Fazaclo And Weight Gain (Top voted first)


I have been on Fazaclo for 8 years. I have been dealing with an increase appitite that my doctors says is from the Fazaclo. I fight with food every day, all day long. I gained approx. 40 pounds and cannot get the weight off. I take this med for bi polar. Everytime I try and talk to my doctor he just commends me for sticking with it. I don't want to stick with it. I want off this drug and he will not work with me on how to wean off of it. Any suggestions?

2 Replies

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Hello, Prisilla! How are you doing? Sorry about the problems that you're having.

Yes, weight gain is a very well known side effect of Fazaclo, along with night-time drooling, muscle stiffness, sedation and tremors.

Learn more Fazaclo details here.

Since it is such a potent medication, tapering would have to be done very, very slowly to prevent adverse reactions, but I am not sure of the exact procedure used.

Do you think you may be able to consult a different doctor for assistance?

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Dear Verwon, Thank you for responding. Yes, I have all those side effects! I actually never thought of consulting another doctor for help, so thanks for the suggestion. When I see my doctor this month I will let him know if he doesn't work with me, I will seek the help some where else. (I say that, but every time I see my doctor I feel like he manipulates me and all the power I think I have when I go in I loose by the time I leave his office)

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