Fake Greenstone 2mg Xanax Bars? (Top voted first)


I apologize I know the Internet is FLOODED with fake xanax questions, but i can't seem to find a good answer. Lately I've been getting White G3723. I tested myself on a 4 panel and didn't fail for anything but thc (benzodiazepines weren't on the test). The bars are 15mm in length, the G has angles to it like a stop sign and they basically match every visual comparison of an authentic 2mg greenstone bar.

My concerns:
-Dissolves very quickly in water
-Not extremely bitter, but I slightly taste the notorious Xanax taste
-They feel weak even though I have a tolerance, but still make me calm.

My guess is these might be "perfected" or new bars without the drunk feeling, ignorance, etc, because I'm aware greenstone changed their formula in 2014.

Thoughts? Thank you.

37 Replies (2 Pages)

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Finally. Someone that has the same problem. I have the greenstone 2 mg and they do dissolve fast in water and faster than any other brands. Something in it calms me down but doesn't take away my anxiety completely. I took a gg249 and it worked. Took my anxiety away. Im just wondering and hopefully someone knows. What is in these pills? Im starting to doubt that it is alrazopam or maybe not 2mg.

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It's crazy all the fakes that I have seen in the past six months in the New York area. I've seen fake ones that say the real deal Xanax on them and have the two on the back, and I've had real ones before too and their fatter and have an arch to them. The fake ones were flatter on the top, thinner also. I've had fake GED 249's and I've had fake G 3722's also. I have not come across the fake S903 green yet; those are my favorite. The things I've noticed is sometimes they are very easy to break up or sometimes very hard and if you break them in half they don't break in half perfectly like a real one does. I hope this helps because you really need to see the bottle and know for a fact it is coming from a licensed pharmacy because there are so many fakes in the inner cities now. They use all kinds of different binders so I think sometimes it's softer and sometimes it's really really hard. Usually the real ones break right at the lines whereas the fake ones don't break evenly. So in conclusion the real ones usually are a little hard but break up pretty easily. I've had fake ones that are really hard to break up. And ones that are really easy to break up. I would say in the last two years fake ones have increased by about 80% in my area.

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The green pills that are being counterfeited are laced with fentanyl and killing people left and right where i live. I've had ptsd and severe anxiety for a very long time and was prescribed xanax and believe me i know the difference. A couple of days ago i took two which is nothing for me because before i was also prescribes the highest dose of fentanyl and percocet for my back. when i took them i blacked out almost immediately but according to everyone who saw me that day and looked for me because they were worried all said i was doing weird stuff and was like another person. i woke up in my bed the next day freaking out because of all my years of heavy doses of meds that two bars caused me to black out and do the things they said i did that day. The white bars that say xanax on the front and a two on the back the police warned are counterfeit and laced with fentanyl but I've taken plenty of those and like other people on this post are saying that they just feel different. More like a pick me up instead of that foggy sleepy xanax feeling, but they caused me to repeatedly fail a drug panel for six weeks when they are usually out of my body in no time. People please be very careful because its getting serious and people are dropping like flies.

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Lots of Pills are recalled all the time, much like Cars. Greenstone Alprazolam is highly respected. You must remember these Psychotropic medications are made to strict standards and will vary from time to time in potency. It quite possible this can be all in your mind?

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R they thick or thin the green rectangle alprazolam 2 mg

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It is NOT in my mind. And NO the Mylan does NOT work for me! It's ridiculous for you to assume that.

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Re: jon (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I just got a green one. It's not the same green and has like speckles or something. It's a darker green. I took two and don't feel s***.

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Re: jon (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

The green ones, the two mg green bars, the fake ones look real unless u have a fake one and a real one to compare the difference. The real ones are thinner, just better put together. But the best way for me to test them is to keep the fake ones and when I get real ones, break a little piece off of both and put them in different spoons. Put about 3-4 drops of water and wait about ten seconds. Stick your finger on the pill n apply a little pressure and if it crumbles immediately throw that b**** out. If it takes a few minutes to dissolve, ur good to go, it works for me. I just know that’s how I can tell, but I can also tell by just looking now. If they look Bootleg they probably are. Real chalky.

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What type of formula change did Greenstone make? I personally felt they are fine although any pill can be counterfeited.

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All I know is apparently Pzfier took them over and since 2/14 they have been "less efficient" ever since apparently, and I've heard of Pzfier doing recalls on low potent Xanax so I guesse my question has been answered.

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The GG249 bars you speak of do reportedly contain 2mgs of Alprazolam. However the manufacturer is listed as Sandoz and not Greenstone for these ones in particular. This can be verified with the following National Drug Code of 00781-1089.

Something else that's interesting to note is that there are rumors of generic drugs (such as GG249) having up to a plus or minus 20% margin in active ingredients vs what's stated on the label. I'm not saying this is fact, but if it is it may mean that a 2mg tablet could actually contain anywhere from a 1.6mg to 2.4mg dosage (my guess would be the former based on feedback I'm seeing here).

Just as an example, NIH.gov shows some proof of this rumor in various types of pain medication tablets like Oxycodone HCL 10mg only being equivalent to 8.9637mgs at: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=70910da5-d785-38ad-7a91-1dce7d461e9a - Although I speculate if this could be due to a lesser percentage of bioavailability?

Back on topic, I know you asked 'what is in these pills?' Well the GG 249 pill also contains the following set of Inactive Ingredients: cellulose, microcrystalline + docusate sodium + lactose monohydrate + magnesium stearate + sodium benzoate + corn starch

Couple these different binders and fillers with the idea that there's also a probability of less active ingredients and I could see why people are noticing a decreased efficacy in comparison with other brands/generics or separate batches with better quality control.

I hope you're able to find a more suitable brand that you can count on...

Best regards!

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The hard green s903 2mg bars r from Mexico...they were real xanax at one point but No one is saying anything about the fact that they have a very short shelf life before they metabolize chemically. They sell them to pharmacies in Mexico who in turn crush down thousands at a time and then cut the powder with a baby laxative and repress them...so they r kinda real and fake at the same time...those r the very hard ones...any color that is hard is the same deal...100% real ones will easily disolve in your mouth and taste right not like chalk...they r every where in the U.S... and ur lucky if there is half the amount of xanax in them as they should have. The green ones r the best of the repressed and cut ones though.

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I have CRPS and Ptsd, and wear these damn fentanyl patches to deal w/ it. Wanna know about pain, beyond pain, check out mcgill pain index, crps/rsd/causalgia will be there...and no one knows what the f*** it is...I'm talkin' about the "medical" industry.

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The ones I just got are thin and taste chalky. Nothing like my yellows from the pharmacy.

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I think they are pressed. I've had pressed ones that worked, but not as well. No more favors coming out of my script. I took 2 of the greens and one of my real yellows. I'm not tired, relaxed or have the munchies.

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You are partly right but wrong about what's in them. You have obviously not got hold of any with fentanyl. Those Q the ones coming from Mexico where fentanyl can be obtained in huge quantities of powder form. People get caught testing smuggle that fentanyl over here to.. the lines you are talking about are probably pressed in someone's basement here. I'm the states. I have one helm of a tolerance and can easily consume enough to put down an elephant but those greens ones oppened eyes. Some people are dumb and actually want them because they know relay are killing people

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My pharmacy was giving me the generic Xanax (Alprazolam) made by Sandoz that worked great. They just switched to Mylan and they don't help me at all!!
The pharmacist was very rude and said they couldn't change it. Being that this is for my mental health you would think they would be more helpful. I'm researching my legal rights. And I notified my doctor.

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Exactly, I'm doubting it all. Last 2 scripts have been complete bulls***. Xanax should not make you sweat. Not on Any other drugs. These are fake, and if not they finally found a way to f*** up the best thing out there??

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Pleaae show me a picturebof fake xanex green bar and real what is cor differnece numbers i need a fake pic and a real pic

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They are fake always thick I promise you the bitter no taste gives it away don't eat the thin ones

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