Estratest Is Back (Page 2)
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I had to change hormone treatments as Estratest was taken off the market. I have been taking estradiol for a year now and was not happy with it. Last week I had to see my doctor for yearly visit and guess what?...Estratest IS back on the market. The same dark green pills as before and I am ecstatic. I have my prescription filled at our local CVS instead of Wal Mart, where I always seemed to get partial script. Hopefully now I will get my libido back and the relationship I used to have with my husband. Just wanted to let other women out there know that Estratest is truly back!!

44 Replies (3 Pages)

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Covaryx is not the same as Estratest. I was taken off of Estratest after 14 years. I felt great with no side effects. Dr. was concerned that at my age(66) it was time to go off of HRT and concerned about breast cancer. This was not my decision. I started having anxiety, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, vaginal prolapse, no libido. New dr. prescribed Covaryx but it did not help. My dr. Is now scheduling surgery for the prolapse. This never would have happened if I had not stopped taking Estratest.

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Ask the pharmacist....He/she may give you the name of a doctor that prescribes it....It's a difficult to find doctors that are in favor of hormones....I'm so happyt oon Estratest..

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I've been in covaryx for two years now since estratest was no longer available. It works fine. Problem now is moving to a new state and finding a doctor that will even prescribe HT. I've been on this since 1994 after a complete hysterectomy.

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I am now getting extremely from Walmart. That goodness it's back. It cost 85.00 but is worth it.

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I had the same problem with Walmart. They only gave me 20 pills! My family physcian is hesitant to prescribe. I guess I will have to go back to the OB/GYN. I am thrilled they are back. They seriously make a HUGE difference to the libido.

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This is wonderful to see I am not the only one that feels like the rest of you do!!! Want my little dark green pill back, to get my life back!!!

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Me too....I have to pay more =my insurance doesn't cover.....The best medication I've ever been on.....and I'm 75!!!

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My insurance covered it! 90 day supply for $5.00 co-pay. I just had a check-up at the Mayo Clinic and they advised it was okay to stay on it. I am SO glad it is back. It really made a difference in my libido.

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I hope you're right. I am about to check with my pharmacist. Thanks for the info.

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I Love Estratest - Have been on it for about 4-5 years. It used to be available at most pharmacies for a low price....$30 for 3 month supply. Now I get it at Walmart for $54.00 for 90 pills. The price varies a lot - some pharmacies charge $192.00 for 90 pills. Insurance does not generally cover this drug. Thank goodness it's still around.

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I have been on Estratest for 15 years or more. I was just told by my gynecologist that it has been discontinued. I am very, very upset. The medication is a miracle. I am about to panic about having to change to some bio identical medication. We women need to protest.

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I was so excited to see your message, but could not find estratest. Do know where I can find it?

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Are you sure? Where do you find it? I am healthy and drug free except for when this was discontinued. Since then, I've been suffering!
PLEASE! Any more information? {edited for privacy}. Thank you!!!!

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I hope this is true. I haven't found it for three years, and despite efforts to get more have not been able to!

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I remained on estratest well into my 70's along with a form of promethium. Then I read that there was a higher incidence of mental deterioration among women on HT. Going off it for over 5 years, I dried up TERRIBLY ( skin, eyes, especially mouth), lost over 2 inches in height. After slowly going back on them a year and a half ago, one night 2 months ago I started bleeding heavily. This lasted for over a week. Yes, I went off the harmonies until it could be determined that I don't have cancer. Now I'm trying to get back on them because for the past week my bones are aching all over me body , especially my back... across the shoulders, down the right part of the back and across my lower back from right side to left, not to mention other joints like right knee and both feet ( the feet part I had before and that hurt gets totally lost in the back pain. I just turned 80. My bone density in July was excellent. My blood profile I would challenge against anyone at any age. Other than HT, I take No MEDICATIONS!!! The pharmacist just refilled my RX, but with something called Covary. It's suppose to be the same thing. Any comments?

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I agree!!! Estratest did miracles for me. After stopping it, I have had break thru bleeding, cramps and all kinds of problems. Also, my libido is way down. I am so ecstatic that it is back on the market. The Mayo Clinic gave me my first prescription and they have watched me closely! I am 64 years old and still have a very active intimate life. I had to have a biopsy to make sure I did not have endometrial cancer. It was quite a scare. The problem all stemmed from having to take the lower dosage of estratest due to the FDA taking it off the market.

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Did it cost alot more than the generic form? Walgreens is trying to order some for me because our CVS didn't carry it.

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I have heard wonderful things about Estratest and wanted to ask my doctor for a prescription for help with my very disappointing lost of my libido due to painful intercourse due to dryness from menopause. But when I called the Seattle Costco Pharmacy as well as a CVC pharmacy here in Seattle they don't carry it. Any suggestions?

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Solvay Pharmaceuticals manufacture estratest or this is what I have found when I did research. If you have a Costco in your area they can order it I believe. Sorry I have no other advice or information. Wish I could help.

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Hello, I live near Los Angeles and I can't find anyplace that has Estratest. I really need this pill, I have been taking EST ESTEGN METHTESTEST but it's not the same, I'm having hot flashes, ect.
Please let me know where I can get Estratest.
Thank you

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