Estropipate Availability 2019 (Top voted first)


Did they stop making Estropipate? If not, can anyone please tell me about its current availability?

I love this drug. Been taking it for over 30 years. Now I cannot find it anywhere. I have to take estrogen and progestin. Age 75. It made me young and never got any cancer. Please bring it back, even if costs more.

6 Replies

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Sorry to hear about your trouble getting it filled. Can you list which dosage / manufacturer you were taking before? You can see a list on the Estropipate NDC page. It might be possible to try and contact them and see what's going on. Also, I am unfortunately seeing this drug listed as "discontinued" on a drug shortage page from the FDA, but very few details are listed, so I'm not sure where they are publishing that info from.
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Same here Ruth. It's a safe product, Yam based. Very beneficial in controlling symptoms of menopause without Cancer concerns.

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See if you have a "compounding pharmacy" in your area. They might be able to help. I get my natural thyroid "Naturethroid," from one where I live in AZ.

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Ruth, I understand that Estropipate/Ogen is no longer being manufactured. The alternative is Estrodiol and that is not recommended for anyone who has had a heart attack. Sooo, I no longer take estrogen after 47 years. I have never had cancer anywhere in my body, so I don't know who the powers that be are who took it away from us, but they didn't ask you or me how we felt about it, did they???? I'd sure like to know who is in their research base and what their genetic predisposition is for cancer. And yes, I do feel and look older since I had to stop taking it. My skin has changed a lot, among other things. My Mother took estrogen until she was 90+ for her "mood changes". There are benefits that we are missing out on because someone decided not to make it anymore. Shame on them.

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I cannot find out why they stopped making estropiate, so no new news.

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Is Estropipate available in Canada and where can I get this hormone?

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