! That's the cause of the positive result for benzos!!

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Wow I was in the exact same situation just last month. I took the pee in the little cup test for my doctor and it came back positive for benzos which I knew beyond a doubt I had not taken. I mean, I'm already on suboxone because of opiates and withdrawal and I've heard withdrawal from benzos like xanax is even worse so why would I ever want that??
Anyway, just like you, I felt like none of the staff believed me that I had not taken anything besides what I'm prescribed, like I'm just a druggie so I can't be trusted or something... If their test comes up positive they automatically send it off to a lab to have a more thorough test done but that would take a week. So again, just like you, I was a nervous wreck all week, everything that could have happened to have that come up positive raced through my mind... One of the receptionists had given me a glass of water to drink before the test, later she mentioned she was prescribed xanax so I even considered the possibility that she put some of hers in my water! Ha sounds crazy now but I was freaking out.
All I could hope was that the lab results would show it was all a mistake. When I went back the next week they kept me waiting for almost an hour, it was awful sitting and waiting and not knowing what the results were. Finally they told me the lab results showed all my tests were actually negative and it was just a false positive all along. Well I had to take another drug screen that day and once again it came up positive but I wasn't worried that time. That result also came back negative from the lab.
It happened again last week! I'm getting tired of it and it's adding extra costs onto an already expensive treatment. I don't have any insurance and these extra drug screens cost $30 each time which really irritates me since it's not my fault their drug tests are wrong.
Long story short, not really... I found your post while searching for reasons drug tests come up with false positives and I've found a few sites that mention the antidepressant sertraline (Zoloft) is often responsible for causing the false positive, and I do take sertraline. I was curious if you are on other prescribed medications and what they are?
I hope all goes well or has gone well with your test, just know there are others going through the same! :)

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I just tested myself twice to see if I would test positive for opitates while taking Tramadol. Strong negative for opiates but strong positive for Benzo's!!!

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Anti inflamitories will show up as benzos and im a 100% on that

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I personally have NEVER heard of someone testing positive for Methadone unless it was consummed are you sure you haven't been around someone whop may have sabatoged you? There's nothing that I know of that would cause a positive but I have heard of a LOT of people that have tested positive for Benzos that claim they haven't taken them, I have been on Methadone for almost 2 years I was having up to 3 tests per week and I have at least 400 clean tests and back in March I tested dirty for Benzos I asked my doctor if anything could cause me to test dirty and there are some sleeping pills Helcion being one that shows in a urine screen has a benzo I later found out that a friend of mine who needless to say is no longer in my life slipped a electrapam 6 in my coffee before bringing it to my home so has a person with has many clean tests as I have I have to go with the It's doubtful you can test positive for something that you haven't consumed!!

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Im so confused and frustrated! I have been on suboxone for 6 years now. We just moved to miami and i am waiting on my husbands health insurance to kick in. I had to find a cheap suboxone dr in the area and pay cash. On my second visit today he told me next time i would need to provide a urine drug screen. I offered to do it immediately knowing i have nothing to hide. My test came back positive for methadone AND xanax!!!! I haven't taken anything other than suboxone and Tylenol pm. I had asked if the Tylenol pm could cause a result like this and he said its not possible! Of course he doesn't believe me, but i have NEVER taken methadone and its been at least 6months since I've taken a xanax. I am scared he's going to refuse to see me again and i will be without a suboxone dr going through withdraws and trying to care for my two daughters. Also my husband will probably not believe me after all that my addiction has put us through. He will be angry to say the least. Please,any ideas or similar situations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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